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3 bytes removed, 22:22, 12 May 2020
just updated the current handbook to be me!
|label1=Current Editor
|data1={{handbook@}}Dina Shoham
|label2=Release Date
|data2=Beginning of Fall Semester
The '''''EUS Handbook''''' is an annual booklet provided for ''FREE'' to all engineering students. The handbook consists of a glossary of all [[EUS Groups]] with descriptions, a guide to [[execs]] and [[departments]], an agenda for the academic year, as well as general resources around campus.
To pickup your free handbook, come to the [[EUS Office]] during office hours, equipped with a student ID (for proof of enrollment enrolment in engineering). <br><center><big>''Handbook quantity is limited, first come first serve. ''</big></center>
==Handbook Committee==

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