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{{In Progress}}
The '''''Clubs Hub ''''' is a storage and working space located in the basement of McConnell. Its primary purpose is to provide storage space to [[clubs]], specifically through independent lockers. Clubs can contact the [[VP ServicesAdministrative Manager]] for locker allocation. Other groups that use Clubs Hub as is available for storage space include [[Graduation Committee|Grad Comm]] and [[Frosh]]from other groups upon request. Space in Clubs Hub is limited, but reach out to the [[VP Student Life]] if you think it’s the best storage option for your group. ==History==It's unknown when Clubs Hub was acquired by the EUS as a space (to this editor at least). ===[[EUS 2020]]===In [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qwXIysVlt8hphBo5x0O-oxXtDkOLLe-_eg7bFw5uIIg/edit#slide=id.p7 W15], as a part of [[EUS 2020]], the EUS raised funding from Alumni, Faculty, and more to upgrade the [[MEDN]] and Clubs Hub furniture, tools, and amenities ===The Elevator Incident===[[Image:clubshub_mess.png|300px|thumb|right|Pre-2017 Redesign]][[Council:2017-01-24|January 24, 2017]], Jay Han proposed a [[capital request]] to the [[EUS Council]] that essentially reorganized the entire Clubs Hub. The space was previously cluttered, inefficient use of space, without enough storage, and more. The proposed redesign included the creation of central work/conference space, lockers for each group's storage (secured) and for shared supplies (unsecured), a wall mounted TV, and all around new furniture. <tab name="Presentation to Council" collapsed><pdf>File:ClubsHub_w17.pdf</pdf></tab> Unfortunately once all the purchases were made, it came to light in March of the same year that McGill was going to be installing an elevator in the [[McConnell Engineering Building|McConnell Lobby]] to make the EngCaf accessible. This drastically shifted the space made available in Clubs Hub, and the project was therefore never fully realized.===MoA===In the [[Memorandum of Agreement 2018-2023#APPENDIX F|2018 MoA Negotiation]], the EUS was able to secure the Clubs Hub and MEDN in its name. This included the addition of [[Memorandum of Agreement 2018-2023#APPENDIX F|a clause (Appendix F-D)]] such that any maintenance that affects our space will be broadcasted to us well in advance.
[[Category:EUS Spaces]]