Architecture Students' Association Constitution
- 1 Article 1: Name
- 2 Article 2: Membership
- 3 Article 3: Objectives
- 4 Article 4: Rights and Obligations of Members
- 5 Article 5: Society Fees
- 6 Article 6: 4.0 - Financial Regulations
- 7 Article 7:5.0 Organization of the A.S.A
- 8 =Article 8:6.0 Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
- 8.1 Article 9:9.0 Powers and Duties of the Class Representatives
- 8.2 Article 10: Powers and Duties of the Coordinators
- 8.3 Article 118.0 Election of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers, Directors and Auxiliary Officers
- 8.4 Article 129.0 Election of Class Representatives
- 8.5 Article 1311.0 Removal from Office
- 8.6 Article 1413.0 Amendment to Constitution and Bylaws
- 8.7 Article 15.0 Administrative Details
Article 1: Name
- 1.1 The name of the company shall be, in English, "Architecture Students' Association of McGill University.", and, in French, "Association des étudiants et étudiantes en architecture de l'Université McGill".
- 1.2 The names in section 1.1 may be abbreviated as "A.S.A." or "ASA" and "A.É.É.A." or “AÉÉA”, and the use of such abbreviations shall not compromise the official nature of any document entered into by the A.S.A.
- 1.3 All of the names in section 1.1 and 1.2 are equally official, and documents executed or acts performed under either name are equally binding upon the A.S.A.
Article 2: Membership
- 2.1 The Members of the A.S.A. shall be any students registered in an undergraduate program in the School of Architecture at McGill University, including part-time and full-time students. shall be Members of the A.S.A.
Article 3: Objectives
- 2.1 The A.S.A. is recognized by its Members, who are described at section 23.0, and who wish that the A.S.A. be recognized by the Engineering Undergraduate Society
(EUS), Students' Society of McGill University(SSMU), the Post-Graduate Students' Society, McGill University and all of its governing bodies, the federal, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as any non-governmental or international bodies which may be from time to time asked to recognize a group representing the members of the A.S.A. as defined in section 3.0.
- 2.12 The A.S.A. Council, as defined by Articlesection 5.0, is mandated to ensure the quality of student life for all its members by:
- 2.12.1 promoting and protecting the needs and interests of the students through representation on University administrative bodies;
- 2.12.2 providing social, cultural and academic activities that support learning inside and outside the classroom and ensure that all students have equal opportunities for both learning and relaxation;
- 2.12.3 acting as an advocate for its members within the structure of the University, as well as representing their interests outside the University.
- 2.3 The responsibility of the A.S.A. Council shall be:
- 2.3.1 to promote and maintain democratic student government
- 2.3.2 to be active within the community both inside the School and out
- 2.3.3 to be informed of current news within the School of Architecture, University and the architectural community on the whole
- 3.0 Membership
- 3.1 All students registered in an undergraduate program in the School of Architecture at McGill University shall be Members of the A.S.A.
Article 4: Rights and Obligations of Members
- 4.1 The rights of the Members shall include:
- 4.1.1 The right to vote in A.S.A. elections, referenda, and general assemblies;
- 4.1.2 The right to stand for election to the ASA Council;
- 4.1.3 The right to apply for a Coordinator position;
- 4.1.4 The right to attend general assemblies and Council meetings of the A.S.A.;
- 4.1.5 The right to initiate general assemblies;
- 4.1.6 The right to move or second motions at general assemblies;
- 4.1.7 The right to speak for or against any motion presented at general assemblies.Council;
- 4.1.3 The right to apply for a Coordinator position;
- 4.1.4 The right to attend general assemblies and Council meetings of the A.S.A.;
- 4.1.5 The right to initiate general assemblies;
- 4.1.6 The right to move or second motions at general assemblies;
- 4.1.7 The right to speak for or against any motion presented at general assemblies.
- 4.2 All Members of the A.S.A. shall be obligated to conform to the A.S.A. Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations.
- 4.3 No Member is empowered to make purchases in the name of A.S.A., or to financially obligate the A.S.A. in any way.
