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:37.4 This Constitution shall be revised in whole by the Executive Committee at least every two (2) years (ie. the next revision will be in the 2017-2018 academic year).
:37.4 This Constitution shall be revised in whole by the Executive Committee at least every two (2) years (ie. the next revision will be in the 2017-2018 academic year).

Revision as of 05:28, 21 March 2018


CONSTITUTION of the McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers McGill University As amended March 2016 , Original version 1991


Article 1 – Names

1.1 The official name of the Society shall be, in English, the “McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers” and, in French, “L’Association des Étudiants en Génie Mécanique de l’Université McGill”, hereafter referred to as M.A.M.E. and A.É.G.M.U.M., respectively.

Article 2 – Membership

2.1 The Members of the M.A.M.E. shall be any students currently registered at McGill University in an undergraduate engineering program of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, including part time and full time students, as well as students on internship/co-op.
2.2 Honorary Members of the M.A.M.E may be appointed at the discretion of the M.A.M.E. Executive Committee, but may not be considered Regular Members.

Article 3 – Mission Statement

3.1 The mission of the M.A.M.E. shall be:
(i) to represent and promote opinions and interests of its Members on the academic, professional, and social concerns pertaining to being a part of M.AM.E, EUS, and the McGill Undergraduate body
(ii) to implement academic, athletic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, social and other programs of interest for its Members
(iii) to engage in other such activities and undertaking as may seem appropriate to the Society

Article 4 – Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members

4.1 The rights of the Members shall include:
(i) the right to vote in M.A.M.E. General Elections, Referenda and General Assemblies;
(ii) the right to attend General Assemblies and Council meetings of the M.A.M.E.;
(iii) the right to move or second Motions at General Assemblies;
(iv) the right to speak for or against any motion at a General Assembly;
(v) the right to nominate candidates for M.A.M.E. elections;
(vi) the right to initiate General Assemblies.
4.2 The privileges of Members shall include the following:
(i) to hold office within the M.A.M.E. Executive Committee or Committees, subject to qualifications as specified by Title II;
(ii) to use the M.A.M.E. facilities and services, subject to the M.A.M.E. Executive Committee policies.
4.3 All Members of the M.A.M.E. shall be obligated to conform to the M.A.M.E. Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations.
4.4 No Member is empowered to make purchases in the name of M.A.M.E., or to financially obligate the M.A.M.E. in any way, unless such permission has been granted to do so purchase or obligate the M.A.M.E. by the Executive Committee.
4.5 No Member is empowered to act as an agent of the M.A.M.E. unless permission to act has been granted by the Executive Committee

Article 5 – Society Fees

5.1 There shall be no additional membership fees aside from those already deducted from student fees and remitted to the M.A.M.E. by the McGill Engineering Undergraduate Society (hereafter referred to as the E.U.S.).

Article 6 – Finances of the M.A.M.E.

6.1 All M.A.M.E. expenditures must be authorized by both the V.P. Finance and the President of the M.A.M.E.
6.2 All expenditures authorized by the V.P. Finance and the President of the M.A.M.E. shall be refunded from the M.A.M.E. funds held in trust by the E.U.S. through the appropriate procedures.
6.3 The MAME shall not run a deficit. The MAME’s bank account must have a positive balance after all expenses are accounted for.

Article 7 – Dissolution of the M.A.M.E.

7.1 In the event of dissolution, trusteeship, or cessation of the Association, all fees and assets shall be transferred to a similar association with the same membership and purpose as defined in Articles 2 and 3.
7.2 Dissolution of the Association shall require a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of Members present at a General Assembly.


