McGill Additive Manufacturing Students' Society

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MAMSS merged with M3DP
McGill Additive Manufacturing Students' Society
(438) 995-6223

McGill Additive Manufacturing Students' Society (MAMSS) , also known as the McGill 3D Printing Club) is your campus connection for 3D printing seminars, competitions, and projects. We strive to offer students the resources they need to bring their ideas to life.

Note: MAMSS is different from The Cube


3D Printing Service

Over the past year, in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and EUS, we've been working on bringing a full-fledged 3D printing service to McGill students and researchers alike. Whether you need to 3D print, 3D scan or 3D model, we have the resources you need.

3D Model Database

Users have access to a database of 3D printable files through this web platform, as well as a list of links to other databases. Our library contains exceptional designs from all corners of the globe, including work submitted by students and researchers here at McGill.


The Club’s mandate shall be to:

  • Increase student awareness of, and access to 3D printing technologies;
  • Offer students the opportunity to get hands-on learning opportunities using 3D printing technologies;
  • Promote inter-disciplinary collaboration through 3D printing projects and activities at McGill University.

The Club shall fulfill its mandate by:

  • Hosting seminars on the research and innovation being conducted at McGill and in industry;
  • Facilitating access to on- and off-campus 3D printing services and equipment;
  • Advocating to the University for greater funds for 3D printing equipment and activities
  • Hosting workshops on the 3D printing process, as well as interdisciplinary design competitions;
  • Serving as a forum through which students can communicate, collaborate, and learn."

Core Events

Events organized by this group include, but are not limited to: research and industry seminars, workshops on the design and printing process, and a variety of design competitions.

While seminars raise the student awareness of the current technologies available and their applications, workshops and competitions are opportunities to gain hands on experience and share knowledge with others.

Executive Team

Position Name
President Jacob Lavigne
VP Advocacy & Liaison Thomas Faribault-Ménard
VP Communications Morgan Mattone
VP Design & Innovation Vacant (filled by Ken Nsiempba)
VP External Ken Nsiempba
VP Finance Marc Wang
VP Technology Aidan Kurtz
Position Name
VP Academic Samuel Bellini
Outsourcing Officer Thomas Hitchcox
Outsourcing Officer Mathias Berthelemot
Medicine Representative Sophie Zhu
Mechanical Engineering Representative Tasnim Haque
Law Representative Nicolas Glaudemans
Biology Representative Xiao Weiyi
Graphic Designer Vacant (fulfilled by Jacob Lavinge)
Position Name
President Jacob Lavigne
VP Advocacy & Liaison Kota Matsuo
VP Communications Elie Hymowitz
VP Design & Innovation Shi- Yang Jia
VP External Stephan Greto-McGrath
VP Finance Ghulam Murtaza
VP Internal Christina Moro
VP Technology Aidan Kurtz
Outsourcing Officer Mathias Berthelemot
Position Name
Archaeology Representative Helen Thompson
Chemical Engineering Representative Nick Lin
ECSE Representative Arman Izadi
Materials Engineering Representative Anya Filina
Medicine Representative Eric Carelli
Mechanical Engineering Representative Jasmine Tacneng
Architecture Representative Olivier Ducharme
Graphic Designer Dihua Wei
Graphic Designer Laurie Charron-Lozeau


This group was given official club status by the Engineering Undergraduate Society on October 28, 2014, and is composed of students from various academic backgrounds and levels of expertise.