Article 5: Society Fees
- 5.1 Society fees paid by Members of the A.S.A. shall be collected by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University (hereafter referred to as the E.U.S.) and remitted to the A.S.A.
- 5.2. Society fees will have been agreed upon through discourse with the E.U.S., the Faculty of Engineering, and a referendum of the student body.
- 5.3 Amendment to the Society Fees may only be undertaken by a ballot specifically dedicated to that purpose during the next regular election or referendum period, or General Assembly as defined by Section 10.3 of this Constitution.
Article 6: 4.0 - Financial Regulations
- 564.1 The financial year-end of the A.S.A. shall be the 30th day of April of each calendar year. The financial year-end of the A.S.A. shall be on the date fixed in Bylaw 1 , Article 3.1.
- 6.2 All A.S.A. expenditures must be authorized by either the President or the Vice-President Finance of the A.S.A.
- 6.3 All expenditures authorized by the V.P. Finance or the President of the A.S.A. shall be refunded from the A.S.A. funds held in trust by the E.U.S. through the appropriate procedures.
- 6.4 The A.S.A. shall not run at a deficit.
- 654.52 The annual financial statements shall be updated and presented at least once a month a Regular Council Meeting.
- 654.63 The A.S.A. shall not run at a deficit.
- 54.4 The A.S.A. shall be charged with the full responsibility of any fees collected for Architecture as a departmental society.
- 54.5 All allocations of funds referenced in section 54.4 shall be the responsibility of the council as a whole and shall necessitate a vote.
- 54.6 The fees referenced in section 54.4 and 54.5 will have been agreed upon through discourse with the EUS, the Faculty of Engineering, Director of the School of Architecture and a referendum of the student body. These fees, should they be subject to change, would also need to be revised in the same manner.
- 654.67 The A.S.A. Council agrees to make the allocation of these funds public domain.
- 654.78 The A.S.A. Council remains open to suggested allocations of funds by the student body, and will be voted on as per section 54.5
Article 7:5.0 Organization of the A.S.A
- 7.1 A.S.A. Council
- 75.1.1 The governing body of the A.S.A. shall be known in English as
"Architecture Students' Association of McGill University Council" and in French as "Conseil de l'association des Étudiants et Étudiantes en architecture de l'Université McGill". These names may be abbreviated to "A.S.A. Council" and "Conseil de l'A.É.É.A .".
- 75.1.22 The A.S.A. Council shall act through Regular Council Meetings.
- 75.1.33 The A.S.A. Council shall be composed of the Executive Committee Officers, the A.S.A. Secretary, Auxiliary Officers as defined by section :5.3.3 and the Class Representatives as determined according to Article section 9.0 below. The A.S.A. Council may appoint or remove from time to time other non-voting members as it sees fit.
- 7.1.475.13.1 The Executive CommitteeOfficers shall consist of be described as:
- The President
- The Vice-President Finance
- The Vice-President AcademicCommunications
- The Vice-President Administration
- The Vice President Communications The two (2) VP Internal Affairs
- The VP Academic Vice-President External Affairs
- The two (2) Vice-Presidents Internal Affairs P External Affairs
- 7.1.5 The Class Representatives are:
- The U0 Representative;
- The U1 Representative;
- The U2 Representative;
- The U3 Representative.
- 7.1.6 The A.S.A Secretary
- 5.3.3 The Auxiliary Officers shall be described as but not limited to:
- Two (2) Representatives of the Supply Store
- Two (2) Representative responsible for Brown-Bag Lectures
- One (1) Representative responsible for the coordination of the Student Colloquium (in years where McGill hosts the Quebec Architecture Students' Colloquium)
- The Cellar Manager
- The Auxiliary Officers of the A.S.A hold offices as described in Bylaw 6.
- 7.1.7 5.4 No Member of the A.S.A. may hold more than one voting position on the A.S.A. Council.
- 7.1.8 Members of the Executive Committee and the Council must be Members of the A.S.A., and remain so for the duration of their mandate.
- 5.5 The A.S.A. Council debates and votes upon the Schedule of Dates as prepared by the Executive.
- 7.1.8 Members of the Executive Committee or Council cannot receive any remuneration, financial or otherwise, for acting as such.
