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VP Student Life

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[[EUS_Constitution#Article_15:_VP_Student_Life|Article 15 of the EUS Constitution]]
15.1 The Vice-President Student Life shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=1. # Be responsible for implementing initiatives relevant to the well-being, first-year involvement and graduation logistics of EUS [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}{{Hanging indent|text=2. # Be responsible for encouraging active participation and continuous feedback within the Society}}{{Hanging indent|text=3. # Be responsible for the Secretary of the EUS Council and General Assembly;}}{{Hanging indent|text=3.1 ## Be responsible for ensuring that members of the EUS Council attend Regular Meetings;}}{{Hanging indent|text=3.2 ## Be responsible for updating the EUS Policy Manual;}}{{Hanging indent|text=3.3 ## Be responsible for issuing agendas and minutes of the EUS Council meetings and General Assemblies, prior to any EUS Council meeting or General Assembly;}}{{Hanging indent|text=4 # Be responsible for the formation, end of year reports, and operations of [[Clubs|EUS Club]]s and Design Teams}}{{Hanging indent|text=5 # Be responsible for scheduling the use of and maintenance of the [[Clubs|EUS Club]]s Space and the McGill Engineering Design Network (MEDN)}}