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Student Fees

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{{EmptyOld}} Fees, fees, fees. As a student at McGill you're subject to supporting a number of services offered around campus through the use of student fees. These differ (normally by 50%) between part time and full time students, as well as some departments incur additional costs (for example Materials Engineering CoOp Fee). Some are optoutable, others are compulsory. To find out what fees you're paying, you can navigate to:<code>[ Minerva] > Student > Account Summary</code>.  Opt-out by navigating to <code>[ Minerva] > Student > Student Fee Opt-outs</code><!--=Introduction to Fees====Who can pass fees===Fees can be passed by an [[Referendum|EUS Referendum]], by a SSMU Referendum, or by -->=General Engineering Fees===Breakdown==For a breakdown of all fees and their costs, expand the table below. These cover the general fees you incur as an engineering student, excluding variable costs such as tuition, interest,{| class="wikitable sortable alternating collapsible"! Optoutable !! Name !! Code !! Fee|-| N || [[#Student Services Fees (SERV)|Student Services Fees]] || SERV || $153.91 |-| N || [[#Athletics and Recreation Fee (ATHF)|Athletics and Recreation Fee]] || ATHF || $138.96 |-| N || [[#Engineering Computing Fee (ENCO)|Engineering Computing Fee]] || ENCO || $98.38 |-| N || [[#Registration Charge (REGN)|Registration Charge]] || REGN || $95.04 |-| N || [[#Information Technology Charge (TECH)|Information Technology Charge]] || TECH || $92.76 |-| N || [[#Engineering Career Centre (EUCC)|Engineering Career Centre]] || EUCC || $50.00 |-| N || [[#Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund (EUGE)|Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund]] || EUGE || $50.00 |-| N || [[#Student Society of McGill University (SSMU)|Student Society of McGill University]] || SSMU || $43.93 |-| N || [[#Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund (EUSF)|Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund]] || EUSF || $35.00 |-| N || [[#Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUGS)|Engineering Undergraduate Society]] || EUGS || $27.00 |-| N || [[#Transcripts and Diploma Charge (TRSD)|Transcripts and Diploma Charge]] || TRSD || $16.92 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#Engineering Student Space Fund (EUSI)|Engineering Student Space Fund]] || EUSI || $15.00 |-| N || [[#Copyright Fee (COPY)|Copyright Fee]] || COPY || $10.92 |-| N || [[#Athletics Facilities Improvement (ATHL)|Athletics Facilities Improvement]] || ATHL || $10.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#Engineering Design Team Fund (EUDT)|Engineering Design Team Fund]] || EUDT || $9.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Bursary Fund (SSUB)|SSMU Bursary Fund]] || SSUB || $8.50 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Library Fund (SSUL)|SSMU Library Fund]] || SSUL || $8.50 |-| N || [[#SSMU University Centre Fee (SSMS)|SSMU University Centre Fee]] || SSMS || $6.81 |-| N || [[#Sustainable Projects Fund (SUST)|Sustainable Projects Fund]] || SUST || $6.24 |-| N || [[#Daily Publications Society Fee (DALY)|Daily Publications Society Fee]] || DALY || $6.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#Radio CKUT (CKUT)|Radio CKUT]] || CKUT || $5.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIR)|Quebec Public Interest Research Group]] || QPIR || $5.00 |-| N || [[#Legal Information Clinic (LAIC)|Legal Information Clinic]] || LAIC || $4.50 |-| N || [[#SSMU Safety Network Fee (SSSN)|SSMU Safety Network Fee]] || SSSN || $3.97 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Midnight Kitchen Fee (SSMK)|SSMU Midnight Kitchen Fee]] || SSMK || $3.35 |-| N || [[#Tribune Publications Society (SSTB)|Tribune Publications Society]] || SSTB || $3.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Club Fund Fee (SSCF)|SSMU Club Fund Fee]] || SSCF || $2.75 |-| N || [[#SSMU Daycare Fee (SSMC)|SSMU Daycare Fee]] || SSMC || $2.62 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#Engineers Without Borders Fee (EUGC)|Engineers Without Borders Fee]] || EUGC || $2.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Ambassador Fee (SSAM)|SSMU Ambassador Fee]] || SSAM || $2.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU ECOLE Project Fee (SSME)|SSMU ECOLE Project Fee]] || SSME || $2.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Campus Life Fund (SSUC)|SSMU Campus Life Fund]] || SSUC || $2.00 |-| N || [[#Access McGill (ACCS)|Access McGill]] || ACCS || $2.00 |-| N || [[#World University Services of Canada (WUSC)|World University Services of Canada]] || WUSC || $2.00 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Referral Services Fee (SSMF)|SSMU Referral Services Fee]] || SSMF || $1.75 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [Category[#TVM:Student Television - SSMU (SSTV)|TVM: Student Television - SSMU]] || SSTV || $1.50 |-| N || [[#McGill Writing Centre Fee (WRIT)|McGill Writing Centre Fee]] || WRIT || $1.50 |-| N || [[#SSMU Menstrual Hygiene Product (SSHP)|SSMU Menstrual Hygiene Product]] || SSHP || $0.90 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Peer Support Centre (SSPC)|SSMU Peer Support Centre]] || SSPC || $0.62 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Equity Fee (SSEQ)|SSMU Equity Fee]] || SSEQ || $0.50 