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Curator's Dashboard

6 bytes added, 00:45, 24 April 2018
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==Big ol ToDos==
*This is *_really annoying_*'''''really annoying'''''. [[Special:Random]] seems to have a proclivity for navigating to our [[Chants]] section, such as Froshimien Rhapsody, 12 days, and so on. There are ''loads'' of other pages, yet it goes back. out of probably 20 redirects, 3 were froshimien. Maybe I'm just in one of those weird instances where extremely uncommon chance based things occur, implying pattern. I hate this, of all pages to be consistently redirected to, this is not what I want.
*Is Joey's Rules of Order a Policy?? Not really
*Why is SelComm ''Old'' in the Policy folder?