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Junior Council

1 byte removed, 09:58, 15 June 2023
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'''''Junior Council''''' is a committee in the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS), composed of seventeen VP and Representative positions for first-year engineering students, and two second-year Co-Presidents. From club nights to networking events, JC is fundamental in creating the tight-knit community amongst first years in the EUS.
== Recruitment/Application Process ==
'''''Click [ HERE] to join our mailing list, to get notified when JC applications are released!'''''
Online applications for JC 2023-2024 will be released '''in August 2023'''. Those who are a best fit for the council will be selected for a general group interview, and then an individual interview specific to the positions you are interested in. Be sure to reach out to our instagram or emails if you have any questions, or would just like to say hi!
=== Why join Junior Council? ===
Junior Council is a family of first years, who work together, bond and are given the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the EUS! It's a great stepping stone to getting involved in future years, and a great way to meet other engineers from all years & departments! So what are you waiting for... APPLY!!
== Main Events ==
In the past, Junior Council has hosted a wide variety of events including first year banquet, Bob Ross paint night, beverage pong tournaments, pumpkin carving and our iconic cactus sale.
== Recruitment/Application Process ==
'''''Click [ HERE] to join our mailing list, to get notified when JC applications are released!'''''
Online applications for JC 2023-2024 will be released '''in August 2023'''. Those who are a best fit for the council will be selected for a general group interview, and then an individual interview specific to the positions you are interested in. Be sure to reach out to our instagram or emails if you have any questions, or would just like to say hi!
=== Why join Junior Council? ===
Junior Council is a family of first years, who work together, bond and are given the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the EUS! It's a great stepping stone to getting involved in future years, and a great way to meet other engineers from all years & departments! So what are you waiting for... APPLY!!
== Council Structure ==