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Bioengineering Undergraduate Student Society

4 bytes added, 21:51, 8 June 2020
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Initially starting off as a speed-network event, BioEngage has turned into a month-long event involving various presentations, workshops, lab & company tours and fairs to get students involved in bioengineering and discover future career options.
==== Research Seminars & Lab Tours ====
Working in conjunction with the Bioengineering Department and the graduate Biological & Biomedical Engineering Department, various research seminars occur during the year to highlight work being done by the professors in their laboratories. Usually two professors will present their research in a given seminar which helps expose students to the various applications of bioengineering and allows them to have a first-hand look a future in academia. Lab tours are also featured and allow students to visit potential graduate school and SURE placements. This is also a great time to conversate with professors!
==== Academic Forum ====
Held once a semester, the [[Academic Forum|Academic Forum]] allows students to communicate any academic questions and concerns directly to the department. This is a great time to express any challenges you may be having with a course. The department chair, head of undergraduate curriculum and BUSS Council members will all be in attendance for this event.