added 2022-2023 council
In the lounge, we have couches and a TV for relaxing, big tables and chairs for studying, and a fridge & microwave for all your lunch-storing needs. It's a great place to study, hangout with friends and is also a solid location to gather on Fridays before Blues Pub! There are lots of other fun things here and there, come drop by and see for yourself.
''"In the lounge, we bondeat waffles on Wednesdays, you know.. Talk mining.Mining stuff" - Matthew DesorbayRim Fayjhi, CMEUS President 20202022-20212023''
== Council History ==
<tab name="Current">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ 2022 - 2023 Council|-! Position:! Name:|-|President|Rim Fayjhi|-|VP Academic|Owen Mickevicius|-|VP Administration|Valentina Letort|-|VP Finance|Nolan Dempsey|-|VP External|Andrew Allard|-|VP Internal|Antonio Galvez|-|Equity & Mental Health Coordinator|Emmelie Blinder|-|U0 Representative|Cecilia Agneray|-|U1 Representative|Finn McGrath|-|U2 Representative|Manon Lahore|-|U3 Representative|Christopher Dascalu|-|U4 Representative|Magdalena Mroz|}</tab><tab name="2020 - 2021 ">{| class="wikitable sortable"|+ 2020 - 2022 Council
! Position: