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Sustainability in Engineering at McGill

895 bytes added, 13:08, 15 January 2019
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SEAM is comprised of three subcommittees to run the different aspects of SEAM with a smaller and more focused group. Each subcommittee is made up of SEAM's executive and general members.
This subcommittee is responsible for most projects where SEAM can help other organizations and teams to make their operations more sustainable. A few examples of those consulting projects are below.
This subcommittee is responsible for the outreach and increase of SEAM's contact list. It is very useful for the group to keep expanding on more and newer connections inside and outside of McGill. This subcommittee is also responsible for finding most professionals in the yearly speed networking event.
==Sustainability Project Fund (SPF)==
This subcommittee is responsible for the development of sustainable project on campus via the SPF. The SPF has an annual budget dedicated to student and group initiatives to make a greener McGill. The subcommittee makes sure the project is viable and complete so that funding is possible and the project can be made.