Article 8 – Members of the Executive Committee and MAME Council

8.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(i) The President;
(ii) The Vice President Academic;
(iii) The Vice President Administration;
(iv) The Vice President Communications;
(v) The Vice President Events;
(vi) The Vice President External;
(vii) The Vice President Finance;
(viii) The Vice President Internal.
8.2 The M.A.M.E Council shall consist of:
(i) The Executive Committee;
(ii) The Class Representatives;
(iii) The U0 Liaison Officer.
8.3 Members of the Executive Committee and the Council must be Regular Members of the M.A.M.E., and remain so for the duration of their mandate.
8.4 Members of the Executive Committee or Council cannot receive any remuneration, financial or otherwise, for acting as such.
8.5 The candidates for positions on the Executive Committee or the Council must be resident students at McGill University throughout their whole term (ie: not on exchange or work term).

Article 9 – Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee

9.1 The Executive Committee shall:
(i) coordinate and administer the policies, activities and other affairs of the M.A.M.E.;
(ii) report regularly on its activities and decisions to the Members of the M.A.M.E. via Class Representatives, publications, newsletters, etc.;
(iii) meet at least every two (2) weeks during the period of its mandate;
(iv) provide appropriate facilities, including a lounge during access hours, for use by all Members of the M.A.M.E.;
(v) be present and available for office hours as assigned by the Vice President Administration;
(vi) uphold the Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations of the M.A.M.E.
9.2 Each Member of the Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to his/her successor a yearend report before May 15, and is required to meet with their successor before the end of their term to facilitate transition.
9.3 Any Member of the Executive Committee may be required to fulfill any mandate outside of their official duties.
9.4 Any Member of the Executive Committee shall cease to remain in office upon the President’s acceptance of their letter of resignation, or upon their impeachment.
9.5 Any Member of the Executive Committee may be required by the M.A.M.E. General Assembly to fulfill any mandate outside of their official duties as prescribed by Articles 12 to 19.

Article 10 – Executive Committee Meetings

10.1 The Executive Committee can meet in closed session to discuss certain matters of the M.A.M.E when it deems necessary.
10.2 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks during the Fall and Winter terms. M.A.M.E. Council can qualify as an Executive Committee meeting if no Executive Committee meeting was held for a period of more than three weeks.
10.3 Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote at the M.A.M.E. Executive Meetings.
10.4 The President of the M.A.M.E. must be present at all meetings of the Executive Committee.
10.5 The Executive Committee shall only discuss issues and make decisions related to the academic, professional, and social concerns of its members as they pertain to being a part of M.AM.E, EUS, and the McGill Undergraduate body. This is to say, the M.A.M.E council will not make decisions or take stances on issues outside the scope of its mission statement

Article 11 - M.A.M.E. Council

11.1 Decisions concerning all the affairs of M.A.M.E. shall require the approval of the M.A.M.E. Council by simple majority, unless specified otherwise. It may reject any Executive Committee decision.
11.2 Any Regular Member of the M.A.M.E. may attend M.A.M.E. Council meetings, speak for or against any of the motions tabled therein, and ask questions.
11.3 Quorum for a meeting of the M.A.M.E. Council shall be fifty percent (50%) of its Members.
11.5 The M.A.M.E. Council shall hold regular meetings at least once every two (2) weeks during the Fall and Winter terms.
11.6 The M.A.M.E Council shall only discuss issues and make decisions related to the academic, professional, and social concerns of its members as they pertain to being a part of the M.AM.E, the E.U.S., and the McGill Undergraduate body. This is to say, the M.A.M.E council will not make decisions or take stances on issues outside the scope of its mission statement

