no edit summary
{{PolicyIcon|1=IT Committee Policy}}{{EmailIcon|1=it.director@mcgilleus.ca}}{{Infobox | title = EUS IT Committee | image = [[Image:eusit_logo.png|220px]] | headerstyle = background-color:#eee | label1 = Previously Known As: | data1 = Infosys Committee | label2 = Email: | data2 = [mailto:it.director@mcgilleus.ca it.director@mcgilleus.ca] | data7 = {{Infobox | subbox = yes | headerstyle = background-color:#eee | labelstyle = background-color:#ddd; | header1 = Current Members | label2 = IT Director | data2 = Ali Tahmasebi | label3 = TeN Manager | data3 = Vacant | label4 = Wiki Curators | data4 = | label5 = Webmasters | data5 = Allison Hall </br> Michelle Lee }}}}The EUS Information Technology (IT ) [[Committees|Committee]], headed by the [[IT Director]], manages the computer-based resources of the EUS. The committee seeks to provide excellent tech-relevant services to the EUS. Ever visited the EUS Wiki? Seen those screens displaying slides about engineering? Visited a webpage of an EUS group? You've seen the work of the IT Committee, though there is much more. The various services are It recently won the "Most Improved Committee" in the EUS of 2016-2017. '''If you are interested in applying for a position on the 2017-2018 committee, please express interest: ''' [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_jg9nyVmN_JnyuYHUQbHAq4xSJf6vH_-BwObdPACqFY/viewform?edit_requested=true HERE].
'''IT Director (1)'''
* Identify areas of need in the EUS for new web design projects
More info: [[WebmasterWebmasters]]
More info: [[Wiki Curator]]
==History of the Committee==
<tabs container="width:500px"><tab name="2019-2020 (current)">{| class="wikitable sortable"|+ 2019-2020 Team|-! Position:! Name:|-|IT Committee Members==Director|Mairead Maloney|-|Webmaster |Ousmane Barcisse|-|Webmaster |Christos Cunning|-|Webmaster |Kelly Ma|-|Webmaster |Anas Shahid|-|TeN Manager|Saul Valery Cano|-|Server Manager (New Position)|Allan Reuben|-|Wiki Curator|Marion Olivier|-|Wiki Curator|Anna Symon|-|Wiki Curator|Katie Younge|-|}</tab><tabs containertab name="2018-2019">{| class="widthwikitable sortable"|+ 2018-2019 Team|-! Position:! Name:500px"|-|IT Director|Andrei Ungur|-|Lead Webmaster |Suleman Malik|-|Webmaster |Ajay Patel|-|Webmaster |Charles Huang|-|TeN Manager|Kelly Ma|-|Lead Wiki Curator|Malcolm McClintock|-|Wiki Curator|Preyansh Kaushik|-|Wiki Curator|Chany Ahn|-|}</tab>
<tab name="2017-2018">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ 2017-2018 IT Team
! Position:
|IT Director
|Alex Hale
|Lead Webmaster
|Thomas Hillyer
|Justin Lei
|TeN Manager
|Lou Bernardi
|Wiki Curator 1
|Malcolm McClintock
|Wiki Curator 2
|Maxence Frenette
* TeN was completely rebuilt this year. The previous system was built using Adobe Air which showed its age. The new system kept several aspects of the previous system, namely using PXE booting a single image on each screen's computer, yet switched from an EUS from-scratch built system to the Concerto Signage open source service.
* The committee was awarded "Most Improved Committee" of the year.
<tab name="2015-2016" index="2">
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|+ 2015-2016 Team
<tab name="2014-2015" index="3">
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|+ 2014-2015 Team
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|+ 2013-2014 Team
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|+ 2012-2013 Team
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|+ 2011-2012 Team
<tab name="2010-2011" index="7">
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|+ 2010-2011 Team
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|+ 2009-2010 Team
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|+ 2008-2009 Team
[[Category:VP Communications Groups]]