Constitution of the Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society

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CONSTITUTION of the CO-OP MINING ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE SOCIETY of McGILL UNIVERSITY Original Version 1998 Amended: March 2002, March 2005, April 2010, March 2013, March 2014, March 2016

Article 1 Name

1.1 The official name of the society shall be the “Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society”, hereinafter referred to as the CMEUS.

Article 2 Membership

2.1 The Regular Members of the CMEUS shall be all students currently registered at McGill University in the Undergraduate Mining Engineering Co-op Program.
2.2 Membership remains valid if the student is on exchange or internship.
2.3 An active member of the CMEUS shall be any regular member which is registered as a full time student at McGill for the current semester.

Article 3 Purpose

3.1 The purpose of the CMEUS shall be:
i) To regroup in association the Regular Members of the CMEUS;
ii) To represent and promote the views of its members, and to implement academic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, social, and other programs of interest to its members;
iii) To engage in other such activities and undertakings as may seem appropriate to the society;
iv) To ensure the best interests of the members of CMEUS by cooperating with, but not limited to cooperating with, staff within mining engineering, the staff of the faculty of engineering, the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University, and the McGill Community.

Article 4 Membership Fees

4.1 A fee for all members may be implemented should the Executive Committee of the CMEUS find it appropriate to do so.
4.2 Any fee installment must be justified by the Executive Committee of the CMEUS to its Regular Members before collection of said fee.
4.3 Privileges for paying these fees can be, but are not limited to:
i) The use of the computer facilities;
ii) Reduced costs for social and sports events organized or incentivized by the CMEUS.

Article 5 Executive Committee

5.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
i) The President;
ii) The Vice-President Internal;
iii) The Vice-President Finance;
iv) The Vice-President Academic;
v) The Vice-President General Services.
vi) The Vice-President External
5.2 The candidates for positions of the Executive Committee must be active members of the CMEUS and remain active for the duration of their mandate’s academic year.
5.3 The candidates must be able to perform their respective duties as outlined in Article 7.
5.4 Should a member of the executive committee not remain an active member of the CMEUS for any reason, he must and resign from his position.
5.5 Should a post become vacant due to impeachment or resignation of an Executive Committee member, the remaining members shall appoint a replacement, allowing two weeks for CMEUS members to submit their candidacy.
5.6 Replacements for executive members that resign are selected from the candidates by the CMEUS executive committee based on the capacities of the candidates to perform the duties related to the position that is being filled as outlined in Article 7.
5.7 The terms of office of the Executive Committee shall be from September
1st to August 31st with the exception of the term of office of the Vice-President Internal, which may be vacant from September 1st to September 30th.

Article 6 Council

6.1 The CMEUS council shall consist of:
i) The Executive Committee;
ii) The Class Representatives from each respective year (U1, U2, U3 and U4).
6.2 The terms of office for the Class Representatives shall be in accordance with the constitution of the EUS.
6.3 Regular members of the CMEUS cannot hold more than 1 position on council.

Article 7 Powers and Duties

7.1 The CMEUS Council shall, to the best of its ability, fulfill the objective of the CMEUS as described in

Article 3 and uphold the constitution of the CMEUS

7.2 The CMEUS Council is responsible for the organization of, but not limited to, the following events: initiation, orientation, end of semester dinners and CMEUS organized blues pub;
7.3 The President shall:
i) Be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs of the CMEUS;
ii) Preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the CMEUS council;
iii) Attend the Engineering Undergraduate Society Council meetings;
iv) Represent the CMEUS in outside groups;
v) Act as Chief Returning Officer and organize the elections occurring during his term of office;
vi) Not run for a CMEUS executive position the following year;
vii) Assist and supervise the council members with their powers and duties;
viii) Make sure that the CMEUS constitution is respected.
7.4 The Vice-President Internal shall:
i) Be a first year student in the CMEUS;
ii) Be appointed by the Executive Committee before September
iii) Assist with the President’s duties;
iv) Inform all CMEUS constituents of matters regarding CMEUS activities through newsletter, social media or other form of communication;
v) Assist the Executive Committee in any way possible in order to acquire the proper experience to ensure continuity between different terms of office.
7.5 The Vice-President Finance shall:
i) Collect student fees;
ii) Keep a proper account of all financial affairs of the CMEUS, and report and/or present financial statements at meetings as required;
iii) be the sole signatory for EUS cheque requests;
iv) Prepare, in co-operation with the Executive Committee, the annual budget of the CMEUS;
v) Ensure the financial organization of, but not limited to, the following events: Initiation, Orientation, end of semester dinners, CMEUS organized blues pubs.
7.6 The Vice-President Academic shall:
i) Work with academic staff of McGill University to aid CMEUS members in receiving adequate and fair academic formation;
ii) Pass students’ suggestions and complaints to the faculty in a manner making sure that they are heard;
iii) Represent the CMEUS at required academic meetings;
iv) Provide aid and Guidance to CMEUS members on academic and professional issues.
7.7 The Vice-President External shall:
i) Promote the participation of CMEUS members to events organized by external groups such as, but not limited to: the Broomball league, the Flagball league, E-Week, CIM dinners and Conferences.
ii) In conjunction with the President, represent the CMEUS in outside bodies and individuals;
iii) Be in communication with representative from other departments (i.e. Material engineering) within the faculty of engineering to organize events that promote networking;
iv) Be in communication with representatives from the mining industry across Canada to promote networking and professional development.
v) Be in communication with representative from other mining engineering programs across the province (i.e. Polytechnique and Laval University) to organize events to promote networking with other future mining engineers.
vi) Assist in all matters regarding sponsorship upon request of organizations such as, but not limited to, Canadian Mining Games, National Mining Competition, and SME Design Competition.
vii) Promote scholarships provided by outside bodies
7.8 The Vice-President General Services shall:
i) Ensure the general cleanliness of undergraduate Mining Engineering Study Space;
ii) Ensure that any general services that are possible to be provided to CMEUS members are offered;
iii) Ensure that funds offer by EUS through the Space Improvement Fund are used to improved the Mining Engineering Study Space;
7.9 Class Representatives shall:
i) Fulfill the mandate provided to them by the EUS.
ii) Attend the Engineering Undergraduate Society council meetings or ensure a proxy;
iii) Inform classmates of ongoing events throughout the year.
iv) Be an intermediate between the regular CMEUS members and the Executive Committee to ensures proper communication between these two bodies
v) Assist the executive committee in its tasks if necessary.

