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3 bytes added, 20:51, 24 January 2017
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The Engineering Undergraduate Society provides student leadership for Reboot; the election and conduct of Reboot VPs is dictated by EUS bylaws. Reboot currently falls under the [[VP Clubs & Admin]] due to it's club status.
The McGill School of Computer Science is a strategic partner who provides technical support and Insight
The McGill Waste Management Program collects hardware from various campus groups and coordinated with Reboot to guide the appropriate refurbishing of equipment. Currently the pecking order for equipment cycles out of [[EMF]] into Central IT, who then distributes the equipment to outdated labs, professors and their TAs, student groups upon request, and finally Waste Management. All usable equipment is then provided to Reboot, the rest is properly recycled. 
Reboot McGill was founded in 2010, donating over 70 computers within it's first year.