Article 12 – President

12.1 The President shall:
(i) be responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs of the M.A.M.E.;
(ii) be the official M.A.M.E. spokesperson;
(iii) call and chair Executive Committee meetings;
(iv) call and act as Speaker at the M.A.M.E. Council meetings.;
(v) ensure that M.A.M.E. Executives and Class Representatives perform their duties as outlined in the Constitution or mandated by the M.A.M.E. Council.
(vi) serve as an ex-officio member of all constituted and affiliated Committees of the M.A.M.E;
(vii) represent the M.A.M.E. at Mechanical Engineering Departmental Meetings as well as Engineering Faculty Meetings and Student-Staff Meetings;
(viii) represent the M.A.M.E. at E.U.S. Presidents’ Meeting and E.U.S. Council Meetings;
(ix) Represent the M.A.M.E on the Engineering Equipment Funding Committee (E.F.C)
(x) Represent the M.A.M.E on the Engineering Undergraduate Student Fund Committee (E.U.S.F.C.)
(xi) define strategic goals for the M.A.M.E. prior to the start of the Fall Semester and Winter Semester respectively;
(xii) chair or appoint a chair on any Selection Committee to fill a M.A.M.E. position, except for the position of President.
(xiii) in conjunction with the Vice President Finance, have signing power over cheque requisitions issued from M.A.M.E. funds;
(xiv) in conjunction with the Vice President External, represent the M.A.M.E. to outside organizations and individuals;
(xv) Be responsible for the solicitation, collection and review of event post mortem reports from members of the Executive Council following the completion of any event run by the M.A.M.E Council.

Article 13 – Vice President Academic

13.1 The Vice President Academic shall:
(i) be responsible for all educational and curricular concerns of the M.A.M.E.;
(ii) In conjunction with the President, represent the M.A.M.E. on the Engineering Equipment Funding Committee (E.F.C.);
(iii) represent the M.A.M.E. on the Engineering Student Academic Committee (E.S.A.C.);
(iv) In conjunction with the President, represent the M.A.M.E on the Engineering Undergraduate Student Fund Committee (E.U.S.F.C.)
(v) in conjunction with the President, organize orientation session activities in the Fall semester;
(vi) organize, chair and prepare the report of the Mechanical Engineering Academic Forum each semester to be presented to the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the following Mechanical Engineering Departmental Meeting
(vii) be responsible for the M.A.M.E. Booksale once a semester.
(viii) Attend Mechanical Engineering Departmental Meetings and Student-Staff Meetings along with the President of the M.A.M.E (specified in 12.1.vii)
(ix) form and chair Committees, as necessary, to organize M.A.M.E. Academic events as well as assist with different portions of the VP Academic portfolio as specified by all aforementioned points in this section

Article 14 – Vice President Administration

14.1 The Vice President Administration shall:
(i) ensure the good order of the M.A.M.E documents, paperwork, and Archives;
(ii) keep minutes of the M.A.M.E. Council meetings and send minutes to all M.A.M.E. Council Members via email after each meeting;
(iii) be responsible for notifying M.A.M.E. Council or M.A.M.E. Executive Committee Members of meetings at least 48 hours in advance;
(iv) be responsible for maintaining the M.A.M.E. facilities such as keeping the M.A.M.E. Office tidy and clean;
(v) be responsible for providing access to the M.A.M.E. documents to all Members of the M.A.M.E.;
(vi) be responsible for the M.A.M.E. Gear sale every semester;
(vii) be responsible for submitting the M.A.M.E.’s application for the Student Space Fund (S.S.F) on a semesterly basis.

Article 15 – Vice President Communications

15.1 The Vice President Communications shall:
(i) advertiseevents via various media such as The Engineering Network (TeN) screens, posters or social media
(ii) collect announcements from the M.A.M.E., the E.U.S. and other relevant Associations and Groups on a weekly basis and send them to all Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. in the M.A.M.E. email newsletter;
(iii) be responsible for developing, updating and maintaining the M.A.M.E. website;
(iv) increase student awareness of the services offered by MAME, as well as their privileges as Members of MAME.
(v) submit M.A.M.E. information to E.U.S. publications;

Article 16 – Vice President External

16.1 The Vice President External shall:
(i) in conjunction with the President, represent the M.A.M.E. to outside organizations and individuals;
(ii) be responsible for relations between the M.A.M.E. and all outside organizations, including government, industry, and other universities;
(iii) be responsible for organizing industry tours throughout the year, including but not limited to Mech Madness;
(iv) develop and maintain McGill Chapters of relevant Mechanical Engineering Societies (eg. ASME, CSME, ASHRAE);
(v) be responsible for maintaining relations with the McGill Engineering Career Center;
(vi) be responsible for organizing Industry Dinner at least once per academic year.

