Junior Council
Junior Council is a committee under the EUS, consisting of twenty-two first year engineering students and two second year Co-Presidents. Its goal is to unite first-year engineering students through both social and academic events. Junior Council also provides a link between new students and the engineering community, and promotes other opportunities for first years.
Main Events
McGill Conference for Engineering Success
This full day conference aims to promote the numerous opportunities available to engineers after graduating with their degree. The day consists of two speakers, departmental panels (electrical, computer and software, mechanical, chemical, civil (and architecture), mining and materials) and professional development workshops. This year, the departmental panels consisted of 3-5 industry professionals, professors and past interns who shared their story and answered any questions students had. The workshops this year were resume building, “Sell Yourself” (how to present yourself to a potential employer), networking, and leadership.
Ice Cream Social
Free frostbite ice cream and hot chocolate are given out in the Engineering Common Room to introduce first year students to Junior Council. Council members and popular U0 professors are there to get to know students.
Design Competition
Hosted in collaboration with MEC, the Junior Design Competition is an event run in the winter semester which is open to students who have finished 60 credits or less. In teams of four, participants are asked to solve a problem using basic engineering skills. Teams are given specific materials that they are required to incorporate into their designs. Team evaluations are based on the quality of the prototype as well as the quality of their presentation.
Prep Sessions
Prep sessions are organized before midterms and finals for first-year and second-year courses. They are led by TAs or EPTS tutors and aim to help students prepare for exams.
Beverage Pong Tournament
Held annually after the PHYS 131 midterm, teams of two compete in a bracket style water pong tournament for several grand prizes.
Power Hour
Power Hour is an event that consists in participants drinking a shot of their drink every minute for one hour. This event typically takes place at Cafe Campus in February, before Spring Break.
The First-Year Banquet takes place at the end of the year. All first-year engineers are invited to join their fellow students to celebrate the end of the semester and enjoy a delicious meal.
Current Positions
Co-Presidents: jc.chair@mcgilleus.ca
VP Communication: jc.vpcomm@mcgilleus.ca
- Social Media Rep
- On Campus Communications Rep
- Rez Communications Rep
- Web Developer & Media Relations Rep
VP Events: jc.vpevents@mcgilleus.ca
- Events Logistics Rep
- Social Events Rep
- Events Coordinator Rep
- Academic Events Rep
VP Internal: jc.vpinternal@mcgilleus.ca
VP External: jc.vpexternal@mcgilleus.ca
- Sponsorship Rep
- Fundraising Rep
- External Clubs Rep
VP Finance: jc.vpfinance@mcgilleus.ca
U0 EUS Rep: jc.u0rep@mcgilleus.ca
- Civil Rep
- Mechanical Rep
- Chemical Rep
- Materials Rep
- Architecture Rep
Application Process
Online applications are available in September through Google forms, through which candidates are then selected for interviews by the two co-presidents. After this process, twenty-two first-years are selected to fill the positions available on the council.