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#REDIRECT [[EUS Constitution]]
'''The Constitution of the Materials Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University'''
Adopted May 31st, 2013
As amended May 2014, March 2017, December 2022
<div class="noautonum">__TOC__</div>
===Article 1 - Name and Purpose of the Society===
1.1 The official name of the Society shall be, in English, the “Materials Engineering Undergraduate Society”, and in French, the “Association des Étudiant(e)s en Génie des Matériaux” hereinafter referred to as the MEUS and AÉGM, respectively.
1.2 The purpose of the MEUS shall be:
:1.2.1 To create a unified, cohesive body of undergraduate students that collaborates to enhance the student experience for all.
===Article 2 - Definitions===
2.1 The Department of Mining and Materials Engineering hereinafter referred to as “the Department”.
2.2 The Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University hereinafter referred to as “the EUS”.
2.3 McGill University which hereinafter referred to as “The University”.
2.4The Student’s Society of McGill University hereinafter referred to as “SSMU”.
2.5McGill Engineering Student Center hereinafter referred to as “MESC”.
2.6 The Materials Advantage Student Chapter of McGill hereinafter referred to as “the MA”.
2.7 The CIM-MetSoc Student Chapter of McGill hereinafter referred to as “the MetSoc”.
===Article 3 - Membership===
3.1. The members of the MEUS shall consist of all undergraduate level students enrolled in the Materials Engineering program as acknowledged by the roster of the Department.
===Article 4 - Rights, Privileges, and Obligations of Members===
4.1. The rights of the Members shall include:
:4.1.1.The right to vote in MEUS General Elections, Referendums, and General Assemblies;
:4.1.2.The right to attend General Assemblies and meetings of the MEUS Executive;
:4.1.3.The right to move or second Motions at General Assemblies;
:4.1.4.The right to speak for or against any motion at a General Assembly;
:4.1.5.The right to initiate Referenda and General Assemblies, as per Articles 22.1 & 23.2, respectively.
4.2. The privileges of Members shall include the following:
:4.2.1.To hold office within the MEUS Executive or Committees, subject to the qualifications specified in Title ll;
:4.2.2.To use the MEUS facilities and services, subject to the MEUS Executive policies.
4.3. All Members of the MEUS shall be obligated to conform to the MEUS Constitution and bylaws.
4.4. No Member is empowered to make purchases in the name of the MEUS, or to financially obligate the MEUS in anyway unless such permission to undertake such actions has been granted beforehand by the MEUS Executive.
===Article 5 - Finances===
5.1. All members of the MEUS shall pay ancillary student fees to the MEUS as charged by the EUS.
5.2. The MEUS shall never end the fiscal year at a deficit.
5.3. The fiscal year of the MEUS shall coincide with the academic year as outlined by the University.
5.4. As a subsidiary organization to the EUS, the MEUS shall adhere to all financial policies outlined by the EUS, whose policies shall supersede any financial policies outlined here.
5.5. The MA and MetSoc shall hold separate accounts that are independent of those of the MEUS and EUS.
:5.5.1.The MA and MetSoc accounts may not accept any revenue except from that of corporate sponsors or grants.
:5.5.2.The MEUS account may receive money from the MA and MetSoc accounts, but the reverse is forbidden. Title II – Organization Section 1 – The Executive
===Article 6 - Membership of the Executive===
6.1. Membership of the MEUS Executive shall comprise:
:6.1.1. The President
:6.1.2. The Vice-President Academic
:6.1.3. The Vice-President Internal
:6.1.4. The Vice-President Finance
:6.1.5. The Vice-President External
:6.1.6. The Vice-President Administration
:6.1.7. The Vice-President Communications
:6.1.8. U1 Class Representative
:6.1.9. U2 Class Representative
:6.1.10. U3 Class Representative
:6.1.11. U4 Class Representative
6.2. None of the positions above may be held concurrently by two or more people at the same time.
6.3. No one person may hold more than one of the above positions at the same time, except under exceptional circumstances involving vacancies of office.