- 7.1.9 The candidates for positions on the Executive Committee or the Council must be resident students at McGill University throughout their whole term (ie: not on exchange).
- 7.1.10 The A.S.A. Council Meetings are open to any member of the A.S.A.
- 7.2 A.S.A. Coordinators
- 7.2.1 The A.S.A. Coordinators act to support the activities and functions of the Executive Committee.
- 7.2.2 The A.S.A. Coordinators do not sit on the A.S.A. Council.
- 7.2.3 The A.S.A. Coordinators shall consist of:
- The Banquet Coordinator under the portfolio of the two (2) Vice-Presidents Internal Affairs;
- The two (2) Brown Bag Lectures Coordinators under the portfolio of the Vice-President External Affairs;
- The Colloquium Coordinator (in years where McGill University hosts the Quebec Architecture Students’ Colloquium) under the portfolio of the Vice-President External;
- The Supply Store Sales Coordinator (if deemed necessary) under the portfolio of the Vice-President Administration.
- 7.2.4 A.S.A. Coordinators must be Members of the A.S.A., and remain so for the duration of their mandate.
- 7.2.5 A.S.A. Coordinators cannot receive any remuneration, financial or otherwise, for acting as such.
- 7.2.6 The candidates for Coordinator positions must be resident students at McGill University throughout their whole term (ie: not on exchange).
=Article 8:6.0 Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
- 6.1 The Executive Officers of the A.S.A. hold offices as described in Bylaw 2.
- 6.12 The Executive Committee Shall:
- 6.1.1 Govern the A.S.A. in a manner consistent with between Meetings of the A.S.A. Council, in a manner not inconsistent with policies set out from time to time by the Coordinate the policies, activities, and other affairs of the A.S.A.; A.S.A. Council.
- 6.3 The Executive is responsible for carrying out the policies of the A.S.A. Council. Notwithstanding this general responsibility, the A.S.A. Council may stipulate that a particular policy is within the scope of responsibility held by a particular Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer.
- 6.1.2 Report regularly on its activi4 The Executive shall submit to each Regular Council Meeting a report of all matters with which it has dealt since the previous Regular Council Meeting. This report may be oral.
- 6.5 All actions taken by an Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer or pursuant to a decision of the Executive Committee are subject to ratification at the next regular meeting of the A.S.A. Council.
- 6.6 In the event of the resignation or removal from office of the President, the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers shall select among themselves as to who should hold the office of the President pro tempore until such time as a new President can be elected according to the procedures set out in 11.0.
- 6.7 In the event of the resignation or removal of an Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer other than the President, the A.S.A. Council shall select among themselves as to who should hold the office of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer pro tempore until such time as a new Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer can be elected according to the procedures set out in
- 11.0.
- 6.8 The Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers of the A.S.A., as a group, are the Board of Directors of the A.S.A., and each individual Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer is a Director of the A.S.A.
- 7.0 Members of the Council and their duties
- 7.1 The members of Council hold offices as described in Bylaws II, III.
- 8.1. The Executive Committee shall:
- 8.1.1. The coordination and administration of policies, activities and other day-to-day affairs of the A.S.A.;
- 8.1.2 Study and prepare motions to be debated upon at meetings of the A.S.A. Council;
- 8.1.3 Ensure the execution of Council and General Assembly decisions;
- 8.1.4 Report their activities and decisions to the A.S.A. Council;
- 8.1.5 Uphold the Constitution, Bylaws, policies and regulations of the A.S.A.;
- 8.1.6 Produce an an end-of-year report detailing the events of the previous academic year and suggesting future changes;
- 8.1.8 Revise of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies and regulations of the A.S.A. every two (2) years at most;
- 8.1.9 Assume office on the 1st of May following the elections;
- 8.1.10 Remain in office for one calendar year;
- 8.1.11 Produce exit reports to be submitted by April 30th at the latest.
- 8.2 The President shall:
- 8.2.1 Act as Speaker for Regular Council Meetings;
- 8.2.2 Set the Schedule of Dates for Regular Council Meetings with at least 3 days’ notice;
- 8.2.3 Prepare and present to the A.S.A. Council an election schedule for A.S.A. elections and referenda;
- 8.2.4 Appoint a D.R.O. (Deputy Returning Officer) for A.S.A. Council elections;
- 8.2.5 Be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs of the A.S.A.;
- 8.2.6 Act as financial officer for the A.S.A.