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU First Year Council (SSYC)|SSMU First Year Council]] || SSYC || $0.50 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Black Students' Network (SSBN)|SSMU Black Students' Network]] || SSBN || $0.40 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Mental Health Fee (SSMM)|SSMU Mental Health Fee]] || SSMM || $0.40 |-| class="table-info"|Y || [[#SSMU Musicians' Collective Fee (SSCM)|SSMU Musicians' Collective Fee]] || SSCM || $0.10 |}==Descriptions=====Access McGill (ACCS)===The Access McGill fee is collected by the University to make McGill accessible to students with disabilities. The fee is used to provide the services, equipment and facilities necessary to help make this happen, under the jurisdiction of the Director, Office for Students with Disabilities. This fee does not apply to Macdonald College students or students in the School of Continuing Studies. The fee was first introduced in 1988. Any changes to the fee can only be made following student referendums conducted by both the Post-Graduates’ Student Society (PGSS) and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and must be brought back to a student referendum in Winter 2021. ===Athletics Facilities Improvement (ATHL)===The Athletics & Recreation Facilities Improvement fee is collected by the University to allow for further construction of the McGill athletics facilities. The fee was approved for implementation in Fall 2004 following a student fee referendum held by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). The fee was renewed for an additional five years by student referendum in Spring 2014, and is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus. The McGill Fund Council committed to match student contributions for athletics facilities dollar-for-dollar. ===Athletics and Recreation Fee (ATHF)===The Athletics and Recreation Fee supports programs offered on the downtown and Macdonald campuses. The fee provides access to most athletics facilities, however registration to fitness and recreation courses, intramural sports, pay-as-you go programs and/or the Fitness Centre carry a supplemental charge. Please consult the [ Athletics and Recreation website] for further information. ===Copyright Fee (COPY)===All students in courses and programs are charged a copyright compliance fee. This fee covers the cost of using material protected by copyright. It is levied to comply with all Quebec and Canadian copyright laws. ===Daily Publications Society Fee (DALY)===The McGill Daily, in production for over ninety years, is the only independent student newspaper at McGill University, and is entirely run by volunteers. The McGill Daily is published twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays. This fee, charged to all students except in the School of Continuing Studies, Graduate Medicine and Macdonald campus students, supports its publication. Please visit the McGill Daily's online edition for more information. Any changes to the fee can only be made following student referendums conducted by both the Post-Graduates’ Student Society (PGSS) and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===Engineering Career Centre (EUCC)===This fee is paid by all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering, including the School of Architecture. The McGill Engineering Career Centre (MECC) offers career services for students in Engineering. The Centre helps students find part-time and summer jobs during their studies and full-time permanent employment after graduation. For current events, job listings and other helpful information, see Careers 4 Engineers. This fee was first created in 1998 following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS), and may be renewed every three years. ===Engineering Computing Fee (ENCO)===This fee funds a wide network of computing facilities which supports the use of instructional computers in the Faculty. The fee was implemented in 1996 by the Faculty of Engineering after consultation with student groups for all students in Engineering and the School of Architecture. In 2003 the fee was extended to graduate students in Urban Planning. Students in the School of Urban Planning may be eligible for exemption from the fee if the case where they are off-campus for a given term, with the approval of their department. ===Engineering Design Team Fund (EUDT)===The Design Team Fund Fee was created in 2007 to support undergraduate Engineering Design Teams at McGill. Administered by the Engineering Undergraduate Society, the Design Team Fund Fee is collected from members of the EUS, and distributed to Design Teams, to support their competitive endeavors. By providing additional funding to Design Teams, the Design Team Fund Fee helps ensure the continued success of Engineering Design Teams at national competitions. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Winter 2008 and recently was approved to continue to be levied up to and including Fall 2022. