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Module:Protection banner/config

175 bytes added, 19:07, 26 March 2015
switch to the new version using <indicator> tags
-- Padlock positionsindicator names
-- This table provides the data for the "rightname" CSS property attribute for the <indicator> extension tag-- with which small padlockicons are generated. All indicator tags on a page-- iconsare displayed in alphabetical order based on this attribute, and with-- indicator tags with duplicate names, which determines where the icon appears last tag on the top bar among the otherpage wins.-- top icons. The data attribute is stored by chosen based on the protection action. If no value is found for; table keys must be a-- the protection action, name or the string "default field is used".padlockPositions padlockIndicatorNames = { autoreview = '85pxpp-autoreview', default = '55pxpp-default'
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