Article 17 – Vice President Events

17.1 The Vice President Events shall:
(i) In conjunction with the rest of M.A.M.E council, establish a tentative calendar of activities and events at the beginning of each semester;
(ii) assist the Vice President Internal during the planning of major M.A.M.E. events throughout the year;
(iii) promote and organize other social activities and events for the M.A.M.E. (eg. CADmadness, Top Gear Showings, Pubnights, Mech Socials);
(iv) form and chair Committees, as necessary, to organize M.A.M.E. events.

Article 18 – Vice President Finance

18.1 The Vice President Finance shall:
(i) report on the previous year’s expenditures;
(ii) in conjunction with the Executive Committee, prepare the annual budget of the M.A.M.E. no later than the 15th of October;
(iii) in cooperation with the Executive Committee, manage the funds and accounts of the M.A.M.E.;
(iv) keep proper and complete financial accounts and records of all transactions;
(v) prepare a year-end financial report by May 15th;
(vi) in conjunction with the President, have signing power over cheque requisitions issued from M.A.M.E. funds;
(vii) be in charge of petty cash and maintaining proper cashbox floats;
(viii) be responsible for making cash deposits, including counting and depositing funds after Blues Pubs, Pub Nites, or other high revenue events;
(ix) Be responsible for ensuring no more than $1000 of M.A.M.E council funds is stored overnight within the M.A.M.E office

Article 19 – Vice President Internal

19.1 The Vice President Internal shall:
(i) be responsible for the organization of major social, cultural, and other events for the Members of the M.A.M.E. (including, but not limited to, Mech Madness, Holiday Dinner, Apartment Crawls, Blues Pubs, Banquet);
(ii) be responsible for communicating the timing of MAME events to and coordinating with the E.U.S. and other departments, including attending Internals Meetings;
(iii) oversee all Committees affiliated with the M.A.M.E.;
(iv) be responsible for all the educational and circular concerns of the M.A.M.E.;
(v) be responsible for the organization of a Mech E-Week Committee;
(vi) be responsible for promoting the formation of flagball, soccer and broomball teams to compete in the E.U.S. intramural leagues;
(vii) perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter;
(viii) chair a Selection Committee in the case where a new President is to be selected.

Article 20 – Class Representatives

20.1 There will be one Class Representative for each of the four years: U1 through U4.
20.2 Each Class Representative shall:
(i) attend E.U.S. Council meetings, as per Article 21 of the E.U.S. Constitution. In case of an absence, he/she will be responsible for notifying the Vice President Clubs & Administration of the E.U.S. and for arranging for a proxy from among his/her constituency;
(ii) inform his/her constituency on matters of the E.U.S. Council and M.A.M.E. Council;
(iii) represent the interests and concerns of his/her constituency at the E.U.S. Council and the M.A.M.E. Council;
(iv) prepare a report for his/her successor, which may include suggestions on how to improve communications with his/her constituency, by May 15th;
(v) follow all rules outlined for Class Representatives in the E.U.S. Constitution
(vi) assist in the organization and execution of events organized by the M.A.M.E. as required.
20.4 There shall be one U0 Liaison Officer to the M.A.M.E., whose responsibilities shall include:
(i) reporting the affairs of the M.AM.E to the Members of the M.A.M.E.;
(ii) reporting the academic and other concerns of the U0 Class to the M.A.M.E. Council
(iii) attending E.U.S. Junior Council and reporting the relevant affairs of the M.A.M.E. Council to the E.U.S. Junior Council.
20.5 No Class Representative may also be a member of the M.A.M.E. Executive Committee.

Article 21 – Committees of the M.A.M.E.

21.1 The Executive Committee may, as it sees fit, establish Committees to assist in implementing large projects or studying concerns of the M.A.M.E.
21.2 Committees shall each receive a Committee Statute outlining their mission, composition, power and duties.

