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EUS Ski Trip

138 bytes added, 19:37, 9 March 2017
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EUS Ski trip is the '''hottest''' event of the year. The trip takes place over the 3rd weekend in January. 56 + McGill Engineers hop on a coach bus and travel to Mount Saint Anne for 2 days and 2 nights of '''gnar''' skiing, snowboarding and fun party times. The EUS Ski trip is a great opportunity to shred some pow and chill with new or old friends. The event is always a hit and sells out so make sure you buy your ticket early!
The Ski Trip Committee is a team of typically 3-4 individuals who are responsible for organizing the tickets, lodging, transportation, and trip overall.
The governing bylaws of the committee can be [ found here]
The first EUS Ski Trip was held in 2001. An annual trip has been held every year since then making the 2017 trip the 16th Annual Trip.
In December 2015, the cabin the EUS Ski Trip typically went to burned down, to be clear, we '''didn't''' burn it down. Thus a new cabin was born with special locations like the '''lab''' and a mystical hot tub.

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