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). ===Engineering Student Space Fund (EUSI)===This opt-outable fee, initiated in 2014, is paid by all undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Engineering, including all students registered in the School of Architecture. The purpose of the fee is to be a sustainable resource for the future to improve, maintain, and create engineering undergraduate student space through capital expenditures. This allows the EUS to take on large projects which could not normally be supported by the operating budget, such as major renovations and the acquisition of space, as well as smaller projects benefiting the quality of student space. The Student Space Fund fee replaces the Space Improvement fee and will be managed by the Student Space Fund Committee of the Engineering Undergraduate Society. The existence of the fee shall be put to referendum once every ten (10) years, and can only be changed following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society. ===Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund (EUGE)===This fee initiated in 1987, is paid by all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering. The purpose of the fee is to provide undergraduate engineering students with lab equipment that is addition to what is normally supplied by the University. The fund is jointly administered by the Faculty and the Engineering Undergraduate Society. This fee can only be changed following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) and is renewable every four years. ===Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUGS)===This fee is charged to all undergraduate engineering students from the Faculty of Engineering, including students from the School of Architecture. The fee covers the costs of running the Engineering Undergraduate Society's operations. The role of the Society is to represent and promote the views of its members, and to implement academic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, social and other programs of interest to engineering students. For the services offered, please visit the EUS page. This fee can only be changed following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). ===Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund (EUSF)===This fee, initiated in 2013, is charged to all undergraduate engineering students from the Faculty of Engineering, including the School of Architecture. The purpose of the fee is to provide undergraduate engineering students with human resources additional to those normally supplied by the University, including but not limited to TA hours, lab technician hours, and funding for staff from the McGill Engineering Student Centre. The fund is administered by the Support Fund Committee, a committee of the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). This fee can only be changed following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society, and will cease after two (2) years, in Winter 2019, unless reinstated by student referendum. ===Engineers Without Borders Fee (EUGC)===The Engineers Without Borders Charity Fee, established in Spring 2009, funds the EWB McGill chapter to create opportunities for the McGill engineering community to learn about development issues and take an active role in creating positive, sustainable change, both through overseas volunteer programs and in-Canada initiatives. Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is an organization working to abolish poverty in developing countries and endeavoring to make Canada act as a beacon for the rest of the world by engaging Canadians to become model global citizens. This fee is applicable to all full-time and part-time students in Engineering on the downtown campus, excluding Architecture. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Fall 2009 and recently was approved to continue to be levied up to and including Fall 2022. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). ===Information Technology Charge (TECH)===The purpose of the Information Technology Charge is to enhance certain technology services provided to students as well as to provide training and support to students in the use of new technology. The charge will range from $7.94 per credit to $119.10 per term (charged on a flat rate basis to full-time students). ===Legal Information Clinic (LAIC)===This fee is charged to support the McGill Legal Information Clinic (MLIC) and is payable by all students, except for Continuing Education students and students on the Macdonald campus. The Clinic is staffed by law students who provide members of the McGill and Montreal communities with legal information and referrals, including on landlord/tenant law, family law, consumer protection and employment law. For McGill students, the Clinic also operates the Student Advocacy Program, which provides assistance in filing grievances or contesting disciplinary proceedings involving the University. In addition, the Clinic offers seminars on a variety of legal topics to any group who requests this service. The Clinic also offers a free Commissioner of Oaths service. For further information see the [ McGill Legal Information Clinic's website]. The fee was first created in 1989 and any changes to the fee can only be made following student referenda conducted by both the Post-Graduates' Student Society (PGSS) and the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===Tribune Publications Society (SSTB)===The McGill Tribune is an independent student-run, non-profit newspaper, publishing since 1981. The McGill Tribune, as an editorially, financially, and legally independent organization is supported by student fees. Students may not opt-out. The fee was approved for implementation as of Fall 2010 when the organization