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91 bytes added, 02:13, 28 December 2016
Navigation Bars
==Font Awesome==
A well known bootstrap based icon pack, '''''FontAwesome''''' is a very easy way to include icons without having to import anything. They're flexible in terms of resizing, color, and placement, and varied enough that you're sure to find the icon you're looking for. To see a complete list of compatible icons, navigate to our [[FontAwesome]] wiki page, which includes how to embed and a few examples.
==Templates=====Navigation Bars===
The navigation bars are made using Templates and CSS.
<pre>Templates:[name]Example</pre> can be recalled recall the article ''Example'' as a templateby being saved the same as a regular article. Once the template is saved, you can recall it in any ''other'' article by adding {{}} and removing the 'Templates:' preface, <br><pre>{{[name]}}</pre> ''(neglect the brackets in each case around name)''.<br>
Take for example the [[Template:FinanceBar]], this is the object recalled across each finance related articles. To change the template is to change the navigation bar for finance. This example is made manipulating the [ common.css].