Article 8 Finance

8.1 All CMEUS funds are under control of the Vice-President Finance in accounts managed by EUS.
8.2 All profits made from CMEUS activities and fundraising must go into the CMEUS account and can only be used for activities pertaining to the CMEUS.
8.3 All spending must be justified too and approved by the CMEUS council.
8.4 The CMEUS shall not budget a deficit.
8.5 The yearly CMEUS budget shall be approved by a two-third majority of the CMEUS council to come into effect.
8.6 The CMEUS must have a float of at least 2000$ in the account at the end of their mandate.
i) An exception to this can be made in case of extreme measures.

Article 9 Meeting of the Executive Committee

9.1 The Executive Committee may meet anytime during the Academic Year.
9.2 All motions must be made at council meetings.

Article 10 Meeting of Council

10.1 The CMEUS council shall hold council meetings at least once every four (4) weeks while classes are in session during the Academic Year.
10.2 All Executive Committee members must be present.
10.3 Class Representatives must be present unless they are on internship or exchange away from McGill.
10.4 Each member of the Executive Committee has a single vote.
10.5 Class Representatives represent the voice of their Constituents.
10.6 A Simple majority is required for a motion to pass. Abstentions are not allowed.
10.7 In case of a tie vote, the motion is lost.
10.8 The rules of procedure for all meetings of the CMEUS Council shall be the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Article 11 General Assembly

11.1 General assembly of the CMEUS may be called by the Executive Committee.
11.2 Extraordinary General Assembly may be called with the written request of five CMEUS members.
11.3 The CMEUS must have one annual General Assembly per Academic Year.
11.4 The annual General Assembly must take place before the CMEUS election for the following year.
11.5 Five school days’ notice must be given before all General Assembly.
11.6 Quorum at all General Assembly of the CMEUS will be forty percent of CMEUS active members.
11.7 The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at a General Assembly.
11.8 Notice of motion indicating the intention of any proposed amendments to the Constitution of the CMEUS is required five school days in advance of the General Assembly at which the Constitution is to be discussed.
11.9 The President shall chair General Assemblies.

Article 12 Elections

12.1 The following shall be elected by and from the regular members of the CMEUS.
i) The President;
ii) The Vice-President General Services
iii) The Vice-President Finance
iv) The Vice-President Academic
v) Vice-President External
vi) CIM Student Chapter President
12.2 Each regular member has one vote per position.
12.3 Elections shall be held before the first of March for the Executive Committee positions, excluding the Vice-President Internal which will be held before September 30th.
12.4 Two weeks’ notice shall be given before elections are to be held.
12.5 Nomination period for all positions end two days prior to the elections.
12.6 Election of Class Representatives shall follow the procedures and rules set by the EUS Constitution. (November 2007, Articles 52 – 54)
12.7 If a position would remain vacant because no CMEUS presented their candidacy, the executive committee must try to fill the position the following semester according to article 5.6 and 5.7.

Article 13 Member Code of Conduct

13.1 All members of the CMEUS shall be obligated to conform to the CMEUS constitution.
13.2 No member is empowered to make purchases in the name of the CMEUS or to financially obligate the CMEUS in any way, until such permission has been granted to so purchase or obligate the CMEUS by the Council of the CMEUS.
13.3 No Regular Member is empowered to act as an agent of the CMEUS unless permission to act so has been granted at a meeting of Council. Members of the Executive Position must always act as agents of the CMEUS in their duties.
13.4 Subject to ratification of the CMEUS Council, any Regular Member of the CMEUS may be indemnified and saved harmless from and against any liability and costs, charges, and expenses that they sustain or incur in respect of the execution of a mandate of the Society, with the exception of cases of negligence.

