Bullet points
- Creating sponsorship resources for EUS groups (eg. a sponsorship guidebook, sponsorship tracker etc)
- Seeking general EUS sponsors and maintaining relations with them
- Organizing events for general EUS sponsors (eg. lunch & learns)
- Meeting once per semester with sponsorship coordinators in different EUS groups while encouraging collaboration between them
- Working closely with the VP External and VP Finance
Since this is a new position, it's very flexible and can be tailored to your vision of the role of the Sponsorship Director. If you have any questions, please email board.member8@mcgilleus.ca
We encourage everyone to apply!|workload=4 hrs / week|duration=May 2019 - May 2021|pay=|skills=Independent, professional, organized|jobAppOpen=2019-03-27|numSpots=1|contactEmail=board.member8@mcgilleus.ca|appMethod=SelComm|logo=}}