===Article 7 - Duties and Responsibilities===
7.1. The Executive is empowered to take actions that benefit the student experience for all of its members in the aspects of including, but not limited to, academic, social, cultural, and professional.
7.2. The Executive will be the official representatives of the MEUS.
7.3. Every member of the Executive must be familiar with and abide by the rules, procedures, and guidelines outlined in the constitution and bylaws relevant to their positions.
7.4. The Executive is bound to upholding and carrying out the duties outlined below. The failure to do so provides adequate grounds for removal from office pursuant to the terms outlined in Article 17.
===Article 8 - Terms of Office===
8.1. The proscribed term of office for the Executive shall be from May 1 st of the year in which they were elected, to April 30 th of the following year.
8.2. The period from April 1 st to May 31 st shall be proscribed as a transition period in which the incumbent Executive will provide a complete turnover of all their work and experiences to date in the form of an exit report and a meeting with the incoming Executive.
:8.2.1.If the Executive leaves their office at any point in the year for a co-op work term, an exit report must be written for the incoming replacement.
===Article 9 - President===
9.1. The President must be elected in a MEUS general election and not appointed.
9.2. The President may not be on a co-op work term for the Fall and Winter semesters of their proscribed term in office and must be present in Montreal.
9.3. The President must be U2 or higher, and must have spent at least one full academic year as a member of the MEUS, excluding time spent in U0 studies.
9.4. Duties of the President shall include:
:9.4.1.Attending the EUS Council meetings.
:9.4.2.Presiding over and chairing the meetings of the MEUS Executive.
:9.4.3.Managing and directing the activities of the MEUS Executive.
:9.4.4.Representing the MEUS Executive in dealings with other student societies, and administrative bodies of the department, faculty, and university.
:9.4.5.Setting short and long-term strategic goals for the MEUS.
:9.4.6.Approving, in conjuncture with the VP Finance, all MEUS expenditures.
:9.4.7.Ensuring that the MEUS constitution and bylaws are kept up to date.
===Article 10 - Vice-President Academic===
10.1. The Vice-President Academic shall be U2 or higher, and must have spent at least one full academic year as a member of the MEUS.
10.2. Duties of the Vice-President Academic shall include:
:10.2.1. Holding an academic forum every semester and issuing a summary report.
:10.2.2. Representing the interests of the MEUS on academically oriented EUS fund committees; namely the Equipment Fund and the Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund.
:10.2.3. Promoting academic interests within the MEUS.
:10.2.4. Ensuring a fair academic environment within the Department.
:10.2.5. Advocating for the MEUS on academic issues to the Department and faculty administration.
===Article 11 - Vice-President Internal===
11.1. Duties of the Vice-President Internal shall include:
:11.1.1. Organizing and promoting social activities for the MEUS.
:11.1.2. Managing the MEUS intramural sports teams.
:11.1.3. Leading planning of the MEUS-run Blues Pubs.
:11.1.4. Sitting on the committees of space improvement-related funds of the EUS.
:11.1.5. Chairing an events committee to encourage involvement in the MEUS.
===Article 12 - Vice-President Finance===
12.1. The Vice-President Finance may not be on a co-op work term for the Fall and Winter semesters of their proscribed term in office and must be present in Montreal.
12.2. Duties of the Vice-President Finance shall include:
:12.2.1. Managing and tracking the financial activities of the MEUS.
:: At the beginning of each month, the Vice-President Finance shall prepare a statement on the previous month’s financial activities and transactions.
:: At the end of the year, an annual report shall be issued as a part of the exit report.
:12.2.2. Receiving and storing annual financial reports from the MA and the MetSoc to ensure continuity.
:12.2.3. Approving, in conjunction with the President, all MEUS expenditures.
:12.2.4. Ensuring adequate sources of funding for MEUS operations via fundraising activities, and aiding the VP External in obtaining corporate sponsorship, and grants and applying for funds.
:12.2.5. Preparing an annual budget to be completed and presented no later than the last week of September.
