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Job:20200911EAC Coordinator

1,038 bytes added, 13:14, 12 September 2020
Created page with "{{Job Board Post |dateCreated= |pageID={{PAGEID}} |position=EAC Coordinator|group=Engineering Adventure Committee|logo=|category=Committee|jobAppClose=2020-09-20|appLink=https..."
{{Job Board Post
|position=EAC Coordinator|group=Engineering Adventure Committee|logo=|category=Committee|jobAppClose=2020-09-20|appLink=|description=The Engineering Adventure Committee is dedicated to organizing fun and inclusive non-drinking events for engineering undergraduate students at McGill. 3 Coordinator positions are offered: Communications Coordinator, Logistics Coordinator, and Outreach Coordinator.

The Communications Coordinator is tasked with managing the EAC’s social media accounts and promoting their events.

The Logistics Coordinator is in charge of planning events, which includes booking venues and buying supplies.

The Outreach Coordinator communicates with other EUS committees to collaborate on events and to increase awareness of EAC events.|workload=1 hr / week|duration=|pay=|skills=organized, good communication skills|jobAppOpen=|numSpots=3|contactEmail=|appMethod=}}