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EUS Equity

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====About UD and UDL ====  UDL is a sustainable, educational framework that guides the design of learning goals, materials, methods, and assessments as well as the policies surrounding these curricular elements with a diversity of learners in mind. Just as physical barriers can hinder students to access the classroom in our physical environment, curricular barriers can exist in the instructional environment that can hinder learning for students with diverse learning styles. <br>'''Universal Design ''' (UD) as a concept originated in the field of architecture. UD as a concept is now widely applied in the field of education, curriculum design and the design of learning environments where it is known as '''Universal Design for Learning ''' (UDL). Engineering design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum; therefore, there is a need to ensure that design curriculum -- especially in the design classroom or lab -- addresses these issues so that McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with everyone’s needs in mind. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (e.g. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to universal design and to improve inclusivity and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of UD-ed ideas and products.  
*Jenna Laham, bachelor student in chemical engineering and member of the EUS Equity Committee. Presented....
<tab name="'UDL Forum ", index="2"'>
== Other Events == =Conferences=  ==Conference on Diversity in Engineering == =Structure of the Committee==
The committee is based on commissioners and there are several other positions. These positions are the financial officer, the workshop coordinator, the forum coordinator, the communication director and the outreach coordinator. These positions can be filled by one or more people. Their respective duties are listed below.
'''Outreach coordinator''': The outreach coordinator is responsible for planning events to recruit new members, collaborate with other equity organizations, etc. (Ex. Open forums, tabling)
==Faculty of Engineering==
The equity committee works in parallel with a lot of groups, organizations and committee within the McGill community. For example, to reach a wide audience, the workshops made by the Equity committee are given to many different organizations like : MAME, MEUS, CEUS, CHESS, ASA, QE, Blues Pub Managers, EUS execs, The Junior Council, POWE and others. Also, some Forums are brought together by more than one committee. The last forum was the work of EUS Equity Committee and SUS Equity Committee. Some stakeholders for the forums are from MESC, SEDE, CAPS or the OSD.