- 8.2.7 In conjunction with the Vice-President External Affairs, represent the A.S.A. to outside bodies and individuals;
- 8.2.8 Be responsible for the relations between the ASA and various levels of administration of McGill University;
- 8.2.9 Be the official spokesperson for the A.S.A. on all occasions;
- 8.2.10 Represent the A.S.A. at Committee Meetings of the School of Architecture;
- 8.2.11 Represent the ASA at Faculty Meetings of the Faculty of Engineering;
- 8.2.12 Represent the A.S.A. at Presidents’ Council Meetings;
- 8.2.13 Represent the interests and concerns of Architecture students as expressed through the A.S.A. Council at E.U.S. Council Meetings;
- 8.2.14 Meet regularly with the Director of the School of Architecture for updates;
- 8.2.15 Sit on all Selection Committees for Coordinator positions;
- 8.2.16 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.3 The Vice-President Finance shall:
- 8.3.1 Prepare the annual budget of the A.S.A., which shall include tile actual expenditures from the previous year, and submit it to the A.S.A. Council before the 30th of September;
- 8.3.2 Manage the funds and sources of income of the A.S.A.;
- 8.3.3 Keep proper accounts of cashflows and financial transactions to be submitted on a monthly basis to the A.S.A. Council:
- Prepare a year-end financial report by April 30th;
- Prepare an overview of the A.S.A. finances to be presented at E.U.S. Council meetings for the Fall and Winter semesters;
- 8.3.4 Deposit all cash exceeding $300.00 to the E.U.S;
- 8.3.5 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.4 The Vice-President Academic shall:
- 8.4.1 Be responsible for all educational and curricular concerns of the A.S.A.;
- 8.4.2 Serve as the official spokesperson for the A.S.A. in the absence of the President and the Vice-President External Affairs;
- 8.4.3 Represent the A.S.A. at the Curriculum Committee Meeting of the School of Architecture;
- 8.4.4 Represent the A.S.A. at the Academic Council of the Faculty of Engineering;
- 8.4.5 Represent the A.S.A. at the Committee on Teaching and Learning in the Engineering Faculty (C.O.T.L.E.F.) upon invitation;
- 8.4.6 Organize a minimum of one Academic Forum per semester and present a report to the Curriculum Committee of the School of Architecture;
- 8.4.7 Sit on the Selection Committee for the two (2) Brown Bag Lectures Coordinators;
- 8.4.8 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.5 The Vice-President Administration shall:
- 8.5.1 Manage the purchase and sale of studio supplies through the A.S.A. Supply Store;
- 8.5.2 Be responsible of preparing the U1 supply kits;
- 8.5.3 Keep in their possession at all times the key to the Supply Store storage room;
- 8.5.4 Maintain the cleanliness of the Supply Store storage room;
- 8.5.5 Maintain an inventory of the Supply Store’s stock;
- 8.5.6 Organize fundraising efforts for the A.S.A.’s activities;
- 8.5.7 Manage the purchase and sale of A.S.A.-branded clothing and merchandise for the Supply Store;
- 8.5.8 Manage the bookings for the Cellar;
- 8.5.9 Maintain the cleanliness of the Cellar;
- 8.5.10 Prepare proposals for the Student Space Fund (S.S.F.) of the E.U.S.;
- 8.5.11 Sit on the Selection Committee for the Supply Store Sales Coordinator if the Vice-President Administration deems it necessary to fill this position;
- 8.5.12 Report to the A.S.A. Council the Supply Store’s finances;
- 8.5.13 Be unable to pass on their right to vote to the Supply Store Sales Coordinator in any situation;
- 8.5.14 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.6 The Vice-President Communications shall:
- 8.6.1 Be responsible for the A.S.A. weekly newsletter;
- 8.6.2 Be responsible for the maintenance of the A.S.A. website;
- 8.6.3 Be responsible for the management of the A.S.A.’s social media accounts;
- 8.6.4 Be responsible for the maintenance of the A.S.A. archival hard drive;
- 8.6.5 Be responsible for picking up the A.S.A.’s mail at the administrative office.
