no edit summary
| title = The Library of Babel
| image = [[Image:Libraryofbabel.jpg|300px]]
| headerstyle = background-color:#eee
| label1 = Origin:
| data1 = ''The Garden of Forking Paths'', 1944
| label2 =
| data2 = Jorge Luis Borges' ''Library of Babel''
| data6 = {{Infobox | subbox = yes
| headerstyle = background-color:#eee
| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
| header1 = About
| label2 = Creator | data2 = David Bailey, 2014
| label3 = Revised | data3 = Ian Richardson, 2015 <br> Pentcho Tchomakov, 2016
The Financial Guidebook covers all general information about handling money in the EUS. If you're part of a [[club]], [[committee]], or [[design team]], this guide is sure to help you finance with confidence. The guidebook was originally a PDF ([[Financial Guidebook#PDF|found below]]), and has now been split into various sections on the EUS wiki. If you're looking to cover all information, the PDF is most effective. if you're looking for a specific section, navigate to the sections below.
{{Div col|cols=2}}
[[Budgeting]]<br />
[[Internal Transfers]]<br />
[[Budgeting for Taxes]]<br />
[[Cheque Requisitions]]<br />
[[FOAPAL]]<br />
[[Large Expenses]]<br />
[[Receiving Revenues]]<br />
[[EUS Funds]]<br />
[[Float Requests]]<br />
[[Account Names & Numbers]]<br />
{{Div col end}}