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Date # Type Item Notes Decision
2017-05-14 9a Motion Selection of Chair Person Pentcho Tchomakov is elected as Chairman of the Board of Governors, 2017-2018 Passed Passed
9b Discussion Selection of Communication Tool Slack, board email, discussion on internal policy N/A N/A
9c Discussion Replacement of Tre Mansdoerfer Tre Mansdoerfer was elected as EUS Senator, at this time the Board believed members must be Canadian citizens (later proven to be untrue, he therefore remained) N/A N/A
9d Discussion Rules of BoG Discussion on nature of BoG, ultimately agree to meet every two weeks and that BoG ultimately has priority over all other responsibilities. N/A N/A
9e Discussion Goals of the Summer Breakdown of governance documents that need to be changed, who's taking the lead on which bylaws, Constitution reform and translation. N/A N/A
9f Discussion How to make people know about the BoG BoG hosts a student forum, include information on General Assembly. Facebook posts, pipeline, website, and handbook used to introduce the board. N/A N/A
9g Discussion Relationship between BoG and Execs Discuss which part has power over whom in which respect, board can mandate execs but over the summer the execs hold power of council and can impeach board members. Agree to hold joint meeting between execs and board to discuss. N/A N/A
9h Discussion BoG Implementaion and Related Documents for Isabella Very little is recorded, our bookkeeper Isabella needs documentation on the BoG to declare to the Quebec government N/A N/A
9i Discussion EUS Declaration Annual declaration needs to be made, Diane normally did it. Patent letter needs to be updated as well. Will be done online N/A N/A
9j Discussion SSF Bylaws No discussion was had.... N/A N/A
2017-05-28 9a Discussion Execs - BoG - GA Discussion on the nature of mandating executives, what is fair, etc. N/A N/A
9b Discussion Discussion with Execs Breakdown of responsibilities: Execs to handle all things operational, BoG legal, fees, and financial. Streamlining council. N/A N/A
9c Discussion Tasklist & Wishlist Nothing recorded N/A N/A
9d Discussion Formal summer timeline for completion of deliverables Nothing recorded N/A N/A
9e Discussion Board Internal Policy Nothing recorded N/A N/A
9f Discussion Services as committees Change definition of services to Commercial Services, alter how they access funds, change in constitution. N/A N/A
9g Discussion Budget Review Procedures Migration from Council approval of budgets to a Budget Review Committee, to oversight from the Board of Governors N/A N/A
9h Discussion Policy Structure (Organization vs. Structural Policies) Tabled N/A N/A
9i Discussion Stipend for Bylaws workshop Between $50 - $100 for 5 hours, nothing else recorded N/A N/A
9j Discussion Summer preliminary budget Nothing recorded N/A N/A
9k Discussion OAP Lite budget + Future OAP Budget Requires presentation every month of OAP budget leading up to the event N/A N/A
9l Discussion PBRC/Council PBRC tabled, as they are no longer needed with the Board of Governors N/A N/A
9m Discussion Handbook Blurb Pentcho to write paragraph, group photo needed N/A N/A
9n Discussion Saad’s potential conflict of interest Nothing recorded N/A N/A
2017-06-10 9a Discussion Debriefing on Maître Corriveau’s presentation Voted in favour of allowing non-citizens/ PR members to sit on the board.

