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Student Space Fund

1,287 bytes added, 14:17, 2 January 2017
Created page with "{{Infobox | title = | image = 300px |label1= |datastyle=font-style:italic |data1=''Logo created by Gordon Hart'' }} The Student Spac..."

| title =
| image = [[Image:ssf_logo.png|300px]]
|data1=''Logo created by Gordon Hart''
The Student Space Fund is a fund composed of fees paid by engineering undergraduate students. It is meant to be a sustainable resource for ''general improvements of the undergraduate space at McGill'' as well as ''to fund larger renovations projects''. <br>The fund is separate in two accounts: the Short Term and Long Term accounts. The Short Term account is meant for smaller purchase of single items (< 2000$) and the Long Term account is aimed at significant projects and renovations (> 5000$), envisioned for the future.
===Short Term===
The Short Term account is allocated twice a year through an application process sent out by the Funds Director, usually around October for the Fall Semester and February for the Winter Semester.
===Long Term===
For the Long Term account, [[council]] must approve of the funding by motion; thus allocation is available all year around. In order for the motion to be entertained, it must be introduced one council in advance.<br> During summer time, a special committee is setup to allow the executive committee to pass motions, as EUS council does not meet in this time.