The webmasters are responsible for the management of all websites on the mcgilleus.ca domain. Currently, there are over 50 distinct sites under management. These sites are for EUS clubs, design teams, committees, councils, and services.
Office Hours
The 2017-2018 webmaster office hours are Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm in InfoSys (in the EUS mall).
2016-2017 | 2017-2018 |
Alex Hale | Thomas Hillyer |
Thomas Hillyer | Justin Lei |
Project | Contributors | Date |
Frosh 2017 | Thomas Hillyer, Justin Lei, Alex Hale | 2017 Summer |
Frosh 2016 | Alex Hale, Thomas Hillyer, Lou Bernardi | 2016 Summer |
The Union (WIP) | Alex Hale, Thomas Hillyer | 2016 - |
Event | O-Week | https://oweek.mcgilleus.ca | Thomas Hillyer, Justin Lei |
Event | Frosh 2016 | https://frosh2017.mcgilleus.ca | Thomas Hillyer, Justin Lei |
Event | Frosh 2017 | https://frosh2016.mcgilleus.ca | Alex Hale, Thomas Hillyer, Lou Bernardi |
Service | The Union | https://union.mcgilleus.ca | Alex Hale, Thomas Hillyer |
Service | Axolotl | https://axolotl.mcgilleus.ca | |
Design Team | Baja | https://baja.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | Bookings | https://bookings.mcgilleus.ca | |
Event | CodeJam | https://codejam.mcgilleus.ca | |
Department | ECSESS | https://ecsess.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | Elections | https://elections.mcgilleus.ca | Malcolm McClintock |
Event | Engineering Games | https://enggames.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | Engineering Peer Tutoring Service | https://epts.mcgilleus.ca | Garret Holt |
Service | Frostbite | https://frostbite.mcgilleus.ca | Richard Wu |
Event | McGill Engineering Competition | https://mec.mcgilleus.ca | Andrei Ungur |
Club | National Organization for Business and Engineering | https://nobe.mcgilleus.ca | |
Event | Open Air Pub | https://oap.mcgilleus.ca | Eric Gubiani, Justin Dalrymple |
Service | Plumber's Plates | https://plates.mcgilleus.ca | |
Publication | Plumber's Ledger | https://ledger.mcgilleus.ca | |
Club | Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering | https://powe.mcgilleus.ca | |
Club | Queer Engineer | https://queerengineer.mcgilleus.ca | |
Club | Reboot | https://reboot.mcgilleus.ca | |
Event | EUS SkiTrip | https://skitrip.mcgilleus.ca | |
Club | Sustainability in Engineering at McGill | https://seam.mcgilleus.ca | |
Event | TechWeek | https://techweek.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | EUS Pipeline | https://pipeline.mcgilleus.ca | |
Department | Materials | https://meus.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | The Factory | https://thefactory.mcgilleus.ca | |
Department | Architecture Department | https://asa.mcgilleus.ca | |
Service | EUS Wiki | https://wiki.mcgilleus.ca | Malcolm McClintock |
Governance | Bylaws | https://bylaws.mcgilleus.ca | Malcolm McClintock |
Service | Calendar | https://calendar.mcgilleus.ca | Malcolm McClintock |
Design Team | Concrete Canoe | https://canoe.mcgilleus.ca | Thomas Hillyer |
Department | Civil | https://ceus.mcgilleus.ca | |
Governance | Council Minutes | https://council.mcgilleus.ca | Malcolm McClintock |
Service | The Cube | https://cube.mcgilleus.ca | |
Event | E-Week | https://eweek.mcgilleus.ca | |
Department | Mechanical | https://mame.mcgilleus.ca | |
Publication | Plumber's Faucet | https://faucet.mcgilleus.ca | |
Club | Aero | https://aero.mcgilleus.ca | Callaghan Wilmott |
Design Team | Bridge Building | https://bridgebuilding.mcgilleus.ca | |
Department | BioEngineering | https://buss.mcgilleus.ca | Adam Melnyk |