There is two types of Forum organised organized by the Equity Committee that includes Universal Design. The first one is during the Winter. The Winter Forum talks about Accessibility and Universal Design in the Faculty of Engineering and aim to create awareness and further discussions. The second type is the Forum on Universal Design for Learning Principles which took place in Fall 2015.
The forum will focus on applications of Universal Design (UD) as implemented in industry and in the fields of engineering, technology, architecture and urban planning. This discussion hopes to introduce the concept and principles of Universally Designed technology, products and services. It will focus on three topics of UD within industry: technology interface design, industrial product design, and physical space (architectural) design and planning. Design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum; therefore, there is a need to ensure that design curriculum addresses these issues so that McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with everyone’s needs in mind. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (e.g. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to Universal Design and to improve inclusivity and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of Universally Designed ideas and products.Engineering design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum; therefore, there is a need to ensure that design curriculum -- especially in the design classroom or lab -- addresses these issues so that McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with everyone’s needs in mind. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (e.g. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to universal design and to improve inclusivity and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of UD-ed ideas and products.
The forum will focus on creating learning environments which are accessible, inclusive and respect the diversity of the Engineering student body. Just as physical barriers can hinder students to access the classroom in our physical environment, curricular barriers can exist in the instructional environment that can hinder learning for students with diverse learning styles. Universal Design (UD) as a concept originated in the field of architecture. UD as a concept is now widely applied in the field of education, curriculum design and the design of learning environments where it is known as Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a sustainable, educational framework that guides the design of learning goals, materials, methods, and assessments as well as the policies surrounding these curricular elements with a diversity of learners in mind.
'''Description''' The forum will focus on creating learning environments which are accessible, inclusive and respect the diversity of the Engineering student body. Just as physical barriers can hinder students design is fundamental to access the classroom in our physical environmentengineering curriculum; therefore, curricular barriers can exist there is a need to ensure that design curriculum -- especially in the instructional environment design classroom or lab -- addresses these issues so that can hinder learning for students McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with diverse learning styleseveryone’s needs in mind. Universal Design (The aim of introducing UD) as a concept originated in the field of architectureclassrooms (e.g. UD in a design project form) is the to build awareness and skills related to universal design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design." UD as a concept is now widely applied in the field of education, curriculum design improve inclusivity and the design accessibility of learning environments where it is known as Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a sustainable, educational framework that guides the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of learning goals, materials, methods, UD-ed ideas and assessments as well as the policies surrounding these curricular elements with a diversity of learners in mindproducts.
Engineering design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum, so there is a need to ensure that the design curriculum -- especially the design classroom or lab --tries to address these issues to be more inclusive to all. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (eg. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to universal design and to improve inclusiveness and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of UD-ed ideas and products.