Article 14 Impeachments

14.1 A member of the Executive Committee or the CIM Chapter President may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the Constitution, or delinquency of duties.
14.2 A member of the Executive Committee receives a warning when at least two (2) CMEUS Class Representatives present valid evidence at a council meeting supporting clause 14.1.
14.3 The consequences of a warning are:
i) First warning: no consequences;
ii) Second warning: 2 weeks of review period, where the council member cannot be impeached;
iii) Third warning: removal from office by two thirds majority of council.
14.4 Removal of office of an Executive can also occur with a two-thirds majority vote of a general meeting consisting of at least fifty percent of the members of CMEUS.
14.5 During suspension or removal of an Executive from office, the Executive committee is responsible to ensure thorough review of the executive in question during a 2 week protected period.
i) A thorough review will be held at a CMEUS council meeting and will consider the executive in question’s past actions as well as goals to improve.
14.6 During suspension or removal of an Executive from office, this person’s vote on council is uncast. Majority rules still apply.
14.7 Removal of office of a Class representative must be done according to the EUS Constitution (

Article 40 November 2007).

14.8 Articles 14.3, 14.4, 14.5 also apply to CIM Student Chapter president

Article 15 Superseding Clause

15.1 This constitution supersedes and repeals all previous Constitutions of the CMEUS.

Article 16 Coming into Force

16.1 This constitution came into force in 1998. Amendments to this constitution shall come into force on a date determined when amendments are to be past.
16.2 The March 2013 constitutional amendments came into force on September 1st, 2013.

Article 17 The McGill CIM Student Chapter

17.1 The McGill CIM Student Chapter is independent of the CMEUS.
17.2 The McGill CIM student Chapter is run by the CIM student Chapter President.
17.3 The President of the CIM Chapter must:
i) Be elected like all executive committee members according to Article 12;
ii) Be a regular member of the CMEUS for the duration of its mandate. He does not have to be active member for the duration of its mandate;
iii) Organize events, in partnership with the CIM chapter Montreal, to promote the mining industry amongst mining and material engineering student at McGill;
iv) Be responsible to keep good communication between the CIM McGill Student Chapter and other CIM chapter across the country when necessary;
v) Advertise scholarship offered by the CIM;
vi) Report his work to the executive committee on a regular basis.
17.4 The CIM Chapter President is bounded by the present constitution and all rules regarding the code of conduct, procedure of impeachment and replacement as well as those regarding duration of the mandate applies.
17.5 The CIM Chapter President is not allowed to vote during CMEUS council meeting.
17.6 The CIM Chapter President is part of the executive committee.

Article 18 The Mining Games Delegation

18.1 The Delegation is an independent association from the CMEUS and not overseen by the CMEUS since non-regular members of the CMEUS can be part of the delegation.
i) See McGill Mining Games Constitution for details

Article 19 Interpretation

19.1 As per the EUS Constitution, in the event of conflict between this Constitution and the Constitution and Bylaws of the EUS, the Constitution and Bylaws of the EUS shall take precedence.
19.2 Definitions
i) The Academic Year shall begin the first day of classes of the Fall semester and end the last day of the final examinations of the Winter semester as defined by the McGill calendar.
ii) A Constituency shall be defined as all students of a department who began their studies in that department during the Academic Year.
iii) A Constituent shall be defined as a member of a Constituency.
iv) The EUS shall be the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University.
v) The McGill Community shall be defined as the staff, students, and faculty of McGill University.
vi) A School Day shall be defined as any day when classes are held according to the McGill calendar.
vii) A Simple Majority is defined as fifty percent (50%) of votes cast in a Motion plus one. An abstention shall not count as a vote cast.
viii) A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority shall be defined as two-thirds (2/3) of votes cast. An abstention shall not count as a vote cast.

Article 20 Initiation of the Referendum Procedure

20.1 A referendum may be initiated by
i) a resolution of the CMEUS Council;
ii) a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the Members of the CMEUS
20.2 In the case of a referendum initiated by a resolution of the CMEUS Council, the motion calling for a referendum, along with the proposed referendum question, must be presented in writing at a meeting of the CMEUS Council. The motion and question shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the CMEUS Council and, if passed, the referendum question shall be put to the Regular Members of the CMEUS.

Article 21 Referendum Procedures

21.1 The referendum shall be conducted in accordance with the Referendum Bylaws of the CMEUS. It is the responsibility of the DRO to ensure that the referendum is in accordance with the Referendum Bylaws of the CMEUS.
21.2 Notice of the referendum question, voting location and voting hours must be posted no less than six (6) school days before the date of referendum.
21.3 Only Regular Members of the CMEUS shall be allowed to vote in a referendum of the CMEUS.
21.4 A referendum shall only be considered valid if a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the Regular Members of the CMEUS vote.
21.5 A simple majority of voters shall be deemed sufficient to carry the referendum, unless a higher majority is required by the Constitution, the Bylaws of the CMEUS, or in the motion calling for the referendum.

Article 22 Effect of a Referendum

22.1 The result of a referendum is binding and takes precedence over decisions of the Executive Committee, the CMEUS Council and a General Assembly.