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Student Space Fund

1,701 bytes added, 13:34, 31 March 2023
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{{Old}}{{PolicyIcon|1=SSF Bylaws}}{{PolicyIcon|1=SSF Policy}}{{EmailIcon|}}
| title = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = [[Image:ssf_logo.png|260px]]
|bodystyle=border: 1px solid LightSalmon
|data1=<small>''Logo created by Gordon Hart''</small>
|data2={{vpfinance@}}, [[VP Finance]]<br>{{funds.director@}}, [[Funds Director]]
|headerstyleheader3=background-colorAbout:LightSalmon;background-color:MistyRoseShort Term|header3label4=Amount|label4=Short Term
|label5=Distribution|data5=Once/semester|label6=Who can apply|data6=EUS [[Members]]|label7=Allocators|data7=Adhoc Committee including x4 [[Regular Members]], [[President]], [[VP Student Life]], [[VP Finance]], [[Space Director]], [[Design Team Director]], [[Clubs Director]], and [[Funds Director]]|header8=About: Long Term|data5label9=Amount|data9=~$36,000/semester|label10=Distribution|data10=Year-round|label11=Who can apply|data11=EUS [[Members]]|label12=Allocators|data12=[[Board of Governors]]
{{FinanceBar}}'''''The Student Space Fund''''', also referred to as the '''''(SSF)''''' is a fund composed of [[fees]] (out-able) paid by engineering undergraduate students. It is meant to be a sustainable resource for ''general improvements of the undergraduate space at McGill'' as well as ''to fund larger renovations projects''. <br>The fund is separate in two accounts: the Short Term and Long Term (Capital) accounts. The Short Term account , available once a semester, is intended for purchase of single items (< $2000) and the Long Term account , available all year 'round, is aimed at significant projects and renovations (> 5000. Generally Short Term applications are for less than $2 000 while Long Term applications tend to be for more than $)2 000.
===Short Term===
The Short Term account is allocated twice a year through an application process sent out by the [[Funds Director]], usually around October for the Fall Semester and February for the Winter Semester. Anyone can The email will contain a link to applywhere you are expected to submit a description of each item you need, the amount you are requesting for that item, quotes for each item, and a budget outlining everything you requested.You should provide multiple quotes per item (show you did your research!) and make sure your budget reflects any tax/shipping fees!
===Long Term===
For the The Long Term (capital) account, is available at any point in the year. It is approved through any regular meeting of the [[Board of Governors]] . Applications for this fund are in the form of a motion that you must approve of submit 5 days before a board meeting - for additional information on how to do this you can email the funding[ board chair]. You can apply at any time Similarly to the 'short term application, a capital' accountrequest motion should contain descriptions/quotes/budgets for each item. For these larger requests it’s especially important for multiple quotes to be shown and the budget be thorough. SSF Long-term Feel free to layout multiple budget options if there is far larger than leeway in the short termrequest. ====Application Example====For an example application to SSF, a package can be found [|here]. ==Source of FundComposition==
Each semester, students contribute $15.00 (full-time students, >9 credits) and $7.50 (part-time students, =< 9 credits) to the Student Space Fund. From the total contributions per semester,<br>
:'''''2030% goes to the Short Term account''''' :'''''8070% goes to the Long Term account'''''<br>
At the end of the Fall semester, if a surplus exists in the Short Term account, it is rolled over to the Winter’s Short Term account; if a surplus exists in the Winter, it is transferred to the Long Term account.
[[Category:VP Finance Groups]]
[[Category:President Groups]]