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Engineering Games

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Engineering Games (Eng Games, french Jeux de Genie, JDG) is a community of engineering undergraduate students from Quebec universities and technological institutes. The community participates in many social events year-round, and is driven by a 5 day competition, known as '''''The Games''''', during the first week of January. Schools take turns hosting The Games each year, and each participating school sends a delegation of 44 students, plus 2 graduated ambassadors from other schools, known as godparents (parrains). Each delegation is made up of one chief, the executive committee, machine team members, and general members selected by the execs. <br>At McGill, the chief and execs are chosen by the previous committee, just following The Games in January. The fall semester leading up to The Games is known as '''''The Race''''', where students interested in Eng Games attend events organized by each school to demonstrate their interest and spirit.