- 8.6.6 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.7 The Vice-President External Affairs shall:
- 8.7.1 Be responsible for manners relating to the interaction of the A.S.A. with outside groups;
- 8.7.2 In conjunction with the President, represent the A.S.A. to outside bodies and individuals;
- 8.7.3 Serve as the official spokesperson for the A.S.A. in the absence of the President;
- 8.7.4 In conjunction with the President, be responsible for the relations between the A.S.A. and various levels of administration of McGill University;
- 8.7.5 Represent the A.S.A. at the Committee on Colleges and Schools Liaison of the Faculty of Engineering upon invitation;
- 8.7.6 Represent the A.S.A. at meetings and functions of the Canadian Architecture Students' Association (C.A.S.A.) upon invitation;
- 8.7.7 Represent the A.S.A. at meetings of the Ordre des Architectes du Quebec
(O.A.Q.) upon invitation;
- 8.7.8 Be responsible for relations between the A.S.A. and other student associations within the university;
- 8.7.9 Represent the A.S.A. at the Exhibition Committee of the School of Architecture upon request;
- 8.7.10 Represent the A.S.A. at the Committee on the Coordination of Student Services (C.C.S.S.) upon invitation;
- 8.7.11 Sit on the Selection Committee for the Colloquium Coordinator.
- 8.7.12 Report on the Colloquium Coordinator’s progress at A.S.A. Council meetings in years where the Colloquium is hosted at McGill University. Council meetings in years where the Colloquium is hosted at McGill University.
- 8.7.13 Only have one (1) vote on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.8 The two (2) Vice-Presidents Internal Affairs shall, together:
- 8.8.1 Be responsible for the organization of regular social, sport, cultural, and other activities for the members of the A.S.A. which promote class interaction and school spirit;
- 8.8.2 Be responsible for the organization of the end-of-year Fall mini-banquet;
- 8.8.3 Be responsible for the organization of a welcome event for new students at the start of the academic year;
- 8.8.4 Be required to work closely in conjunction with the Vice-President Communications, Vice-President Finance, and the Class Representatives;
- 8.8.5 Be responsible for the organization one Blues Pub per semester as part of the E.U.S;
- 8.8.6 Sit on the Selection Committee for the Banquet Coordinator.
- 8.8.7 Report on the Banquet Coordinator’s progress at A.S.A. Council meetings. Council meetings.
- 8.8.8 Only have one (1) vote as a single voice on any action brought to the A.S.A. Council.
- 8.9 The Secretary shall:
- 8.9.1 Produce minutes of all meetings of the A.S.A. Council and share them with Council prior to the next regular meeting;
- 8.9.2 Notify the A.S.A. Council should there be no Class Representatives from any given class for two (2) consecutive meetings;
- 8.9.3 Not be an Executive Officer, nor is the A.S.A. Secretary a member of the Executive Committee, though may be invited to produce minutes of Executive Committee meetings as well;
- 8.9.4 Under no circumstance have the right to vote in any meetings of the A.S.A. Council or Executive Committee.
- 10.3 Quorum for a meeting of the A.S.A. Council shall be at least half of voting members (10);
- 10.4 Executive Officers need not remain full-time students, but must remain members of A.S.A. for the duration of their term in office.
- 10.5 Students planning on going on exchange are ineligible for any position on the A.S.A. Council for the year they would be in office.
