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Administrative Manager

79 bytes removed, 03:48, 4 May 2022
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The Administrative Manager is a full-time employee of the society who is tasked with taking care of all the general administration of the [[EUS Office]] (mailing, filing, answering the phone etc.). They also provide some of the society’s services like equipment rentals and McConnell kiosk reservations. Their desk is located immediately to the left when entering the EUS Office
In 19971995, the EUS had grown to a point where it was too much work for the [[Executive Committee]] to run the administrative tasks of the office. It was decided to hire a full-time employee to manage the administration. In the fall semester of 1997 1995 the EUS's first Administrative Manager, [[Dianne]], began working. Over the years the position has expanded and grown with the EUS to included many more tasks and assignments. In addition, the position became a sort of "knowledge bank" for the operations of the EUS. With the members of EUS groups constantly changing , it proved useful to have a permanently permanent employee with many years of knowledge.
=Tasks and Role=
! Years !! Name
| 19971995-2017 || Dianne Ferguson
| 2018-present 2020 || Chris Sarlos