All bylaws need to be updated by the Board of Governors and approved by a GA Letters patent requires means for BoG to be impeached by EUS members Update number of administrators in the Letters Patent || style="background-color:Silver"|N/A || N/A

9b Discussion Finance Bylaws Went through new version line by line, no draft is available in the folder nor other minutes available N/A N/A
9c Discussion Budget Review Policy Little discussion N/A N/A
9d Discussion EWB Fee - Perpetual Jessica is working on changing the fee from perpetual to renewed, EWB has been notified N/A N/A
9e Discussion Policies Rework Request invidiual committees to work on their policies with the new template, to be covered later as they're not active during the summer N/A N/A
9f Discussion BoG Budget Pentcho to make spreadsheet to be filled in with food & advert for GA, budget review, etc. N/A N/A
9g Discussion Bylaws & Student Societies workshop Pentcho to send doodle at the end of the week N/A N/A
9h Discussion Budget Presentation date Budgets are due on the 28th, BoG will review them all tentatively on July 9th N/A N/A
2017-07-01 9a Discussion New board member: Tre Tre now actually sits on the board (previously in question due to citizenship, no longer a fixed requirement) N/A N/A
9b Discussion BoG Budget Make sure the new Budget review process is fair and checked upon, tabled until next meeting N/A N/A
9c Discussion Review goals for the summer & tasklist Financial Bylaw, Guardianship, and SSF Bylaws all completed N/A N/A
9d Discussion MOA Negotiation team Discuss the makeup of the MoA team, whether it should be EUS / BoG, or adhoc committee. N/A N/A
9e Discussion OAP Situation Meeting with Deputy Provost regarding the new location at Lower West Field N/A N/A
9f Motion Budget Review Policy (vote) No discussion Passed Passed
9g Motion Guardianship Policy No discussion Tabled Tabled
9h Motion IT Committee Policy No discussion Tabled Tabled
9i Discussion Electoral Bylaws Discussion on new format of bylaws, when to pick a CRO and how to hold them accountable N/A N/A
2017-07-08 8a Presentation OAP Budget Budget more volatile this year due to unexpected costs in the new location, new tent to cover the missing tunnel N/A N/A
9a Discussion OAP Budget No dicussion, covered in presentation N/A N/A
9b Discussion Frosh Budget 4 days instead of 5, old budget template, frosh t-shirts are more expensive because of sustainable ink, Saad's company VISION Media is getting paid for Eng Frosh, conflict of interest that will be followed up on N/A N/A
9c Discussion EWB, SSF, DT fees EWB is perpetual and needs to be revoted on, SSF is going to expire soon, DT potentially increase from $3->$6 to better support our design teams, and the base fee may increase in the winter to adjust for COLA and taxation N/A N/A
9d Motion Guardianship Policy No discussion Passed Passed
9e Motion IT Committee Policy No discussion Passed Passed
9f Motion Finance Bylaws Once passed, will go to legal for review Passed Passed
9g Motion SSF Bylaws No minutes taken N/A Unknown
9h Motion DTF Bylaws No minutes taken N/A Unknown
9i Motion CF Bylaws No minutes taken N/A Unknown
9j Discussion BoG Policy addition Weekly working session. No minutes taken. N/A Unknown
2017-07-22 8a Presentation Budget Presentation Went over the entirety of the EUS budget for the Summer Passed Passed
9a N/A Confidential Session Confidential, of course. N/A N/A
9b Motion Adoption of EUS Committees Incomplete, tabled Tabled Tabled
9c Motion Adoption of Bylaws Bylaws not ready, tabled Tabled Tabled
9d Motion Policy list Adoption Policies have been teased out, but not complete, tabled Tabled Tabled
2017-07-29 9a Discussion Short discussion on our meetings Everyone needs to read bylaws before discussion, agenda shall be ready five days in advance. N/A N/A
9b Discussion Discussion about EUSF & EFC Bylaws EUSF needed to be changed to include the new department of Bioengineering, same with EFC. N/A N/A
9c Motion Clubs & Design Teams Bylaws Clubs and Design Teams are split into two different articles now to highlight their differences, small changes are made throughout, N/A No Quorum
9d Motion Club Fund Bylaws Clubs fund administration needs to be approved by the board annually, discussion on whether it should be policy or bylaw, what power the board has here. N/A No Quorum
9e Motion Design Team Fund Bylaws Discussed small changes about numbering, purpose of superseding clause, whether or not it should be opt outable, etc. N/A No Quorum
9f Motion Student Space Fund Bylaws Minor rework such that the BoG can approve any expense, but the Student Space Fund Committee is prohibited from approving anything over $3500 N/A No Quorum
9g Motion Elections Bylaws Senator election has been moved into the EUS (which needs to be done annually), demerit system created, merged redundant election / referenda content, 3rd parties can receive demerits as well N/A No Quorum
2017-08-10 9a Motion Adoption of EUS Committees "Lists chairs / cochairs of the various committees in the EUS for the following academic year." Passed Passed
9b Motion Amendment to the BoG Budget Alter the BoG budget to include remuneration for the speaker and the minute taker, increased to a total of $2012 Passed Passed
9c Motion Ratification of the MoA Team "Selection of three members to represent the EUS and the Board of Governors for the upcoming MoA negotation with McGill University.
