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(Created page with "$(document).ready(function() { var //add this class to all elements created by the script. the reason is that we call the script again on //window resize, and use the cla...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:54, 18 September 2018

$(document).ready(function() {


//add this class to all elements created by the script. the reason is that we call the script again on //window resize, and use the class to remove all the "artefacts" we created in the previous run. myClassName = 'imageMapHighlighterArtefacts' , liHighlightClass = 'liHighlighting' , specialAreaMark = 'area_mark' , specialLiClassesMark = 'list_classes' // "2d context" attributes used for highlighting. , areaHighLighting = {fillStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.35)', strokeStyle: 'yellow', lineJoin: 'round', lineWidth: 2} //every imagemap that wants highlighting, should reside in a div of this 'class': , hilightDivMarker = '.imageMapHighlighter' // specifically for wikis - redlinks tooltip adds this message , he = mw && mw.config && mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') == 'he' , expandLegend = he ? 'הצגת מקרא' : 'ּShow Legend' , collapseLegend = he ? 'הסתרת המקרא' : 'Hide Legend' ;

function drawMarker(context, areas) { // this is where the magic is done.

function drawPoly(coords) { context.moveTo(coords.shift(), coords.shift()); while (coords.length) context.lineTo(coords.shift(), coords.shift()); }

for (var i in areas) { var coords = areas[i].coords.split(','); context.beginPath(); switch (areas[i].shape) { case 'rect': drawPoly([coords[0], coords[1], coords[0], coords[3], coords[2], coords[3], coords[2], coords[1]]); break; case 'circle': context.arc(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2],0,Math.PI*2); break;//x,y,r,startAngle,endAngle case 'poly': drawPoly(coords); break; } context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); } }

function mouseAction(e) { var $this = $(this), activate = e.type == 'mouseover', caption = $this.text(), ol = $this.parent(), context = ol.data('context'), special = ol.data(specialAreaMark);

$this.toggleClass(liHighlightClass, activate); // mark/unmark the list item.

context.clearRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); // prepare for a new day.

ol.find('li').each(function() { var $li = $(this); var licap = $li.text(); var param; if (activate && licap === caption) { // highlight!!! param = special && special.hover || areaHighLighting; } else { param = special && special.nover && (special.nover[licap] || special.nover.default); } if (param) { $.extend(context, param); drawMarker(context, $li.data('areas')); } }); }

function handleOneMap() { var img = $(this), w = img.width(), h = img.height(), map = img.siblings('map:first'), dims = {position: 'absolute', width: w + 'px', height: h + 'px', border: 0, top:0, left:0}, specialHighlight = img.closest(hilightDivMarker).data(specialAreaMark), specialLiClasses = img.closest(hilightDivMarker).data(specialLiClassesMark);

if (!('area', map).length) return; //not an imagemap. inside "each" anonymous function, 'return' means "continue".

var jcanvas = $('<canvas>', {'class': myClassName}) .css(dims) .attr({width: w, height: h}); var bgimg = $('', {'class': myClassName, src: img.attr('src')}) .css(dims);//completely inert image. this is what we see. var context = $.extend(jcanvas[0].getContext("2d"), areaHighLighting);

// this is where the magic is done: prepare a sandwich of the inert bgimg at the bottom, // the canvas above it, and the original image on top, // so canvas won't steal the mouse events. // pack them all TIGHTLY in a newly minted "relative" div, so when page chnage // (other scripts adding elements, window resize etc.), canvas and imagese remain aligned.

var div = $('
').css({position: 'relative', width: w + 'px', height: h + 'px'});

img.before(div); // put the div just above the image, and ... div.append(bgimg) // place the background image in the div .append(jcanvas)// and the canvas. both are "absolute", so they don't occupy space in the div .append(img); // now yank the original image from the window and place it on the div. img.fadeTo(1, 0); // make the image transparent - we see canvas and bgimg through it. // the original, now transparent image is creating our mouse events

var ol = $('
    ', {'class': myClassName}) .css({clear: 'both', margin: 0, listStyle: 'none', maxWidth: w + 'px', float: 'left', position: 'relative'}) .attr({'data-expandtext' : expandLegend, 'data-collapsetext': collapseLegend}) .data(specialAreaMark, specialHighlight) .data('context', context); // ol below image, hr below ol. original caption pushed below hr. div.after($('
    ', {'class': myClassName}).css('clear', 'both'))

    .after(ol); var lis = {}; //collapse areas with same caption to one list item var someli; // select arbitrary one $('area', map).each(function() { var text = this.title; var li = lis[text]; // title already met? use the same li if (!li) { //no? create a new one. var href = this.href;

    lis[text] = li = $('
  1. ', {'class': myClassName}) .append($('<a>', {href: href, text: text})) .on('mouseover mouseout', mouseAction) .data('areas', []) .addClass(specialLiClasses && (specialLiClasses[text] || specialLiClasses['default'])) .appendTo(ol); } li.data('areas').push(this); //add the area to the li someli = li; // whichever - we just want one... $(this).on('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {li.trigger(e);}); }); if (someli) someli.trigger('mouseout'); ol.addClass('mw-collapsed') .makeCollapsible(); } function init() { mw.util.addCSS('li.' + myClassName + '{white-space:nowrap;border:solid 1px transparent;border-radius:6px;}\n' + //css for li element 'li.' + myClassName + '.' + liHighlightClass + '{background-color:yellow;border-color:green;}\n' + //css for highlighted li element. '.rtl li.' + myClassName + '{float: right; margin-left: 3em;}\n' + '.ltr li.' + myClassName + '{float: left; margin-right: 3em;}'); $(hilightDivMarker+ ' img').each(handleOneMap); } //has at least one "imagehighlight" div, and canvas-capable browser: if ( $(hilightDivMarker).length && $('<canvas>')[0].getContext ) mw.loader.using( ['jquery.makeCollapsible', 'mediawiki.util'] ).done( init ); });