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==How to make a good slide==
While criteria from the list above are hard requirements, this section aims to provide tips on how to make a slide as effective as possible.
* '''Keep <span style="color: green;">Do</span> keep it short!''' : Slides are displayed for 8 seconds. If people don't have time to read most of the slide, they will ignore it.* '''Put <span style="color: green;">Do</span> put big text''': People should be able to read your slide even if they aren't standing right next to the TV. As a rule of thumb, step back 3m away from your computer (for a 13-inch laptop screen)* '''Keep <span style="color: green;">Do</span> keep a high contrast''': Use [http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ this tool] if you are unsure if the contrast between your background and your text is high enough.* '''Put <span style="color: green;">Do</span> put your logo''': Logos are easily recognized by people and will draw their attention if they already know your club/committee/event.* '''<span style="color: orange;">Be careful </span> with links''': While it's a great idea to tell people to go and get more information online, people may not have time to memorize it before the slide vanishes. Either post an easy to memorize link or put the name of your facebook page.* '''<span style="color: orange;">Be careful </span> with fancy backgrounds''': Putting images as the background of your slide is great, but make sure that the text is still easily readable.* '''<span style="color: red;">Don't</span> put a QR code''': The slides are displayed for 8 seconds. No one will have time to scan the code with their cellphone.