*Kareem Halabi
*Pentcho Tchomakov
*Malcolm McClintock" Passed Passed
9d Motion Student Space Fund Bylaws No longer requires full time employee to endorse purchases, no longer requires two meetings to be voted on, requires GA ratification, split into major Bylaw and more malleable Accounts Policy, requires GA for ratification: ultimately tabled as a result Tabled Tabled
9e Motion Official Adoption of our Bylaws Adoption of Financial, Clubs & Design Teams, Clubs Fund, and Design Teams Fund Bylaws

SSMU Senator elections aren't set in stone, and the nature of a candidate's committee needs work, so electoral bylaws are tabled, the rest carried || style="background-color:LightSalmon"|Passed in part || Passed in part

9f Motion Official Adoption of our Policies Created a full list of approved policies divided by Internal, Committee, and Service, as well as repealed old policies that are not ready. Passed Passed
9g Motion BoG Policy addition No policy linked in the folder. Discussion on whether or not the chair can have multiple terms. Now called BoG Internal Policy. Passed Passed
9h Discussion Roadmap for outdated Policies Decided that the repealed policies should be looked at by the third council meeting, some discussion on what council should ultimately do now. N/A N/A
9i Discussion Roadmap for September - October Discussion on GA in the fall, selection of x4 BoG Members at Large, selecting a second alumni member N/A N/A
9j Discussion Roadmap for the rest of the Fall Semester General Fee': The fee was at $22/full time student / semester: two questions to be posed, one for a $5 raise, another for 2% to cover inflation (tot $33k per year), deadline is September 1st

SSF Renewal: Needs to be voted on this term, else it will be cut off Design Team Fee Increase: Talk about whether that and the general fee increase at the same time is prudent, come to the consensus that it's OK so long as design teams do their legwork. || style="background-color:Silver"|N/A || N/A

9k Discussion Updates on New VP External No one is selected yet, two weeks for promotion and applications. Interviews on August 17-18 N/A N/A
9l Motion EUSF & EFC Bylaws Adoption Bioengineering is added to all instances of departmental lists Passed Passed
2017-09-10 9a Discussion Roadmap for the semester Added additional meeting for the month, plans for advertising BoG member selection / GA / referendum, establishing goals for the rest of the semester, deciding who will take the charge on SSF bylaws / endowment fund policy / selection bylaws /constitution / EWB Fee, and EUS Conference. N/A N/A
9bi Motion SSF Long Term Application

Cash Counter || Replace the current cash counter (which is quite sensitive to failure), total cost of $845. Ran temporarily under office expense as SSF Bylaws had not yet been passed, but no objection to its passing under SSF in the future || style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed || Passed

9bii Motion SSF Long Term Application

Locker Repairs || Repair over 50 lockers that the EUS was previously unable to rent out due to damage ($3800 + 10% tot cost). Straw poll tentatively approved the expense, pending SSF Bylaw approval || style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed || Passed

9biii Motion SSF Long Term Application

Ice Machine Repairs || Previous repairs to the sink and ice machine were not up to code, causing mold, total repair of $1000. Tentatively approved by straw poll pending SSF Bylaws || style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed || Passed

9c Motion Adoption of the Electoral Bylaws There were some gaps previously in which candidates were not up to the same expectations as committees, some discussion blooms on dirty electoral tactics. Passed Passed
9d Discussion Organize BoG for Referendum & GA Various action items set for board members to advertise for GA through pipeline, posters, etc N/A N/A
2017-09-24 9a Discussion Council/BoG/Execs Reporting Execs feel as though the BoG is operating without proper transparency, decide to enforce reports more thoroughly N/A N/A
9b Motion SSF Bylaws/Policy Shuffled some small changes around, ultimately approve both documents Passed Passed
9c Discussion Other Policies regarding the BoG Discussion on approving Conflict of Interest Policy, BoG Policy, Endowment Fund Policy, and PBRC Policy ultimately table until new board members are selected N/A N/A
9d Discussion Fall Budget Agree to make the budget meeting separate from standard BoG meeting, divided up tasks for preparation such as having previous budgets available, scheduling Facebook event,, deadlines, etc. N/A N/A
9e Discussion Budget Year to Date Discussion on budget for incoming semester, money required from OAP, revisit the cut to MERTW funding (decide not to revisit, later failed to be added to the agenda) N/A N/A
