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Civil and Sandwiches

300 bytes added, 23:35, 12 November 2023
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Civil and sandwiches is an academic event that [[Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society | CEUS]] hosts at least once a semester. The CEUS VP Academic is responsible for planning and organizing the event. Professors from the civil engineering department are invited to speak about a topic relating to their research.
=== ''<u>Past Civil and Sandwiches</u>'' ===
* September 28th 2023
<blockquote>Invited: Professor Meguid, Gaskin, and Rogers</blockquote><blockquote>Abstract:</blockquote><blockquote>The invited professors spoke about their area of expertise, and shared details about all streams within Civil Engineering offered at McGill.</blockquote>
* March 15th 2019
<blockquote>Invited: Lijun Sun and Mary Kang</blockquote><blockquote>Abstract:</blockquote><blockquote>Professor Sun spoke about his research pertaining Machine Learning for Smart Transportation. </blockquote><blockquote>Professor Kang talked about Methane emissions and the groundwater impacts of oil and gas development.</blockquote>