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SSMU Representative

71 bytes removed, 08:26, 13 October 2018
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{{Stub}}{{EmailIcon|}}<div style="float:right;display:block;"br>{[[File:ssmurep1.jpg|200px|thumb|class="wikitable alternating"right|[ {{ssmu.rep1@}}]||]][[File:ssmurep1ssmurep2.jpg|200px]]|-thumb|right|[ {{ssmu.rep2@}}]||[[File:ssmurep2.jpg|200px]]|}</div>
The EUS elects two '''''SSMU representatives''''' to represent EUS [[regular members]] at the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). They serve as voting members at both EUS Council and SSMU Legislative Council (LC), the legislative branch of the SSMU. The SSMU representatives are responsible for voicing the concerns of engineering undergraduates at LC, protecting the interests of EUS regular members and bridging EUS and SSMU activities and services.