- 8.10 Cross-Delegation
- 8.10.1 Any Executive Officer may delegate some or all of their responsibilities onto any other Executive Officer subject to the stipulations in this section. Such an action shall be known as cross-delegation;
- 8.10.2 Cross-delegation is effected by a written notice to this effect addressed and delivered to the President. Such notice must include a statement that the Officer to whom responsibilities are being delegated has consented to this cross-delegation, as well as the signature of the cross-delegating Officer;
- 8.10.3 For organizations outside of the A.S.A., a notice of cross-delegation as described in section 11.2 is proof of its contents. The Officer named in the letter will be treated by the external organization as having the powers and duties of the delegating Officer;
- 8.10.4 Cross-delegation is only valid outside of Council meetings. No Executive Officer may cross-delegate any of their responsibilities which must be discharged during a Council meeting. No right to vote during a Regular Council Meeting may be cross-delegated, and any attempt to create a system of proxy voting by means of cross-delegation is null;
- 8.10.5 During the Winter or Fall academic sessions of any particular year as stipulated in the official McGill University Calendar of Dates, cross-delegation may last no longer that eight (8) consecutive days, including Sundays and holidays;
- 8.10.6 Outside the Winter or Fall academic sessions of any particular year as stipulated in the official McGill University Calendar of Dates, cross-delegation may last until the first weekday of the next academic session.
- 8.10.7 Any violation of sections 1l.2 or 11.3 will be deemed to be resignation by the Executive Officer in question, and elections for that position will be held according to the procedures in Article 11section 11.0 of the Constitution.
Article 9:9.0 Powers and Duties of the Class Representatives
- 9.1 The Class Representatives shall:
- 9.1.1 Represent their respective class at regular Council meetings of the A.S.A.;
- 9.1.2 Act as a link of communication between the A.S.A. Council and their respective class;
- 9.1.3 Act as a link between the students and professors of their respective class;
- 9.1.4 Organize social events and other activities for the members of their respective class;
- 9.1.5 Represent their respective class at every E.U.S. Council meeting;
- 9.1.6 Promote the mission and activities of the A.S.A. to their respective class;
- 9.1.7 Participate in the organized events of the A.S.A.
- 9.1.8 Assume office immediately upon their election at beginning of the Fall academic semester, and terminate at the end of the Winter academic semester.
- 9.1.9 Remain in office for two (2) academic semesters.
Article 10: Powers and Duties of the Coordinators
- 10.1 The Coordinators shall:
- 10.1.1 Assume office on the 1st of May following their selection;
- 10.1.2 Remain in office for one calendar year;
- 10.1.3 Produce exit reports to be submitted by April 30th at the latest.
- 10.2 The Banquet Coordinator shall:
- 10.2.1 Be responsible for the organization of the end-of-year Banquet;
- 10.2.2 Seek support from the A.S.A. Members for the organization of the event and form a working group;
- 10.2.3 Report to the two (2) Vice-Presidents Internal Affairs on the progress of the working group’s planning of the event.
- 10.2.4 Present to the A.S.A. Council the event details at least two (2) meetings before it is to take place.
- 10.3 The two (2) Brown Bag Lectures Coordinators shall:
- 10.3.1 Promote curiosity in the student body;
- 10.3.2 Organize lectures focusing on varying subjects;
- 10.3.3 Connect with scholars and professionals;
- 10.3.4 Promote Brown Bag lectures;
- 10.3.5 Report to the Vice-President Academic on the success and failures of the lectures;
- 10.3.6 Present to the A.S.A. Council the lecture program at the start of every semester.
- 10.4 The Colloquium Coordinator shall:
- 10.4.1 Be responsible for the organization of the Quebec Architecture Students’ Colloquium when it is hosted at McGill University;
- 10.4.2 Seek support from the A.S.A. Members for the organization of the event and form a working group;
- 10.4.3 Contact the previous Colloquium host and consult the A.S.A. archival hard drive for information on the previous editions of the event;
- 10.4.4 Report to the Vice-President External Affairs on the progress of the Colloquium planning;
- 10.4.5 Present to the A.S.A. Council the finalized program of the event at least two (2) meetings before it is to take place;
- 10.4.6 Produce a report containing the detailed finances of the Colloquium and present it to the A.S.A. Council prior to its last regular meeting.
- 10.5 The Supply Store Sales Coordinator (in the event that the position is filled) shall:
- 10.5.1 Support the Vice-President Administration in their duties, as described in Article 8.5;
- 10.5.2 Not act as substitute for the Vice-President Administration during any meeting of the A.S.A. Council and as such does not hold the right to vote.
