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! Group !! Semester !! Title !! Question !!colspan="2"| Results Y !!colspan="2"| Results N !!colspan="2"| Results A
| EUS || Winter 2018 || Engineering Career Centre (ECC) Fee Renewal || '''''Whereas''''' the employment of four Industry Liaison Managers, an internship manager, and a Recruitment, Events and Communications officer has resulted in 54% of Faculty of Engineering students graduating with at least one 4-month internship or CO-OP work term, and 54% “employed” rated at time of graduation,<br>
'''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) continues to offer an increase number of career advising appointments, as well as engaging with student groups, clubs and organizations to further increase (i) internship and career opportunities, (ii) career education workshops and seminars, and (iii) links with industry,<br>
'''''Whereas''''' the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Engineering co-funds the ECC and MESC operations,<br>
| 403/586 || 68.77% || 94/586 || 16.04% || 89/586 || 15.19%
| EUS || Winter 2018 || Board of Governors (BoG) Changes in the Constitution || '''''Whereas''''', the changes listed in Appendix A and B were discussed at length with the Board of Governors, Council, and Executives present in the Constitution working group.<br>
'''''Whereas''''', the Constitution needs upgraded grammar, wording, removal of gendered language, legal terms, punctuation, and numbering.<br>
'''''Be it resolved''''' that the following question be put to the members in the EUS Winter Referendum Period<br>
| 333/586 || 56.83% || 46/586 || 7.85% || 207/586 || 35.32%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Increasing the Eus General Fee || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) is composed of over 3000 engineering and architecture undergraduates, all of whom pay fees to the EUS, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the EUS general fee for full-time students has not been raised since 2006, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' inflation in Quebec has risen by 16.1% between 2006 and 2017, <br>
| 690/992 || 69.56% || 251/992 || 25.30% || 51/992 || 5.14%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Engineers Without Border Fee Renewal || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineers Without Borders fee is an opt-outable $2.00 per semester, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the Engineers Without Borders fee has been in place since 2009, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the Engineers Without Borders Fee (“EWB Fee”) is a fee paid by Engineering undergraduate students, whose purpose is to create opportunities for the McGill engineering community to learn about development issues and take an active role in creating positive, sustainable change, both through overseas volunteer programs and in-Canada initiatives, <br>
| 673/992 || 67.84% || 247/992 || 24.90% || 72/992 || 7.26%
| EUS || Fall 2017 || Renewal of the Design Team Fund Fee || '''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) is composed of over 3000 engineering and architecture undergraduates, all of whom pay fees to the EUS, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the EUS Design Team fund fee for full-time students has not been raised since it was created in Winter 2008, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' since 2008, the number of Design Teams has increased from two to ten, <br>
| 733/892 || 82.17% || 97/892 || 10.87% || 62/892 || 6.95%
| EUS || Winter 2015 || Engineering Career Centre Fee Increase || '''''Whereas''''' the current Policy Document of the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) at the McGill Engineering Student Centre (MESC) requires that any fee changes be made through a student-initiated referendum, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the Engineering Career Center (ECC) fee of $40 per term has been frozen since Fall 2012, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the engineering undergraduate student body has grown by 20% since 2012, <br>
| 505/792 || 63.76% || 251/792 || 31.69% || 36/792 || 4.55%
| EUS || Winter 2015 || Renewal of Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund || '''''Whereas''''' McGill University faced $45M in permanent cuts since 2012, the equivalent of a 15% decrease in the University’s budget across all Faculties, including Engineering, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' no financial relief is expected next year from the Quebec government and further cuts are expected for the 2015-2016 academic year, <br>
'''''Whereas''''' the EUSF is to be terminated as per its bylaws this semester unless it is renewed by EUS referendum, <br>
| 549/792 || 69.32% || 208/792 || 26.26% || 35/792 || 4.42%
| EUS || Fall 2014 || Engineering Student Space Fund (Opt-outable Fee) Referendum Question || '''''Whereas''''', the Engineering Undergraduate Society (“E.U.S.”) is made up of around 3,000 engineering & architecture students, many of whom partake in clubs, design teams, and other activities that are co-curricular in nature, <br>
'''''Whereas''''', students in the Faculty are proposing to create a Student Space Fund (“S.S.F.”) by levying an opt-outable student fee of $15/student per semester for full-time students, and $7.50/student per semester for part-time students, <br>
'''''Whereas''''', the purpose of the Student Space Fund (“S.S.F.”) would be as follows: