Architecture Students' Association

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Asalogo 0.jpg
ASA Head Office 815 Sherbrooke Street West
MacDonald Harrington Building
Montréal, Québec H3A 2K6
Phone 514.398.6700
ASA Council
President Zachary Mathurin
VP Academic Lin Sen Chai
VP Internal Affairs Francis Di Pietro,
Hanna Hentze
VP External Olivier Ducharme
VP Finance Sara Zaidan
VP Communications Sarah Athena Beauchamp Evdokias
Lecture Coordinator Thibaud Gagnon,
Odile Lamy
Supply Store Reps Alyson Stein,
Alexia Harvey
Cellar Manager Kevin Khoury
U0 Rep Yue Zeng
U1 Reps Daria Khadir, Dabin Choi
U2 Reps Cicily Du, Evan Eichenbaum
U3 Reps Laurie Charron-Lozeau, Marine de Carbonnieres

The McGill Architecture Students Association (ASA) is the official representation of all undergraduate architecture students at McGill. Since 2011, the ASA is part of the McGill Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). The ASA is also part of the Canadian Architecture Students' Association (CASA). If you are enrolled in the B.Sc.(Arch) program at McGill, you are a member of the ASA. The ASA Council is the governing body of the ASA and is comprised of 19 members, all undergraduate students.
Besides organizing events and fun activities, the ASA acts as a liaison between the professors, staff and administration of the School of Architecture and its undergraduate students. At the faculty level, the ASA has 4 seats on the council of the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). The ASA also works to connect architecture students together with the larger creative and architecture community in Montreal.

Mission Statement

The ASA is mandated to ensure the quality of student life for all its members by promoting and protected the needs and interests of students, providing social, cultural and academic activities and acting as a representation of its members within and outside the University.


The constitution was last amended on March 23, 2012, and can be found here.


The ASA Bylaws dictate administrative information, roles of the executive committee and class reps, and other governing bodies under the council.

Quality of Education Committee

The Quality of Education Committee(QEC, not to be confused with the Quebec Engineering Competition), or Committee pour la qualite de l'education(C.q.é), meets on a monthly basis to academically advocate for the undergraduate population. The QEC is chaired by the ASA VP Academic, who is charged with the general logistics of the group. Any undergraduate student in Architecture is permitted to attend the meetings as a non-voting guest.

Graduate Students

The Graduate Architecture Students' Association (GASA) has recently been established. Until 2010, the ASA also represented graduate architecture students at McGill. When architecture students decided to join the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) in November 2010, the ASA was forced to change its constitution to reflect the undergraduate nature of its new parent organisation.