Article 118.0 Election of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers, Directors and Auxiliary Officers
- 118.1 Subject to the provisions of this section, only Members of the A.S.A. shall be eligible to stand for election to any position of the Executive Committee. Executive Officer or Auxiliary Officer position. ;
- 118.2 All Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers and Auxiliary Officers shall be elected from amongst the A.S.A. Members in a school-wide election according to the schedule established by the C.R.O (Chief Returning Officer) of the E.U.S. held between the 1st and 30th of March for that purpose. ;
- 118.3 Candidates shall not stand for election present themselves for no more than one (1) position;.
- 11.4 The D.R.O. (Deputy Returning Officer) shall be responsible for the conduct of the A.S.A. Council elections and apply the E.U.S. Election bylaws;
- 118.54 Campaign periods and regulations shall be determined by the E.U.S. Elections bylaws; be under the competence of an Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer specifically given responsibility over elections, unless the same are inscribed in the Bylaws, in which case the Bylaws will take precedence.
- 118.65 Voting shall be done by physical secret ballot OR by an approved electronic submission, voted upon by the A.S.A.. The physical ballot boxes shall be open for at least six (6) hours within the duration of one (1) day or over two (2) consecutive days. The electronic ballot will remain open for at least 3 days;.
- 118.76 If an Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer or Auxiliary Officer position is not filled, even after the extended nomination period, the incoming A.S.A. Council shall create a Selection Committee for each vacant position
- 11.8 Selection Committee(s) shall be governed by the E.U.S. Selection Committee Bylaws; fill that office from among its members.
- 11.8. If an Executive Committee position remains vacant after the Selection Committee process, the incoming A.S.A. Council shall fill that office from amongst their members;
- 118.107 In the event of a tie for any Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer or Auxiliary Officer position, a second ballot shall be held within one (1) week of the first ballot. If this second ballot is tied, the incoming A.S.A. Council shall vote among itself between the two candidates at an Emergency Meeting;.
- 118.118 The position of President must be filled by a member of the A.S.A. that has served a previous year on the A.S.A. Council;.
Article 129.0 Election of Class Representatives
- 12.1 All students registered with the same undergraduate (U) year are considered to be part of the same Class;
- 12.2 There exists four (4) Classes:
- 12.2.1 U0;
- 12.2.2 U1;
- 12.2.3 U2;
- 12.2.4 U3;
- 12.3 Before the end of the third week of the Fall academic session, each class shall have elected one (1) Class Representative;
- 12.4 A candidate for a Class Representative position must be a member of the Class they seek to represent;
- 12.5 A candidate for a Class Representative position must submit a nomination form with twenty-five (25) signatures of members of the Class in question to the D.R.O. of the A.S.A. before the end of the nomination period determined by the D.R.O.;
- 12.5 The Class Representatives are elected by simple majority vote, with each member of the Class in question having one (1) vote;
- 12.6 The Class Representative elections are governed by the rules of the E.U.S. Elections Bylaws.
- 7.3 Article 1010.0 Meetings
- A Regular Council Meeting is a meeting of the A.S.A. Council fixed in accordance with the Schedule of Dates. There must be at least two (2) Regular Council Meetings every calendar month throughout the Winter or Fall academic semestersessions of any particular year as stipulated in the official McGill University Calendar of Dates, excluding months containing a final exam period.
- 7.3.2 The date and time of Regular Council Meetings must be determined by A.S.A. Council members at the beginning of each academic semester.
- 7.3.310.2 Quorum for an A.S.A. Council meeting shall be fifty (50) percent + 1 member of A.S.A. council members, excluding the Secretary. as outlined in Bylaw 2 Article 10.3.
- 7.3.4 The A.S.A. Council Meetings are open to any member of the A.S.A., unless the meeting is declared as a Closed Session Meeting.
- 7.3.5 A Closed Session Meeting is required when a sensitive matter is discussed at A.S.A. Council meetings. It excludes from the meeting A.S.A. members who do not normally sit on council.
- 7.3.6 Any A.S.A Council member may present a motion to enter into a Closed Session Meeting. A simple majority is required for the motion to carry and no abstentions are allowed.
- 7.3.710.3 An Emergency Meeting is a meeting of the A.S.A. Council fixed outside of the Schedule of Dates. The occurrence of an Emergency Meeting does not interrupt the Schedule of Dates.
