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ECSESS Bursaries
ECSESS strives to provide the best for ECSE students by representing them on the department and faculty levels and voicing all concerns and suggestions to them. We organise lots of [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Academic_Events academic events] to connect you with your professors and advisors. Building networks and helping you land internships and jobs are also big parts of our mission so we organise lots of [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Networking_Events networking events] in Montreal and in other cities! We also aim to cater to our students’ social needs. Attending our [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Social_Events social events] will only lead to great memories and friends! Furthermore, we host [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Destress_Events destress events] throughout the semester for our students to take a break and relax. Last but not least, we also try to help you gain technical skills so we organise [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Technical_Events technical development events] like workshops and McGill’s largest engineering hackathon [[CodeJam]]!
ECSESS’s main purpose is to improve the experience for all ECSE students; so take advantage of itWe also control various student spaces in Trottier! Come hangout in our [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#The_Lounge lounge] at Trottier 1060 or visit us in the [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#The_Factory Factory] at Trottier 0080 which is our hardware design lab for developing personal projects, gaining experience with the latest hardware or just brainstorming ideas with fellow students. 
How do you join ECSESS? You’re already a part of us, just being an ECSE student gives you access to all of our awesome events and resources! Interested to get even more involved? Good news is we’re always looking for more hands on deck. You can join our [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Student_Council student council], first year committee [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#ECSESSbits ECSESSbits], one of our [,_Computer,_and_Software_Engineering_Student_Society#Committees subcommittees] or our [ volunteers group] to help us execute our events!
To stay up to date with our upcoming events, make sure to keep an eye out for our weekly newsletter, follow us on our [ Facebook page] and join your respective year group on facebook!
Have a suggestion / concern / feedback about any of your courses, our events, Trottier building or any other thing that affects ECSE students? You can fill out our [ Feedback Form]!
- Toppings (strawberries, bananas or chocolate chips): $0.50
- Coffee: 1$ (creamer, regular milk, soy milk and almond milk will have their presence)
===Blues Pub===
[[File:ECSESS 2020 Peppa Party Blues aka. the Best Blues Ever.jpg|thumb|ECSESS Peppa Party Blues 2020 (aka. Best Blues of All Times)]]Twice a year, ECSESS hosts [[Blues Pub|Blues Pub]] in the basement of the McConnell building, in the common room. 🍻 Come enjoy a beverage and a grilled cheese, try your hand at [[Beer Die|die games]] and socialize with fellow engineers and friengineers.
== Funding ==
=== ECSESS Bursaries ===
[ ECSESS bursaries] make our events more accessible to everyone by offering half-price tickets for students who have financial barriers. The application to bursaries are event-based. We ask you to be completely honest in your application. Any information that you disclose to us will be reviewed only by the ECSESS President and the ECSESS Equity Rep and will be kept completely confidential.Apply here:
=== ECSESS Initiative Fund ===
The ECSESS Initiative Fund finances ECSE students that wish to participate in technical competitions, conferences, work on personal projects and organize organise events such as workshops. 
Please read through all of the following guidelines before applying:
g) You must adequately demonstrate your need for the aid and clearly show the exact budget breakdown
If applying for a competition or conference, you are highly encouraged to apply to the SSMU Ambassador fund first. If applying to organize organise an event or workshop, you are highly encouraged to apply to the SSMU Campus Life Fund first. The ECSESS Initiative Fund will then cover any remaining costs.
Applications will be reviewed by the ECSESS Initiative Fund Committee. You can expect a decision on your application within the next two weeks after it has been received. Your request for funding may be fully accepted, partially accepted or denied. If accepted, you will be required to submit a report detailing the actual expenses and including all receipts and proof of sponsorship acknowledgment if applicable. Once these receipts have been approved by the committee and processed, you will be able to pick up a cheque at the EUS office for the amount approved by the committee. 
For questions, please contactMore information on the [httpsECSESS President, ecsess// ECSESS VP Finance, ecsesscom/forms/u/1/d/1zn3cQNdFsqIxuqYVRJgsX2UX0VVRLHtmXm4OrCyibUM/edit Application Form] ECSESS Equity Representative,
[[Category:Departmental Societies]]