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<pre>Templates:Example</pre> can recall the article ''Example'' as a template by being saved the same as a regular article. Once the template is saved, you can recall it in any ''other'' article by adding {{}} and removing the 'Templates:' preface, <br><pre>{{Example}}</pre> ''(neglect the brackets in each case around name)''.<br>
Take for example the [[Template:FinanceBar]], this is the object recalled across each finance related articles. To change the template is to change the navigation bar for finance. This example is made manipulating the [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:CSS common.css].
'''Widgets''' is a blanket term for easy to add HTML pages/elements. They avoid the security problems of raw HTML in editable wiki pages because the privilege to edit in the Widget namespace is managed. Most of the time you would be working with [https://www.mediawikiwidgets.org/Widgets_Catalog pre-written widgets].<br>
This is the extension is used to facilitate YouTube videos, Google Docs/Spreadsheet embeds, and more. In order to use a widget, you must make sure the Widget:Namespace is an article on this wiki. More information can be [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets found here], [https://www.mediawikiwidgets.org/Widgets_Catalog more widgets here].