Article 22 – Meeting of the General Assembly

22.1 The General Assembly may be called by a resolution of the Executive Committee, by a resolution of the E.U.S. Council, or by a request signed by a quorum of the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E.
22.2 A General Assembly may make any decision, including the ratification or rejection of any M.A.M.E. Council or Executive Committee decision.
22.3 Motions to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted to the Vice President Administration at least five (5) school days prior to the General Assembly.
22.4 Any person who is not a member of the M.A.M.E. may attend a General Assembly, except in the case where a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Members of the Assembly vote to close the meeting.
22.5 The official speaker of a General Assembly shall be chosen from amongst the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E.
22.6 Quorum for the General Assembly shall be ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E.

Article 23 – Terms of Office

23.1 The terms of office of the President, Vice President Academic, Vice President Communications, Vice President External, Vice President Events, Vice President Finance and Vice President Internal shall begin May 1st and end on April 30th.
23.2 The terms of office of the Class Representatives shall be dictated by the E.U.S. Constitution.
23.3 The term of office of the U0 M.A.M.E. Liaison shall begin no later than September 30 and end on April 30th.

Article 24 – Vacancies

24.1 Vacancies shall be filled as they occur during the year by the Selection Committee, subject to ratification by the M.A.M.E. Council.
24.2 In case of vacancy in the position of President, the Vice President Internal shall assume the responsibilities of President until the M.A.M.E. Council has ratified the nomination of a new President.


Article 25 – Executive Committee

25.1 Any member of the M.A.M.E. Executive Committee may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the Constitution, its Bylaws, or delinquency of duties.
25.2 A Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee must be signed by at least 10% of the Members of the M.A.M.E. The identity of the signatories shall be protected but may be verified by an unbiased third party.
25.3 Quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members of the M.A.M.E. Council shall be required to consider a Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee.
25.4 A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of the Members of the M.A.M.E. Council present shall be required to carry a Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee.

Article 26 – Class Representatives

26.1 Any Class Representative of the M.A.M.E. may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the M.A.M.E. Constitution, the E.U.S. Constitution, M.A.M.E or E.U.S Bylaws, or delinquency of duties.
26.2 Impeachment of a Class Representative shall be done by following Article 40 of the E.U.S. Constitution.


Article 27 – Languages of the Society

27.1 English and French are the official languages of the M.A.M.E.
27.2 Members may use either official language at all M.A.M.E. meetings, providing that translations can be provided upon request.


Article 28 – Freedom of Information

28.1 All minutes and documents attached to the M.A.M.E. Council shall be made public.
28.2 The President of the M.A.M.E. shall not be obliged to release information or minutes concerning ideas, actions, or motions that were not acted upon.


Article 29 – Eligible Voters and Candidates

29.1 The following shall be elected by and from Regular Members of the M.A.M.E.:
(i) the President;
(ii) the Vice President Academic;
(iii) the Vice President Communications;
(iv) the Vice President External;
(v) the Vice President Events;
(vi) the Vice President Finance;
(vii) the Vice President Internal;
(viii) the U2 Class Representative;
(ix) the U3 Class Representative;
(x) the U4 Class Representative.
29.2 The following shall be elected by and from the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. who are in their U1 year between September 1st and September 30th:
(i) the Vice President Administration;
(ii) the U1 Class Representative.
29.3 The U0 Liaison shall be selected by Selection Committee between September 1st and September 30th in conjunction with the E.U.S. Junior Council
29.4 All candidates for election to the Executive Committee must be in satisfactory academic standing, with the exception of any candidates who are in their U1 year during the mandate of the Executive Committee being elected. The Deputy Returning Officer has the right to verify the academic standing of any candidate for the Executive Committee who is not in U1 during the mandate of the Executive Committee being elected.