===Article 13 - Vice-President External===
13.1. Duties of the Vice-President External shall include:
:13.1.1. Organizing events including, but not limited to, conference trips, industry tours, and networking events.
:13.1.2. Maintaining and promoting good relations between the MEUS and industry partners.
:13.1.3. Pursuing corporate sponsorship to support general operations and specific events of the MEUS in partnership with the Vice-President Finance.
:13.1.4. Assisting with and ensuring the continued existence and active status of the MetSoc and the MA.
:: If a new student chapter president cannot be found for either the MetSoc or the MA, the Vice-President External shall fill the position until a replacement can be found.
:13.1.5. Assisted by the Vice-President Finance, applying for grants and funding relevant to the events under this portfolio. This includes funds administered by the EUS, the SSMU, and the MESC.
:13.1.6. Participating in EUS VP External initiatives.
:13.1.7. Seeking out and promoting industrial and professional connections and opportunities for the MEUS.
===Article 14 - Vice-President Administration===
14.1. Duties of the Vice-President Administration shall include:
:14.1.1. Keeping accurate minutes of all MEUS Executive meetings.
:14.1.2. Assisting in the maintenance of the MEUS constitution and bylaws.
:14.1.3. Managing and supporting a departmental mentoring program between the upper and lower year students.
:14.1.4. Coordinating a Materials Engineering apparel sale in the Fall term of each year.
:14.1.5. Maintaining and managing student space, including the Metroom and MEUS lockers, and applying for student space funding.
===Article 15 - Vice-President Communication===
15.1. Duties of the Vice-President Communication shall include:
:15.1.1. Handling all publications released by the MEUS Executive.
:15.1.2. Ensuring effective communication between the MEUS Executive and members of the MEUS.
:15.1.3. Maintaining and continually improving all web content of the MEUS, including but not limited to the MEUS website, the MEUS page on the EUS Wiki, and the Departmental Student Life section.
:15.1.4. Maintaining and enhancing the mediums of communication used by the MEUS, including but not limited to social media and a newsletter.
:15.1.5. Promoting events and initiatives run by the MEUS Executive, the MA, and the MetSoc.
===Article 16 - Class Representatives===
16.1. Duties of the Class Representatives shall include:
:16.1.1. Attending and engaging in EUS Council meetings.
:16.1.2. Facilitating bilateral communication between the MEUS Executive, the EUS, and members of the Class that they represent.
:16.1.3. Encouraging student involvement.
:16.1.4. Organizing at least one social event per academic semester (not including co-op terms) for the members of the Class they represent.
:16.1.5. Otherwise supporting the various activities of the MEUS Executive as required.
===Article 17 - Removal from Office===
17.1. Any member of the Executive may voluntarily resign from their office with two week’s notice.
17.2. Any member of the Executive, except the President and Vice-President Finance, must resign from office if going on a co-op work term unless the remainder of the Executive unanimously decides that the Executive in question is fully capable of meeting the demands of the office while on co-op work term, including considerations of geographical proximity.
:17.2.1. The President and the Vice-President Finance are not permitted to take a co-op work term for the duration of their term in office. Failure to comply will result in automatic and immediate expulsion from office.
17.3. All members of the Executive must maintain satisfactory academic standing. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from their office.
17.4. All members of the Executive must remain members of the MEUS for the full duration of their terms. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from their office.
17.5. Any member of the Executive may, in writing, call for the resignation of another member of the Executive.
:17.5.1. If any member of the Executive is charged with a call for resignation in this manner, a two-thirds (2/3) majority is required for impeachment.
17.6. Any member of the MEUS may call for the resignation of a member of the Executive, provided that they have the backing of at least 10% of the other members of the MEUS.
:17.6.1. If the President, Vice-President Academic, Vice-President Internal, Vice-President External, Vice-President Finance, Vice-President Administration or Vice-President Communication is charged with a call for resignation, a general referendum must be held whereupon a simple majority will result in immediate expulsion from office.