became financially independent from SSMU and will be up for renewal in 2015. ===McGill Writing Centre Fee (WRIT)===The McGill Writing Centre (MWC) is the University's central resource for written communication. The MWC Ancillary Fee provides support for continuation of the Centre's non-credit resources, which include one-to-one individualized tutoring and small-group workshops on a variety of writing genres and topics, and for development of new initiatives both on site and online. For more information, please consult the [ MWC website]. The fee was approved through a SSMU referendum for implementation in Fall 2013, a PGSS referendum for implementation in Winter 2014 and a MACES referendum for implementation in Winter 2015. This non opt-outable fee is charged to all undergraduate students on the downtown campus, all graduate students on both the downtown and Macdonald campuses and students in the School of Continuing Studies taking credit courses in any registered term. The fee will be up for renewal in Spring 2021 (SSMU), Spring 2020 (PGSS) and Spring 2018 (MACES). ===Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIR)===A 1988 referendum established QPIRG on the McGill campus to operate as a student-funded, student-directed research, education and action organization oriented around social and environmental justice issues. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. The objectives of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group at McGill are: to promote and conduct research in the province of Quebec on social and environmental justice issuesto facilitate student participation in public interest research and action, creating linkages between students and the wider Montreal communityto promote and undertake public action and social change, in partnership with community members and through its system of affiliated working groupsAny changes to the fee can only be made following student referendums conducted by both the Post-Graduates’ Student Society (PGSS) and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). To find out more, visit [ Our Campus, Our Community]. ===Radio CKUT (CKUT)===Radio CKUT 90.3 FM is a non-profit campus community radio station owned by its membership and whose programming is provided entirely by volunteers. The station provides alternative music, news and arts & culture programming to the city of Montreal and surrounding areas through its FM broadcast and over the web to the world. A student radio fee has been in existence since January 1986. CKUT was created in 1987 with McGill students supporting CKUT through the payment of this fee. Any changes to the fee can only be made following student referendums conducted by both the Post-Graduates’ Student Society (PGSS) and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). Although students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva, more information on Radio CKUT 90.3 FM be found on [ CKUT's website]. ===Registration Charge (REGN)===All students in courses and programs will be assessed a Registration Charge. The charge will range from $8.13 per credit to $121.95 per term (charged on a flat rate basis to full-time students). ===SSMU Ambassador Fee (SSAM)===The purpose of this fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, is to create a fund to support the participation of groups on campus in extra-curricular and academic competitions and conferences. The funds from this fee will sponsor participation in and travel to these competitions and conferences, with allocations to be decided upon by the SSMU FinanceCommittee. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Fall 2009 and recently was approved to continue to be levied from the Winter 2018 up to and including Winter 2021. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Black Students' Network (SSBN)===The Black Students’ Network Fee is a fee levy that funds the Black Students’ Network. With this fee, the Black Students’ Network will increase its projects and resources for promoting discussions on race on campus, namely through holding events regarding black issues. Additionally, it will help increase the services and events that it provides to the McGill community and the Montreal area at large. This includes, but is not limited to, Children’s Day, Black History Month initiatives, Soul Food Friday lunches, and their numerous discussion panels on race. This fee was approved for implementation in Winter 2015 and will be levied up to and including Winter 2023. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus ($1 for full time students and $0.50 for part-time students). Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Bursary Fund (SSUB)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, exists to provide bursaries to needy McGill students. All funds collected by this fee are matched by alumni dollars. The funds are administered by the [ McGill Student Aid office]located in the Brown Building. Information about student aid is available at the Student Aid site. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This fee will be up for renewal in 2021. ===SSMU Campus Life Fund (SSUC)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, exists to support campus life activities. Funding decisions are made on a regular basis by the SSMU Finance Committee. Projects funded include journals, Engineering design teams, conferences, social events, and other student life on or around campus. Students interested in applying can visit the SSMU front desk for forms, or e-mail the Vice-President (Finance & Operations). Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This fee will be up for renewal in 2019. ===SSMU Club Fund Fee (SSCF)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, exists to ensure a secure source of funding to support student clubs and services that foster student life on campus through the creation of the Club Fund. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This fee, established as of Fall 2016, will be up for renewal in Winter 2021. ===SSMU Daycare Fee (SSMC)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, was created to supplement the childcare services available at the SSMU Daycare. Its primary purpose is to expand Daycare services to children from 18-24 months old, by providing additional staff. The fee also goes to cover some administrative overhead, as well as activities for the children. This fee was approved in Spring 2006 and will be levied for as long as a Daycare service is provided on campus. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU ECOLE Project Fee (SSME)===The SSMU Ecole fee funds the Educational Community Living Environment Project (ECOLE), a living and learning sustainable living project that support applied student research, alternative education, and community building, as well as providing a free space to student and community working groups. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Spring 2015 and will be levied up to and including Winter 2023. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student fee referendum held by the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Equity Fee (SSEQ)===The SSMU Equity Fund was created to empower campus members to engage in initiatives that foster leadership, encourage civic engagement, and make observable and/or measurable differences in the representation or experiences of individuals who are members of historically and currently disadvantaged groups. The fund supports projects, research and policies that aim to end discrimination and promote accessibility and inclusiveness in the McGill community. Any SSMU member who pays this fee is eligible to apply for this fund. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was re-approved in Spring 2016 through a student-fee referendum held by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). The fee will be up for renewal in Winter 2021, and any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the SSMU. ===SSMU First Year Council (SSYC)===The First Year Council Fee is a fee levy that primarily helps fund the SSMU First Year Council. With this fee, the SSMU First Year Council will increase its projects and resources for first year students at McGill University to help them transition into postsecondary life. A portion of the fee is being set aside to create a First Year Fund to give initiative for first year students to get engaged and to get to know a bit more about their community. The fund sponsors initiatives of first year students and groups, as well as events that are primarily catered to the freshmen class. This fee was approved for implementation in Fall 2014 and will be levied up to and including Winter 2020. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Library Fund (SSUL)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, exists to provide additional support to the McGill University Library Network. All funds collected by this fee are matched by alumni dollars. The funds have been used to provide longer operating hours, improve collections, improve study space, computers, as well as to provide student employment. Students interested in making recommendations on how about $500,000 can best be used should contact the SSMU VP (University Affairs) or (514) 398-6797. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This fee will be up for renewal in 2019. ===SSMU Menstrual Hygiene Product (SSHP)===The non-opt-outable SSMU Menstrual Hygiene Product Fee supports the purchase by the SSMU of menstrual hygiene products in bulk and will effectively eliminate the entire cost of those products to its members that would require them during their time at McGill as a member of the SSMU. The fee will also entail the creation of a Health and Hygiene Products fund, which will be directly funded by any surplus monies, to eventually be disbursed for the purchasing of alternative menstrual hygiene products, to be supplied at a subsidized rate or free of charge. This fee was first approved in Winter 2017 and was approved to continue to be levied up to and including Fall 2020. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus. ===SSMU Mental Health Fee (SSMM)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, exists to support student-run mental health initiatives, the annual Mental Health Awareness week, Mental Health Coordinator student staff hours, funding of student staff to coordinate SSMU’s mental health initiatives and advocate for improved University-run services, as well as contribute to creating a Mental Health Fund . Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). This fee, established as of Fall 2016, will be up for renewal in Winter 2021. ===SSMU Midnight Kitchen Fee (SSMK)===The Midnight Kitchen fee supports the serving of pay-what-you-can vegan meals five days a week. They provide a healthy, affordable environmentally sustainable alternative to corporate food services on campus. