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Revision as of 23:16, 14 November 2017 by Malcolmmcc (talk | contribs)
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# Type Item Notes Decision
5.1 Presentation Bioengineering Representatives Outlines their steps to become a department N/A
5.2 Presentation McGill Rocket Team Proposal for SSMU Furnishing (Phase 2) Request for $2000, phase 2 of a presentation given the previous council N/A
5.3 Presentation Simvo Promotion of engineering course planning N/A
5.4 Presentation Capital fund Plumber's Station Includes notice of motion for following council N/A
6.1 Motion Proposal for SSMU Funding Phase 1 See previous council meeting for presentation Passed
6.2 Motion Financial Bylaws Amendment Adds stipulations for credit card policy (6.3) Passed
6.3 Motion Credit Card Policy Creation of credit card policy, who can use it, who approves it, what dollar value is required. Passed
6.4 Motion DTFC Allocations Dedicating $19,000 to DTFC Passed
6.5 Motion CFC Allocation Approval of allocations made by the CFC Passed
6.6 Motion SSF Allocation None Striked
6.7 Motion SSF Capital Committee Room Renovation Proposal None Passed
6.8 Discussion EUSF Bylaw Changes General support of allowing technicians/Tas to be hired using EUSFunds N/A
6.9 Discussion Wellness Survey None N/A
6.10 Motion SEAM Bylaws Added an advisory board made up of members from TISED, MESC, and more Passed
6.11 Motion Sustainability Commissioner Bylaws Creation of section outlining Sustainability Coordinator selection and responsibilities added to SEAM bylaws (6.10) Passed
6.12 Motion McGill Engineering Competition Committee Bylaws Merger of MEC lite and MEC bylaws Passed
6.13 Motion Engineering Games Committee Bylaws Selection of EngGames committee has been moved to January to reflect timeline of the games Passed