9f Discussion Endowment Fund Year to Date Nothing to update on N/A N/A
9g Discussion Selection Bylaws / Recruitment Policy Selection Committee left as is, agree to have EUS Council form a group to reform the Recruitment Policy N/A N/A
9h Discussion General Assembly (dealing with derailing conversation on referenda) Scheduling when motions need to be passed by council, when referendum needs to occur, etc. N/A N/A
9i Discussion General Assembly 8 Bylaws need to be passed by General Assembly, each equipped with a small presentation. Divided up who would work logistics for voting, who will be speaker, publicity, location, etc. N/A N/A
9j Discussion Alumni Selection Organized a meeting for a smaller selection committee to vote on a new alumni member for the board N/A N/A
9k Discussion Updates on Dianne's Party Party scheduled for October 14th, EUS set aside $5k, Jessica (organizer) was absent so not much else was said N/A N/A
9l Discussion Referendum Questions Formation of yes committee for EUS General Fee & Design Team Fee increase N/A N/A
2017-10-05 9a Discussion Welcome to the Board Welcoming newly selected board members N/A N/A
9b Motion Adoption of Electoral Calendar CRO Camille Warner outlines voting schedule, boting booth, general Winter 2018 schedule. Revisit Council's confusion on the state of available capital for Design Team fee increase, the amount of the General Fee increase, rather than overturn Council's decision to defer the General Fee increase they repropose it better equipped with numbers Passed Passed
9c Discussion Board 101 Cover communication access to board drive / slack, how finances generally work, how/when to contact the lawyer, roadmap for the rest of the year N/A N/A
9d Discussion Group Photo Not everyone present, tabled Tabled Tabled
2017-11-11 9ai Motion McGill Space Group Capital Request Requested workbench, a "Clean Room" glow hood, two chairs and a stool, cabinets and drawers, and two screens with arm mounts. Total $6509.80. Computers to be acquired through EMF. Approved with the provision they seek funding from the SSMU and apply SSF Logo Stickers Passed Passed
9aii1 Motion G-Store Capital Request Purchase of a new open air fridge to protect sandwiches, total $2,799 Passed Passed
9aii2 Motion Frostbite Capital Request Additional payment method added, needs android tablet, case, and square card reader. Also applied to get their gate repaired and a new stable storage shelf. Total $458.93 Passed Passed
9aii3 Motion CopiEUS Capital Request Applied for funding McGill to paint the interior of CopiEUS, $1700 tot Passed Passed
9b Discussion Ratification of Amendments made to Bylaws during the GA No discussion is had Tabled Tabled
9c Motion EUS Budget Update General fee referendum passed, return to budget created with fee increase (where substantial cuts to committees are no longer present, Clubs & Design Teams have funding etc.). Discuss the nature of EngGames continued deficit, increased BoG budget to include GA expenses Passed Passed
9d Discussion Difference between clubs and committees. (7 min) Create committee led by Alec and Jess to discern the difference between clubs and committee volunteer rewards/perks (food, swag subsidy, etc.) N/A N/A
9e Motion Departmental Trips Fund Policy Adoption Groups must produce a 1 page report of the trip, funds director becomes more involved, agree that all funds need scrutiny, ultimately kept as is Tabled Tabled
9f Discussion Financial Status of the EUS Review of the difference between EUS chequings, savings, and endowment accounts N/A N/A
9g Discussion Template of MoA with External Engineering Groups Potential addition of 1% accounting fee for external engineering groups N/A N/A
9h Discussion CFES Congress 2019 status Just an update that Pentcho was selected as co-chair, and that it will be a large event on the horizon for EUS / McGill N/A N/A
9i Discussion EUS New Initiatives Fund General discussion on the need for an entrepreneurship fund, creation of a committee to be led by pentcho to develop the infrastructure N/A N/A
9j Discussion General Assembly Debriefing Summary of gameplan for GA; food after motions before exit reports, will be recorded, maintaining quorum, backup plan for online voting N/A N/A
9k Discussion Short Term Projects: EUS Constitution revision, EUS Financial Policy (in addition to bylaws), 5 year plan (EUS 2020 part 2),OAP Branding and Trademark, BoG Internal Policy revisions, creating a standard MoU with external engineering groups, academic funds, and creation of the new initiatives fund N/A N/A
9l Discussion Photos for Execs/Board of Governors Creation of a doodle for the BoG team photo N/A N/A
