*<i class="fas fa-3x fa-comment-alt-exclamation fa-pull-left" style="color:MediumSeaGreen"></i>One that, inside of articles we could optionally add a tag surrounding a link to the resource for which the page was built from, and transform it into a button at the bottom of the edit area. For example, the departmental stats page can be easily reproduced with the google sheet it's based on, and would be added as a button on the DepStats editpage. This would offer another bridge to important files that doesn't require exploring the drives (though it does need to be cleaned up)
*<span class="fa-stack fa-lg fa-pull-left"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x" style="color:Indigo"></i> <i class="fas fa-save fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i></span>One that would automate all the regular expressions used to turn the text of a pdf policy/bylaw into wikimarkup. This would be Special:PDFtoWiki or some such, that would allow you to upload the pdf, it does it's thing, spits out markup.
no edit summary
The idea of creating a "bubble" of articles that feed off one another for a certain topic. If I go to that ecosystem, it should be able to link to all the relevant content (which is also interlinked), as opposed to editing articles little by little. Examples of ecosystems includes:
*Room Bookings
*Mental Health Resources
*Study survival guides
*Getting involved at McGill
Each of these has it's own relevant sphere of articles that should exist.
==Big ol ToDos==
*[[World Mining Competition]]
*Say it with me, '''ISO-8601'''. A general scheme for listing dates, super important. I guess this goes more into file organization elsewhere, but if we could get EUS to support the date structure YYYY-MM-DD, it'd be way easier to sort things chronologically.
*What do we do about all those default Wiki pages, [[EUSwiki:Copyrightwarning2|Copyrights]], [[EUSwiki:Privacy policy|privacy policy]], etc.
'''EUS Mental Health Committee: ''' After talking to Marion about updating the MHC on the wiki, I have come to learn that Mental Wellness is getting a revamp. Once council confirms a new version, we'll get more information
'''NAVBARS: ''' Create navbars for all departmental societies to interlink within each other. As well as specific navbars for each society, e.g. CodeJam, Banquet, etc for ECSESS.
{{In Progress}}
<!--==VIKI Wiki Mapping==
This is a fun extension that needs some taming, but in short you can use it to map connections between different pages. Good for visualization for something, I'm just not sure what yet...
DISPLAYNONE{{ #viki:pageTitles=Important Documents|width=800px|height=800px|secondOrderLinks=true }}-->
==Reserved ToDos if Summer==