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The Plumber's Station

The Plumber's Station
Station logo.png
Chair: Massy Mahamli

The Plumber’s Station (TPS) is the film club if the McGill Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). This committee welcomes all film enthusiasts to write, produce, edit video and meet individuals who share their passion for film making. The club encourages all kinds of original projects and gives a chance to its members to partake in various filming and photography events. Through the years, TPS has filmed many student-run and McGill events. We are easily noticeable at various events by our navy crew neck in which ‘Film Crew’ is engaged at the back. All the projects realized by the club are available on our Facebook page and our Youtube channel.


The Plumber Station (TPS) provides multiple opportunities for film making fanatics of every level to take part in different steps of a videography projects and to expand their film making knowledge and skills.

Primary Projects


Mini-Series - the club has written, produced and edited a mini series available on the youtube channel

Contract videos - The club has worked with different association and organization under contracts on different creative projects Some of the projects include E-Week , ENGINE, TEDxTalk, Code Jam .

Personal projects - Mat’s Vlog (an Engineer visits Arts building), 5 best places to eat on campus (gives you the best options to eat on campus)