2017-12-02 9a Motion McGill Bid for: CFES Sustainability Conference CFES is promoting a new sustainability conference to be held in March 2019. Seeing as McGill is hosting Congress in 2019, members straw polled against bidding for the sustainability conference. Agreed to look into partnering for a bid with another school Failed Failed
9b Motion Ratification of Amendments made to Bylaws during the GA Procedural approval of Clubs & DT Bylaws, Electoral & Referendum Bylaws before they go to General Assembly Passed Passed
9c Discussion Discussion: Template of MoA with External Engineering Groups There's a basic template created for MoA/MoUs with external engineering groups, agreed to take it on a case by case basis. Large discussion on whether or not it's fair to charge accounting fees to these groups, some of which identify as charities N/A N/A
9d Notice of Motion Notice: EUS Budget Update: Rent EUS rent has been increasing at an alarming rate, the MoA negotiation team is working towards reducing it N/A N/A
9e Discussion Discussion: Drinking Events Subsidy Policy Discussion on the contentious policy; purpose to promote safe consumption of alcohol, providing non-alcoholic tickets. Who does it apply to, do our constituents want this? Survey was created to discern just that. Waiting on results N/A N/A
9f Discussion Discussion: EUS Insurance Usage Framework/Criteria Our insurance is confusing: POWE tried to use it, but it was confusing. It would be worthwhile to create a guide, Pentcho and Sandro agree to look into it N/A N/A
9g Discussion Discussion: Meeting Frequency BoG meetings have been running long, some believe matters require more consistent attention. Voted to change meetings to occur every three weeks instead of four. People need to arrive on time, that also extends meeting times N/A N/A
9h Discussion Discussion: EUS Financial Vulnerabilities Design teams need to make expenses before they receive sponsorship, how can we protect the EUS from such a financial vulnerability? Talks with the lawyer yielded little, can we penalize them? Outright stop them from going in the red? N/A N/A
9i Discussion Discussion: Team Drive Current email system for board members ineffective, agree to research alternatives N/A N/A
9j Discussion Discussion: Removing Inactive Board Members Alumni member Ray was absent a number of times with little notice, discussion of what the procedure is for holding board members accountable, impeachment process. Agree to give the benefit of the doubt N/A N/A
2018-01-28 8a Presentation Capital Fund: McGill Formula Electric Even after Formula Electric x McGill Racing Team merged, they do not have enough storage space. Purchase workbenches, shelf, ledges, and table for a total of $1289.97 N/A N/A
8b Presentation Congress Delegation Report The McGill delegation to CFES Congress 2018 report on the different streams, the pros the cons, and the major takeaways they brought home to McGill. N/A N/A
9a Motion Congress Activity Agreement An agreement between McGill and CFES outlining responsibilities of presentations, schedule release, finances, etc. Passed Passed
9b Motion Capital Request McGill Formula Electric Consensus there weren't enough details or evidence of alternative options researched to pass in its current form Tabled Tabled
9c Discussion Winter Budget Review Agree on budget review meeting to take place on Feb 6th at 6PM, logistics for space and food outlined. N/A N/A
9d Discussion E-Week 2018 Overview of the event, 650 participants, some budget fluctuations but nothing concrete to report N/A N/A
9e Discussion Ski Trip Ski Trip had lower than average turnout, presenting a deficit. Going to apply to SSMU Funding, try to make budget presentable by the budget review meeting. N/A N/A
9f Discussion Dianne's Party Final Budget Slightly under the expected $5k allocated, gift flights to london had not been purchased yet N/A N/A
9g Discussion Email strategy / Team Drive Everyone has their own email account now, was converted into a listserv, president and finance were not previously on there N/A N/A
9h Discussion Speaker Discussion on whether or not it's redundant to have both a Chair and a Speaker on the BoG. Ultimately decide that having an unbiased person is necessary. N/A N/A
2018-02-11 9a Motion Adoption of the EUS Winter 2018 Budget It was revealed that the CFES Congress 2019 needs confirmation of EUS support before getting additional sponsors, summarily approve $15k allocation to make down payment on a hotel Passed Passed
9b Motion Amendment to the EUS 2017-18 Electoral Calendar Discussion on where BoG election should take place in the electoral calendar, take place after the executive elections Passed Passed
9c Discussion Discussion re: Board Members at Large Elections Council needs to approve the continuation of the BoG, need to facilitate review session as a result. Collaborate on creation of presentation and how it'd work in council. N/A N/A