- 7.3.810.4 A General Assembly is a meeting of more than thirty percent (30%) of A.S.A.the Members. A General Assembly may amend, establish or rescind any policy of the A.S.A.
Article 1311.0 Removal from Office
- 13.1 Any member of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer position and any Class Representative may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of this Constitution, delinquency of duties, or misappropriation of A.S.A. funds;
- 13.2 A Motion to remove a member of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer or must be signed by at least four (4) members of the A.S.A. Council, or by at least twenty
(20) percent of Members of the A.S.A., no more than half of whom may be from the same Class, and none of whom may be members of the A.S.A. Council;
- 13.3 A Motion to remove a Class Representative must be signed by at least four (4) members of the A.S.A. Council, or by at least fifty (50) percent of their Class, none of whom may be members of the A.S.A. Council.
- 13.4 A valid motion to remove a member of the A.S.A. Council Executive Officer will be inscribed upon the agenda of the next regular Council Meeting, so long as the Motion or notice thereof is received by the A.S.A. Secretary more than two (2) days before that Regular Council Meeting;
- 11.3.1 For purposes of this section, Saturday and Sunday do not count as days;
- 13.5 The A.S.A. Secretary must personally inform the member of the A.S.A. Council Executive Officer whose removal is in question and publicly post the Agenda containing the motion for removal at least one (1) days in advance of the Regular Council Meeting;
- 13.5 A regular meeting in which a Removal from Office is considered shall be conducted in Closed Session;
- 13.6 Quorum for a Motion to remove a member of the A.S.A. CouncilExecutive Officer shall be ⅔ of the members of the A.S.A., and at least fifty percent (50%) of the Class Representatives on Council;
- 13.7 A Motion to remove a member of the A.S.A. CouncilExecutive Officer shall pass only if at least ⅔ of the members present vote in favour of removal;
- 13.8 A Motion to remove a member of the A.S.A. CouncilExecutive Officer shall only be deemed to have carried if the member in question was given a chance to speak. If the Member in question is not present at the meeting when the motion to remove was inscribed on the agenda, they will be deemed to have waived this right.
Article 1413.0 Amendment to Constitution and Bylaws
- 14.1 Any amendment to this Constitution or Bylaws must be presented as a motion in writing, signed by at least two (2) Members, who may or may not be members of the A.S.A. Council Executive Officers, and inscribed on the Agenda of a regular Council Meeting;
- 13.2 Quorum for an amendment to this Constitution shall be four (4) Executive CommitteeExecutive Officers and at least fifty percent (50%) of the Class Representatives on the A.S.A. Council.
- 14.2 Quorum for an amendment to this Constitution shall be ⅔ of the members of the A.S.A., and at least fifty percent (50%) of the Class Representatives on Council;
- 14.3 13.3 Passage of a motion to amend this Constitution or Bylaws requires a 2/3 majority of those present at the Regular Council Meeting in which the amendment is discussed;
- 14.4 13.4 Constitutional amendments must be ratified by a simple majority of the Members voting on a ballot specifically dedicated to that purpose during the next election period. Article 14.0 Amendment to Fees
- 14.1 Amendment to the A.S.A. Fees may only be undertaken by a ballot specifically dedicated to that purpose during the next regular election or referendum period, or General Assembly as defined by Section 10.3 of this Constitution.
Article 15.0 Administrative Details
- 15.1 English and French are the official languages of the A.S.A. Any Member may address the A.S.A. Council in either language, and this Constitution and Bylaws shall be written in English and a French translation shall be provided to any member who requests it.
- 15.2 This Constitution must always be publicly available to the Members of the A.S.A.
- 16.0 A.S.A. Council Voting Rights
- 16.1 The five (5) Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer Positions shall each have only one (1) vote, even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position.
- 16.2 The three (3) Auxiliary Officer Positions that shall each have only one (1) vote, are the Brown-Bag Lecture Representatives, the Supply Store Representatives, and the Cellar Manager even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position. The representative responsible for the coordination of the Student Colloquium, shall not have the right to vote.
- 16.3 The seven (7) Class Representatives shall have one (1) vote each.