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Curator's Dashboard

5 bytes removed, 21:19, 10 May 2018
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:*Consider proposing another way to name motions at council? How do legit councils organize documents? Right now best we have, for example, is <code>New Business item X from Council on April, XX XXXX</code>, which is malleable and unreliable
:::*Say it with me, '''ISO-8601'''. A general scheme for listing dates, super important. I guess this goes more into file organization elsewhere, but if we could get EUS to support the date structure YYYY-MM-DD, it'd be way easier to sort things chronologically. Might be fun to make a page praising it
*Get peoples opinion on Gifs in pages like [[Curator's Choice]] and [[The_EUS_WikiEUSwiki:Privacy_policy]]. I like these because they have no background, no frame, and most importantly '''''aren't memes'''''. No memes, that's a line I draw pretty firmly. I know, what about ''[[Deals, Deals, Deals]]''? I've got a sore spot for Broad City.
*Hey, launch that [ Facebook Page] sometime soon
*Reminder. WRITE ARTICLES. You've done too much work on infrastructure for not enough content, let's reprioritize.