9d Discussion Discussion re: Exec Discretionary Budget review meeting unearthed some strife on what execs can and cannot do with discretionary, whether it should be capped, etc. Mostly agree that there should not be explicit guidelines or cap for discretionary spending. Will be revisited after execs meet to discuss N/A N/A
9e Discussion Discussion re: Division of responsibilities between Council and BoG Revisiting the sentiment that the board has absorbed a lot of responsibilities. What's the purpose of council now? Is the board overreaching? N/A N/A
9f Discussion Discussion re: Pizza Deal Pizza Deal with Dominos on Rachel for $8/pizza for the General Assembly. Pondering the implementation of a society wide pizza deal with dominos, not enough information to go forward. Briefly mention the sticker deal that was negotiated by VP Comms N/A N/A
9g N/A Confidential Session Confidential, of course. N/A N/A
9h Discussion EUS Board of Governors Approval of MoA Review of the new MoA, which lists new spaces under the EUS, reduces cost of square footage, endorse the negotiation team to sign the MoA. N/A N/A
2018-02-25 8a Presentation Capital SSF Request: Formula Electric Second presentation regarding the purchase of a table for assembly in MEDN, clarification regarding tabletop material, which now includes Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) N/A N/A
9ai Motion Capital Request Formula Electric See above presentation, allocation of $1131.87 for a new table for construction in MEDN Passed Passed
9aii Motion Capital Request Office Improvement Phase 1 Complete overview of the "phase 1" of office improvements, primarily consisting of desks, chairs, and drawers for the main part of the office, as well as painting for the president's office. Initially included other tertiary purchases such as finance desk, presidents desk, loveseat and chair, but those have been struck from this phase. NOTE: The presentation has been edited since this presentation and is no longer reflective of what was proposed to the board during this meeting. Passed in part Passed in part
9aiii Motion Capital Request Publication Digitization A large number of records (over 29k estimated documents) from the EUS pre 2008 have been taking up space in the storage room and EUS office, this is to outsource the digitization to another company for a total cost of $3907.50. Passed Passed
9aiv Motion Capital Request Small Safe The "small safe" in the finance office lost the ability to reprogram its code, and therefore is a liability. A new safe is proposed for purchase, around $456 total Passed Passed
9bi Motion Clubs Fund The Clubs Fund was already allocated, and NOBE did not apply for enough to remain budget neutral, this proposal allocates an additional $215 from the EUS operating budget to cover the deficit. Passed Passed
9bii Motion Exec Retreat The previous years' executive retreat was at an executive's house, drastically reducing the price. The estimated amount therefore was not accurate. This adds an additional $300 to the executive retreat budget to cover lodging. Passed Passed
9biii Motion Grad Comm McGill unexpectedly charged Grad Comm over $714 for cleaning fees after Iron Ring ceremonies, after some confusion it is tabled until later when a representative can speak on it, and then it is ultimately tabled for the meeting. Discussion on why it was a surprise, who should actually cover it (EUS or MESC), will this be incurred in the future etc. Tabled Tabled
9c Motion Motion Re: Extension of Blacklisting Investigation Period Upgrade the probationary period in the blacklisting policy from three weeks to four weeks, since historically it has been a problem fitting the deliberation in such a short span of time Passed Passed
9d Discussion Council “Review” on BoG and comments Derailed conversation on how feedback should be run, what previous minutes there were when this review period was imagined, etc. Tabled Tabled
9e Discussion OAP Trademarking This is in reaction to the University Alumni branch of McGill using OAP in Toronto among others without consultation. Trademark takes 12 months to process, continuing as normal N/A N/A
9f Discussion BoG Elections Format How to promote the open BoG positions, talking about best viable voting method, hold off until next meeting. N/A N/A
9g Discussion External Groups MoU MoU doesn't cover the fact that PPO runs Rowdy Day Blues Pubs, agree not to include BP, no further discussion N/A N/A
2018-03-11 9a Discussion Elections Planning for the promotion of BoG election period, divvy up tasks N/A N/A