:17.6.2. If a Class Representative is charged with a call for resignation, a class referendum will be held in the Class that they represent whereupon a simple majority will result in immediate expulsion from office.
17.7. If an Executive is removed from office for whatever voluntary or involuntary reason, they may not run in the election for their immediate replacement.
===Article 18 - Vacancies===
18.1. Any member of the Executive that vacates their position is responsible for helping to find potential candidates as a replacement.
18.2. If the office of President is vacated, the position shall be temporarily filled, until a new President can be chosen by general referendum, by:
:18.2.1. The Vice-President Finance, or,
:18.2.2. The Vice-President Internal, if the Vice-President Finance is unavailable or unwilling, or,
:18.2.3. Any other member of the Executive, provided they obtain a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote within the Executive.
18.3. If the office of any of the Vice-Presidents are vacant, the following actions must be taken:
:18.3.1. If no candidates apply for the position during general election period, the new Executive team must put out another call for nominations followed by a general election to fill the position.
:18.3.2. If the office is still vacant after the second round of elections, the Executive may appoint a member to the position with a two-thirds (2/3) majority within the Executive.
:18.3.3. If the office is vacated during the term of office, a replacement may be chosen by election or by appointment by a two-thirds (2/3) majority within the Executive, or left vacant at the discretion of the President.
18.4. If the office of any of the Class Representatives are vacant, the following actions must be taken:
:18.4.1. If no candidates apply for the position during general election period, the new Executive team must put out another call for nominations followed by an election within the specific class to fill the position.
:18.4.2. If the office is still vacant after the second round of elections, the Executive may appoint a member to the position with a two-thirds (2/3) majority within the Executive.
:18.4.3. If the office is vacated during the term of office, a replacement may be chosen by election or by appointment by a two-thirds (2/3) majority within the Executive, or left vacant at the discretion of the President. Section 2 – Committees
===Article 19 - Purpose===
19.1. The purpose of committees shall be to:
:19.1.1. Provide additional resources required to support the activities of the MEUS.
:19.1.2. Foster a sense of involvement and community by engaging regular members.
:19.1.3. Provide greater exposure of the activities of the MEUS Executive to regular members.
===Article 20 - Committee Organization===
20.1. All committees must be chaired or co-chaired by at least one member of the MEUS Executive.
20.2. Regular members of all committees shall be selected by the chair or co-chairs of the committee in question.
20.3. The committee chair shall present regular reports on their committee to the Executive. Title III – Procedures Section 1 – The Executive
===Article 21 - Meetings of the Executive and Procedures===
21.1. During the Fall and Winter semesters, at a minimum, the Executive shall hold meetings no fewer than once every two (2) weeks, not including university-wide holiday periods.
21.2. During the Summer semester, at a minimum, the Executive shall hold meetings no fewer than once every two (2) calendar months.
21.3. Quorum for voting conducted among the Executive shall consist of the President, at least two (2) of the Vice-Presidents, and at least half (1/2) of the Class Representatives.
21.4. In the case of a tie, the President has the right to cast an additional deciding vote.
21.5. Any member of the MEUS has the right to bring up issues for discussion by the Executive or attend meetings of the Executive, unless it has been specifically declared a closed session by the President.
:21.5.1. The decision to close a meeting may be overturned by two (2) Class Representatives. Section 2 – Referenda & General Assemblies
===Article 22 - Referenda===
22.1. A referendum may be initiated by any member of the MEUS, Executive or otherwise, at any time of the year.
22.2. In order for a referendum question to be formally called to question, the motion must be seconded by either 5% of the membership of the MEUS, or a simple majority of the MEUS Executive.
22.3. Quorum in order for referenda results to be valid shall be 10% of the membership of the MEUS.
22.4. Voting procedures for referenda shall follow the guidelines outlined in the EUS Referendum Bylaws.
===Article 23 - General Assembly===
23.1. The purpose of the General Assembly will be to allow for discussions and Motions on social, cultural, academic, and professional issues as they relate to the MEUS, as well as the operations of the MEUS Executive.
