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Student Space Fund

1,855 bytes added, 13:34, 31 March 2023
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{{PolicyIcon|1=SSF Bylaws}}{{PolicyIcon|1=SSF Policy}}{{EmailIcon|}}
| title = {{PAGENAME}}|titlestyle=color:#fff;background-color:Salmon
| image = [[Image:ssf_logo.png|260px]]
|label1titlestyle=color:#fff;background-color:Salmon|headerstyle=background-color:LightSalmon|labelstyle=background-color:MistyRose|bodystyle=border: 1px solid LightSalmon|data1=<small>''Logo created by Gordon Hart''</small>
|data2={{}},[[VP Finance]]<br>{{}}, [[Funds Director]]|headerstyleheader3=background-colorAbout:#dddShort Term|header3label4=Amount|label4data4=~$9,000/semester|label5=Distribution|data5=Once/semester|label6=Who can apply|data6=EUS [[Members]]|label7=Allocators|data7=Adhoc Committee including x4 [[Regular Members]], [[President]], [[VP Student Life]], [[VP Finance]], [[Space Director]], [[Design Team Director]], [[Clubs Director]], and [[Funds Director]]|header8=2016-2017About: Long Term|data4label9=Amount|data9=~$9636,000/semester|label5label10=Distribution|data10=2015Year-2016round|label11=Who can apply|data11=EUS [[Members]]|data5label12=Allocators|data12=$92,145[[Board of Governors]]
{{FinanceBar}}'''''The Student Space Fund''''', also referred to as the '''''(SSF)''''' is a fund composed of [[fees ]] (out-able) paid by engineering undergraduate students. It is meant to be a sustainable resource for ''general improvements of the undergraduate space at McGill'' as well as ''to fund larger renovations projects''. <br>The fund is separate in two accounts: the Short Term and Long Term (Capital ) accounts. The Short Term account , available once a semester, is intended for smaller purchase of single items (< 5000$) and the Long Term account , available all year 'round, is aimed at significant projects and renovations (> 5000. Generally Short Term applications are for less than $), envisioned 2 000 while Long Term applications tend to be for the futuremore than $2 000.
===Short Term===
The Short Term account is allocated twice a year through an application process sent out by the [[Funds Director]], usually around October for the Fall Semester and February for the Winter Semester. The email will contain a link to apply where you are expected to submit a description of each item you need, the amount you are requesting for that item, quotes for each item, and a budget outlining everything you requested. You should provide multiple quotes per item (show you did your research!) and make sure your budget reflects any tax/shipping fees!
===Long Term===
For the The Long Term (capital) account, is available at any point in the year. It is approved through any regular meeting of the [[councilBoard of Governors]] . Applications for this fund are in the form of a motion that you must approve of submit 5 days before a board meeting - for additional information on how to do this you can email the [ board chair]. Similarly to the funding by short term application, a capital request motion; thus allocation is available all year aroundshould contain descriptions/quotes/budgets for each item. In order For these larger requests it’s especially important for the motion multiple quotes to be entertained, it must shown and the budget be introduced one council in advancethorough.<br> During summer time, a special committee Feel free to layout multiple budget options if there is setup to allow leeway in the executive committee request. ====Application Example====For an example application to pass motionsSSF, as EUS council does not meet in this timea package can be found [|here]. ==Source of FundComposition==
Each semester, students contribute $15.00 (full-time students, >9 credits) and $7.50 (part-time students, =< 9 credits) to the Student Space Fund. From the total contributions per semester,<br>
:'''''2030% goes to the Short Term account''''' :'''''8070% goes to the Long Term account'''''<br>
At the end of the Fall semester, if a surplus exists in the Short Term account, it is rolled over to the Winter’s Short Term account; if a surplus exists in the Winter, it is transferred to the Long Term account.
[[Category:VP Finance Groups]]
[[Category:President Groups]]