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Module:Protection banner/config

154 bytes added, 20:33, 21 July 2014
further copy editing of the reset banner
description = 'For pages protected by the Wikimedia Foundation and'
.. ' "reset" to a bare-bones version.',
text = 'This ${PAGETYPE} is currently under the'
.. ' scrutiny of the'
.. ' [[Wikipedia:Office actions|Wikimedia Foundation Office]]'
.. ' and is protected.',
explanation = function (protectionObj, args)
local ret = ''
.. " additions on the ${TALKPAGE} first. '''Do not override"
.. " this action, and do not remove protection from this page,"
.. " unless you are authorized by the [[WP:OFFICEWikimedia Foundation" .. "|Wikimedia Foundation]] to do so. No editor may remove this" .. " notice.'''"
return ret
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