23.2. Any 5% of the membership of the MEUS or a simple majority of the Executive may call for a General Assembly at any time of the year.
23.3. The official Speaker of a General Assembly will be chosen from the MEUS Executive by a simple majority of the rest of the Executive.
23.4. The General Assembly has final say on all decisions including overturning decisions made by the MEUS Executive.
23.5. Notice of a General Assembly must be posted at least ten (10) school days prior to the date of the General Assembly.
23.6. Motions must be presented in writing to the Speaker no later than five (5) school days prior to the date of the General Assembly.
23.7. Motions and the order of business must be publicized three (3) school days prior to the General Assembly.
23.8. Unless otherwise stated, a simple majority will suffice for passing Motions at a General Assembly.
:23.8.1. Motions are considered non-binding unless a two-thirds (2/3) majority is obtained.
23.9. Quorum for Motions to pass during a General Assembly shall be 10% of the membership of the MEUS.
23.10. Voting procedures for General Assemblies shall follow the guidelines outlined in Title II, Section III of the EUS Constitution. Section 3 – Elections
===Article 24 - Electoral Officers===
24.1. A Chief Returning Officer (“CRO”), selected by the EUS, shall work with the President to select a Deputy Returning Officer (“DRO”) for the MEUS, in accordance with the EUS Electoral Bylaws.
24.2. The DRO:
:24.2.1. Shall be in charge of running the departmental elections in conjunction with the CRO.
:24.2.2. May not be a candidate in the election in question.
:24.2.3. Must be a full-time member of the MEUS.
:24.2.4. Must not have any perceived conflict of interest with the outcomes of the election, as determined by the incumbent Executive by a two-thirds (2/3) majority.
===Article 25 - Procedures===
25.1. MEUS elections shall be run in accordance with the EUS Electoral Bylaws.
25.2. Candidate eligibility shall follow the rules outlined in the EUS Electoral Bylaws.
25.3. If a conflict arises between the procedures outlined herein and the EUS Electoral Bylaws, an appropriate course of action will be taken after a discussion between the DRO and the CRO.
25.4. Election of the U1 Class Representative is exempt from the provisions herein and shall instead be conducted in September by the U1 Members of the MEUS.
:25.4.1. Election of the U1 Class Representative shall be overseen by the President. Title IV – Additional Provisions
===Article 26 - The Constitution===
26.1. The Constitution is binding in all its provisions except where explicitly stated otherwise within the Constitution itself.
26.2. Where provisions of the Constitution are contradictory or are otherwise vague, the President shall be responsible for deciding on the best interpretation.
26.3. In case of conflict, the EUS Constitution supersedes the MEUS Constitution.
===Article 27 - Amendments to the Constitution===
27.1. A call for amendments to the constitution may be made by any one member of the Executive or by any 5% of the members of the MEUS.
27.2. Amendments to the constitution must first obtain two-thirds (2/3) majority amongst the Executive, followed by a simple majority in a general referendum in order to be ratified.
===Article 28 - Bylaws===
28.1. The Bylaws of the MEUS are binding unless in conflict with provisions of the Constitution. The Constitution supersedes all Bylaws.
28.2. The rules, regulations, and policies of the EUS supersede all those of the MEUS.
===Article 29 - Amendments to Bylaws===
29.1. A call for amendments to any bylaw may be made by any one member of the MEUS, Executive or otherwise.
29.2. Amendments to bylaws of the MEUS must obtain a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Executive in order to be ratified.
:29.2.1. If an amendment was initiated by a non-Executive member of the MEUS, the amendment process must include the initiator, and their approval must be obtained along with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Executive for ratification.
===Article 30 - Freedom of Information===
30.1. The Constitution, bylaws, and any official documents of the MEUS shall be freely provided to any of its members upon request.
===Article 31 - Official Languages of the Society===
31.1. The official languages of the MEUS shall be Standard British English and French.

Latest revision as of 13:00, 10 April 2023

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