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Module:Message box

53 bytes added, 02:54, 3 October 2013
change the smalltext logic to work with collapsible text fields
-- Get the self.issue value.
local sect = if self.isSmall and args.sect if presentButBlank(sect) smalltext then sect = 'This ' .. (cfgself.sectionDefault or 'page') elseif type(sect) issue == 'string' then sect = 'This ' .args. sectsmalltext
local sect = args.sect if presentButBlank(sect) then sect = 'This ' .. (cfg.sectionDefault or 'page') elseif type(sect) == 'string' then sect = 'This ' .. sect else sect = nil end local issue = args.issue issue = type(issue) == 'string' and issue or nil local text = args.text text = type(text) == 'string' and text or nil local issues = {} tinsert(issues, sect) tinsert(issues, issue) tinsert(issues, text) self.issue = tconcat(issues, ' ')
local issue = args.issue
issue = type(issue) == 'string' and issue or nil
local text = args.text
text = type(text) == 'string' and text or nil
local issues = {}
tinsert(issues, sect)
tinsert(issues, issue)
tinsert(issues, text)
self.issue = tconcat(issues, ' ')
-- Get the value.
-- and also by ambox when small=yes.
if self.isSmall then
if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then self.text = args.smalltext or self.issue else self.text = args.smalltext or args.text end
self.text = args.text
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