no edit summary
|class="table-success"| 333/586
|class="table-success"| 56.83%
|class="table-successdanger"| 46/586 |class="table-successdanger"| 7.85% |class="table-successwarning"| 207/586 |class="table-successwarning"| 35.32%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Increasing the Eus General Fee || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) is composed of over 3000 engineering and architecture undergraduates, all of whom pay fees to the EUS, <br>
|class="table-success"| 690/992
|class="table-success"| 69.56%
|class="table-successdanger"| 251/992 |class="table-successdanger"| 25.30% |class="table-successwarning"| 51/992 |class="table-successwarning"| 5.14%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Engineers Without Border Fee Renewal || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineers Without Borders fee is an opt-outable $2.00 per semester, <br>
|class="table-success"| 673/992
|class="table-success"| 67.84%
|class="table-successdanger"| 247/992 |class="table-successdanger"| 24.90% |class="table-successwarning"| 72/992 |class="table-successwarning"| 7.26%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Renewal of the Design Team Fund Fee || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) is composed of over 3000 engineering and architecture undergraduates, all of whom pay fees to the EUS, <br>
|class="table-success"| 841/992
|class="table-success"| 84.78%
|class="table-successdanger"| 123/992 |class="table-successdanger"| 12.40% |class="table-successwarning"| 28/992 |class="table-successwarning"| 2.82%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Increase of the Design Team Fund Fee || Please refer to the above '''''Whereas''''' clauses for details surrounding the reasoning for the Design Team Fund Fee increase posed below.
|class="table-success"| 723/992
|class="table-success"| 72.88%
|class="table-successdanger"| 223/992 |class="table-successdanger"| 22.48% |class="table-successwarning"| 46/992 |class="table-successwarning"| 4.64%
| EUS || Fall 2015 || Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund Referendum Question – Fall 2015 || ''''Whereas''''', the Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund (“Equipment Fund”) is a fund composed of fees paid by Engineering undergraduate students and of other contributions, whose purpose is to provide those students with additional laboratory equipment to that normally supplied by the University, <br>
|class="table-success"| 733/892
|class="table-success"| 82.17%
|class="table-successdanger"| 97/892 |class="table-successdanger"| 10.87% |class="table-successwarning"| 62/892 |class="table-successwarning"| 6.95%
| EUS || Winter 2015 || Engineering Career Centre Fee Increase || '''''Whereas''''' the current Policy Document of the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) at the McGill Engineering Student Centre (MESC) requires that any fee changes be made through a student-initiated referendum, <br>
|class="table-success"| 505/792
|class="table-success"| 63.76%
|class="table-successdanger"| 251/792 |class="table-successdanger"| 31.69% |class="table-successwarning"| 36/792 |class="table-successwarning"| 4.55%
| EUS || Winter 2015 || Renewal of Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund || '''''Whereas''''' McGill University faced $45M in permanent cuts since 2012, the equivalent of a 15% decrease in the University’s budget across all Faculties, including Engineering, <br>
|class="table-success"| 549/792
|class="table-success"| 69.32%
|class="table-successdanger"| 208/792 |class="table-successdanger"| 26.26% |class="table-successwarning"| 35/792 |class="table-successwarning"| 4.42%
| EUS || Fall 2014 || Engineering Student Space Fund (Opt-outable Fee) Referendum Question || '''''Whereas''''', the Engineering Undergraduate Society (“E.U.S.”) is made up of around 3,000 engineering & architecture students, many of whom partake in clubs, design teams, and other activities that are co-curricular in nature, <br>
|class="table-success"| 120/195
|class="table-success"| 61.54%
|class="table-successdanger"| 63/195 |class="table-successdanger"| 32.31% |class="table-successwarning"| 12/195 |class="table-successwarning"| 6.15%
[[Category:President Responsibilities]]