9b Discussion Constitution There's a large number of edits to the constitution, attempt to tackle them as best as possible. Any modifications regarding Board's power need to be run by council, some drastically alter committee status, agree to whittle it down to the most important changes and table the rest for a larger constitution reimagination N/A N/A
9c Discussion Accessibility of EUS Documents Documents not largely accessible to the public, maybe it's a communication problem, Vivian and Malcolm to meet to discuss an official wiki integration of governing documents N/A N/A
9d Discussion External Groups MoU A halfhearted checkin, when are MoUs due, divide up different MoUs to board members who will take responsiblity as primary negotiator. N/A N/A
2018-03-25 9a Motion Capital SSF Request: Space Team Nobody was present to present, tabled Tabled Tabled
9b Motion Capital SSF Request: OAP Credit Card Payment Similar to the Frostbite card setup, OAP is looking to have a tablet equipped with square payment to accept cards. Discussion on cost of usage, what kind of tablet is best in the long run, tabled until more options are considered Tabled Tabled
9c Motion Motion re: Mental Health Committee Budget Amendment Amending the Mental Health budget to add an additional $200 to cover a one time free Spinergie Spin Class for ~40 participants Passed Passed
9d Motion Motion Re: Cashflow Allowance for Congress 2019 Sponsorship money has not arrived yet, they are proposing the EUS offer a cash flow advance of $30,000 Passed Passed
9e Motion Motion re: Creation of the Constitutional Re-Imagination Committee Vivian created a gameplan for the Constitutional Reimagination Committee, a group that would dedicate itself to essentially rewrite the EUS Constitution. Discussion on membership makeup, the need for deadlines, expenses to meet with the lawyer, and more. Passed Passed
9f Motion Motion re: Changes to Finance Director Policy Discussion on adding a stipend to the Finance Director, who sits on the selection committee, whether or not the amount provided is reflective of the work done. Ultimately tabled (maybe out of boredom or to break the cyclical conversation?) Tabled Tabled
9g Discussion Discussion: NDA/Fraud form Many people did not read the NDA in advance of, the current template is a copy of SSMU's, tabled until next meeting Tabled Tabled
9h Discussion Discussion: New BoG Roadmap 18-19 Struck so members could prepare for Plumber's Ball N/A N/A
9i Discussion Discussion re: EUS Equity Struck so members could prepare for Plumber's Ball N/A N/A
9j Discussion Feedback/Introspection Struck so members could prepare for Plumber's Ball N/A N/A
2018-04-08 9a Motion SSF Capital Request for Copi-EUS Cutter - Kareem Purchase of a new electronic/mechanical cutter for CopiEUS, $4583 before contingency total requested. NIL Passed via Online Vote
9b Motion SSF Capital Request for Puncher Warranty Extension - Kareem A hole-puncher purchased by CopiEUS within the last year is eligible for a warranty, requested $1643 for 5 year coverage for parts, transportation, and labor of repairs. Tabled Tabled
9c Motion SSF Capital Request: ChESS Request for the purchase of 12 chairs for the design room in Wong, coat hooks and a projector screen installation, fans, and a water cooler. Water cooler struck for various reasons, the rest approved at a total pretax $3740 Tabled Tabled
9d Motion SSF Capital Request: OAP Credit Card Reader 4 options presented for tablet / cardreader combinations, ultimately agree on two tablets and square payments with cases at lower cost threshold. Passed Passed
9e Motion Capital SSF Request: Office Improvement Phase 2 Coverage for the varia postponed from the previous office improvement discussion. This includes president's, finance's, & administrator's desk, an Air Conditioner, a new coffee table, and under the desk drawers for executives. Tabled Tabled
9f Discussion Discussion: Addition of Space Improvement Committee to BoG Informally approved the creation of an ad-hoc committee to oversee EUS Space Improvement, who shall report to the Board. N/A N/A
2018-04-28 9a Motion SSF Capital Request for Puncher Warranty Extension - Kareem Revisit previous capital allocation for the CopiEUS puncher warranty; ~$300/annually for 5 years (paid in lump sum). Some question of necessity, as it does not cover negligence or misuse, ultimately carried. Passed Passed
9b Motion Capital SSF Request: Office Improvement Phase 2 Revisit office improvement, again; discussion on whether the pourous concrete table needs sealant, privacy covers for the president's desk, and legs for the couch. Total requested amount, $7117. Passed Passed
9c Motion Motion: Maxence CREIQ endorsement Maxence Frenette wants to run for CREIQ VP Internal, which requires EngSoc endorsement. Approved with little discussion, because we all love and believe in Max. Passed Passed