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EUS Equity

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Faculty of Engineering
==Structure of the Committee==
The committee is based on commissioners and there are several other positions. These positions are the financial officer, the workshop coordinator, the forum coordinator, the communication director and the outreach coordinator. These positions can be filled by one or more people. Their respective duties are listed below.  '''Commissioners''': ? '''Financial officer''': The financial officer is responsible for creating the committee’s budgets, keeping the Committee’s financial records up to date (filling out check requirements & updating budgets), and applying for funds both within EUS and externally.  '''Workshop coordinator''': The workshop coordinator is responsible for booking, scheduling facilitators non-hierarchical and all logistics regarding the EUS Equity Committee’s workshop series.  '''Forum coordinator''': The forum coordinator is responsible for organizing the forums (fall & winter) with the help of the committee. They head the team organizing the forum.  '''Communications director''': The communication director is responsible for sharing articles and information its composition depends on the Facebook page, maintaining the wiki page up to date and the overall social media part of the committeecommissioners.  '''Outreach coordinator''': The outreach coordinator is responsible for planning events to recruit new members, collaborate with other equity organizations, etc. (Ex. Open forums, tabling)
==Faculty of Engineering==
The equity committee works in parallel with a lot of groups, organizations and committee within the McGill community. For example, to reach a wide audience, the workshops made by the Equity committee are given to many different organizations like : MAMEASA, MEUSChESS, CEUS, CHESSCMEUS, MAME, ASAMEUS, QE, Blues Pub Managers, EUS execs, The EUS Junior Council, POWE and others. Also, some Forums are brought together by more than one committee. The last forum was the work of EUS Equity Committee and SUS Equity Committee. Some stakeholders for the forums are from MESC, SEDE, CAPS or the OSD.
:Electrical, Computer, Software