Outdoor Beer Die
Outdoor Beer Die is a variation of beer die played outdoors (This can simply be a place that lacks any limits on heights and allows free movement).
The equipment and setup is the same as indoor beer die, the only difference is finding a grassy or sandy flat surface with enough top clearance. Two dice are recommended instead of the usual one. Players can play with any drink as they want, whether it be spirit, beer, or non-alcoholic drinks
As to not give an unfair advantage to teams drinking alcohol, it shall be decided before the game whether this will be a non-alcoholic game or not. Although it is recommended to play with alcoholic drinks, no peer pressure into drinking shall be tolerated; the non-alcoholic team holds every right to play with their current drinks if they desire. If the teams playing with alcohol don’t mind playing against another team with no alcohol, all power to you. Hydrate, it’s good for you.
Jeanne-Mance park provides benches where you can set a table top at the top of and it will end up being a decent beer die table, if you don't want to go through the hassle of building one. The benches on the sides however might make it harder to catch. Once the die hits the bench, it's considered a dead die (see Scoring and Throwing). However, it is a gentleperson's agreement whether a FIFA coming from an off-table die hitting the bench can be considered a valid point.
How To Play
Scoring is done based on a sips and cups system, where you win by exhausting the other team's sips tally. This means that once you "score" a point, instead of gaining once, the opponents lose a point (hence a sip). Games are usually played 3 (three) cups of 5 (wah) sips each, but games of two, one or even wah cup can be played.
- A wah is a wah is a wah. See The Naughty Numbers for all the rules on them. We usually play “sides” outdoors.
- A sink is a sink is a sink. Kill your cup and lose the remaining point of the cup.
- It is recommended the offensive team starts The Song after they celebrate their sink.
- Due to COVID, please do not take the die in your mouth. Take it out of your cup before or after you chug.
- The number of cups in an outdoor beer die game is a gentleperson’s agreement between 1 and 3 cups, with an agreed upon number of sips, but should take into account the amount of people wanting to play, according to the number of tables available. For example, be mindful of other when only one table is available and play one cup games so everyone can enjoy Beer Die!
- For a league, 2 cup games of wah sips shall be played. The semi-final and final will be wah cup games.
- Additional ways of scoring will be explained in the Throwing and Catching sections.
- There is no mercy. Mercy is for the weak.
In principle, throws must be higher than the tallest person available holding their hand vertically up as high as possible. Additionally, a throw, for it to be valid, must land within the opposite team's half of the table. This includes the sides of the table, as long as you can confidently claim you heard a sound that the die made contact with the table since the trajectory is not always obvious.
- Usually, throws are made with your palm facing away from the table. But who are we to judge? If you want to throw like in indoor beer die, go right ahead. Just no beer pong shots. We don’t like beer pong.
- A cup hit is valid if the shot is valid and is worth one drink
- Throws are recommended to be as high as humanly possible for funsies and coolness factor. Also makes it harder to catch
- As you may guess, there are no ‘high’ invalid calls (Stambolich Rule in indoor)
- A throw that bounces short of the center line and is called by the defending team before it goes off the table is dead die.
- The catching team may still call a shot Low and invalidate it if they deem the shot to be lower than the height margin.
- The height margin is the tip of the middle finger on the extended, raised hand of the tallest person in the park. (Find the tallest person, ask them to put their hand up, that's the height you need to hit)
- As a general rule of sportsmanship, low and short calls should be called honestly and with respect to the game. This means that the throwing team should respect low and short calls from the catching team, but also that the catching team should backtrack their call if they deem it was wrongfully called.
- No two-hand catching
- Catches must not be against the body in any way. This includes scooping against your body
- Contrary to indoor beer die, juggling/fumbling/bobbing the dice is allowed.
- If you fumble the die and it ends up the table, there are a couple scenarios that could happen:
- The die goes off the table: This is as if it was a normal valid. If it's caught, the game proceeds to the next shot and if it's not caught, the receiving team loses a sip.
- The die does not go off the table: This is equal to a missed catch, defending team loses a sip.
- If in any point the die hits one or several cups: Since the throw is valid to begin with, add the number of cups hit to the final tally of sips lost. For example, if you on the defending team fumble the die onto the table while trying to catch it and it hits a cup and falls off the table without you and/or your teammate ultimately catching it, you lose 2 sips.
- If you fumble the die and it ends up the table, there are a couple scenarios that could happen:
- Please note that fumbling specifically to make the die end up on the table is not specifically prohibited but strongly discouraged and it's frowned upon.
- You may catch the dice if it bounces neatly off your body (boink)
- A good way to apply this is if the die goes from being in the air to your hand (i.e. not rolling on your arm/chest/hand), then it’s clean. If the catch looks sketch to more than one person, then it probably is.
- No catching over the table. The players shall come to a consensus before the game if it is a rethrow or a drink.
- Both teams will agree upon the validity of picks to block the defending team from catching the die (think basketball picks).
- Picks may not move. Moving results in a rethrow.
- If the dice hits an obstructing item on the playing field (e.g. speaker, cups, cans, hinges, seagull, etc.) and the catch is missed, the two teams should come to a consensus if it is a rethrow or a drink.
- If the offensive (throwing) team throws off the table, the defending (catching) team may choose to try and kick the dice using only their feet into their hand. If the defending team successfully catches the dice in this manner, the team who threw the dice loses a sip.
- No FIFAs over the table. Looking at you Ali.
- You may not win a game on a FIFA. Council ratified.
- The opposing team can interfere with a FIFA after it has been kicked up.
- If a die is FIFA’d back on the table, it is a dead die. Wah and sink rules still apply.
Rare Occurrences
- If the die sinks and bounce back out, the sink still counts, and the sunk player needs to fill their cup.
- If, on a valid shot, the die hits the offensive team's cup, the offensive team loses a point.
- A hit from a valid shot on the offensive and defensive cup on the same play cancel out; no points are lost.
- Yeeting the table (i.e. making the table move vigorously and/or spilling) results in the loss of a cup and the spiller may be shamed by whoever is around at the time. The spiller is required to cleanup.
Wimbeldie Championships
The Wimbeldie Championships, commonly known simply as Wimbeldie, is the an outdoor beer-die tournament organized by general EUS members, called The Commissioners. The tournament traditionally takes place on a Saturday in early September to celebrate the culmination of a successful "Open Air Beer-Die" season. Wimbeldie strongly encourages strict all-white dress code for competitors and royal patronage. While only one team can win and be crowned the prestigious champion of Wimbeldie, the Commissioners prepare a few more prizes to celebrate all the beautiful aspects of die. Some of the examples of the prize is:
- The Born to Die Award: awarded for the best team name
- The DAWG Award: awarded for the best catching dive
- The Absolute MENACE award: awarded to the player with the most sinks
- The Pop Smoke Memorial Award: awarded to the team that absolutely smokes the other team (largest win margin)
- The Ronaldienho Award: awarded to the most beautiful FIFA of the day
Past Iterations
Fall 2022
Commisioners |
Ali Tahmasebi |
Christopher Raczek |
Thanks to Boggy for creating and maintaining this article before it made it to the wiki!