Article 30 –Deputy Returning Officer

30.1 The M.A.M.E. Executive Committee shall select a Deputy Returning Officer (hereafter referred to as the DRO). The DRO may be any unbiased Regular Member of the M.A.M.E. who is not running for election.
30.2 The DRO shall:
(i) be responsible for the distribution and collection of nomination forms and all other documents pertaining to elections and referenda;
(ii) be responsible for conducting Elections and Referenda according to the Electoral and Referendum Bylaws of the M.A.M.E.
30.3 The DRO is prohibited from proposing a question for a referendum conducted by the M.A.M.E.

Article 31 – Procedures

31.1 The elections shall be held between March 1st and March 31st according to the schedule defined by the Elections E.U.S.’ Chief Returning Officer.
31.2 Voting shall be conducted by secret electronic ballot of Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. using the Elections E.U.S. Online Voting Platform.
31.2 Nominations for the office of President must be signed by fifty (50) Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. and by the nominee.
31.3 Nominations for all other positions must be signed by twenty-five (25) Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. and by the nominee.
31.4 The nomination forms shall be submitted to the DRO by 5:00 PM on the final day of the nomination period as defined by the E.U.S. Chief Returning Officer.
31.5 Should only one person, or none, be nominated for an office at the date set for the closing of nominations, the date of closing of nominations for that office will be extended by two (2) school days, and general notice will be given thereof.
31.6 In the event that only one candidate is nominated for a position, a vote of confidence shall be held. The candidate must obtain fifty percent (50%) plus 1 (+1) of the votes. If this is not the case, the position shall remain vacant.
31.7 Counting of ballots shall be performed electronically by the Elections E.U.S. Online Voting Platform as overseen by the E.U.S. Chief Returning Officer and the DCRO.

Article 32 – Initiation of the Referendum Procedure

32.1 A referendum may be initiated by:
(i) a resolution of the M.A.M.E. Council;
(ii) a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the Members of the M.A.M.E.
32.2 In the case of a referendum initiated by a resolution of the M.A.M.E. Council, the motion calling for a referendum, along with the proposed referendum question, must be presented in writing at a meeting of the M.A.M.E. Council. The motion and question shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the M.A.M.E. Council and, if passed, the referendum question shall be put to the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E.

Article 33 – Referendum Procedures

33.1 The referendum shall be conducted in accordance with the Referendum Bylaws of the M.A.M.E. It is the responsibility of the DRO to ensure that the referendum is in accordance with the Referendum Bylaws of the M.A.M.E.
33.2 Notice of the referendum question, voting location and voting hours must be posted no less than six (6) school days before the date of referendum.
33.3 Only Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. shall be allowed to vote in a referendum of the M.A.M.E.
33.4 A referendum shall only be considered valid if a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. vote.
33.5 A simple majority of voters shall be deemed sufficient to carry the referendum, unless a higher majority is required by the Constitution, the Bylaws of the M.A.M.E., or in the motion calling for the referendum.

Article 34 – Effect of a Referendum

34.1 The result of a referendum is binding and takes precedence over decisions of the Executive Committee, the M.A.M.E. Council and a General Assembly.


Article 35 – Superseding Clause

35.1 This Constitution supersedes and repeals all previous Constitutions of the M.A.M.E.

Article 36 – Coming to Force

36.1 This Constitution shall come to force March 30th 2016. Further amendments to this Constitution shall come to force four (4) weeks after the results of the General Assembly.

Article 37 – Constitutional Amendments

37.1 Amendments to this Constitution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority at a General Assembly meeting or a two-thirds (2/3) majority at a referendum.
37.2 Notice of a Motion indicating the intention of any proposed amendments to the Constitution is required three (3) school days in advance of the General Assembly at which the Constitution is to be discussed or the referendum in which the Constitution will be voted on.
37.3 All intended amendments to the Constitution shall be posted in the M.A.M.E. Office and be made available electronically to the Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. three (3) school days in advance of the General Assembly at which the Constitution is to be discussed or the referendum in which the Constitution will be voted on.
37.4 This Constitution shall be revised in whole by the Executive Committee at least every two (2) years (ie. the next revision will be in the 2017-2018 academic year).