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Fall 2007 and was approved to continue to be levied from the Winter 2017 up to and including Fall 2021. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus. ===SSMU Musicians' Collective Fee (SSCM)===The SSMU Musicians' Collective Fee supports the volunteer-run organization that provides a public "jam space" within the SSMU building for all registered McGill students to book free of charge. The Musicians' Collective also provides a network of musicians to facilitate music making at all levels, and coordinates and promotes performance opportunities for bands and ensembles. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Winter 2017 and was approved to continue to be levied up to and including Fall 2021. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus. ===SSMU Peer Support Centre (SSPC)===The purpose of this fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, is to create a fund to support the Peer Support Centre, a student run volunteer organization providing free, confidential, drop in or by appointment, one-on-one active listening, resource referral, and mental health support to McGill students. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Winter 2018 and will be levied up to and including Winter 2021. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Referral Services Fee (SSMF)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, was created to fund the operations of certain SSMU services, such as Queer McGill and Nightline. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. This fee was first approved in Spring 2006 and recently was approved to continue to be levied from the Fall 2015 up to and including Winter 2020. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU Safety Network Fee (SSSN)===The Safety Network Fee is a fee levy that helps fund the SSMU safety services which include the McGill Student Emergency Response Team (MSERT), Drivesafe, Walksafe, and the Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students Society (SACOMSS). This fee supports these invaluable services that assist students with their mental and physical wellbeing as well as their general safety both on campus and in the wider McGill community. This fee was approved for implementation in Winter 2016 and will be levied up to and including Winter 2021. The fee is charged to all students at the undergraduate level on the downtown campus.Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===SSMU University Centre Fee (SSMS)===The purpose of this fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, is to create a fund to pay for the lease the Student's Society signed with McGill University for occupying the University Centre. The University Centre has been occupied by the SSMU for over 50 years, and is a central part of student-run life at McGill. The fee is non-opt-outable, and will be indexed at a rate of 5.6%. per year. This fee was first approved and implemented in Fall 2014 and will be charged up to and including Winter 2021. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===TVM: Student Television - SSMU (SSTV)===TVM Student Television is the only student-run film and television production outlet at McGill University. TVM Student Television is dedicated to providing resources and training for the McGill community to gain valuable hands-on experience in media/audio-visual production in order to publicize and promote the interests of the McGill community. The TVM Student Television fee contributes to support the substantial costs associated with acquiring and maintaining adequate equipment for video content production and training. Students may opt-out of this fee on a term-by-term basis during a limited opt-out period via Minerva. The fee was first approved for implementation in Winter 2010 following a student fee referendum held by the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) and was renewed in 2016 for a further five years. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student fee referendum held by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===Student Services Fees (SERV)===Student Services fees are governed by the Senate Committee on the Coordination of Student Services, a parity committee composed equally of students and University staff. Through the Office of the Senior Director, Services for Students, these services, promoting student success and well-being, are available on the Downtown and Macdonald campuses to help students achieve greater academic, physical, and social well-being. These fees are complemented by revenue from the Quebec government, the University, and the generosity of donors. They support: Student Health Services, Psychiatric Services, Counselling Services, Tutorial Services, Chaplaincy, Career Planning Service (CaPS), Scholarships and Student Aid, International Student Services, the Office for Students with Disabilities, Campus Life & Engagement (including assistance for Francophone students), and the First Peoples' House. ===Student Society of McGill University (SSMU)===This fee, charged to all undergraduate downtown campus students, is the main operating fee of the SSMU. It includes all the funding for clubs, services, membership in the lobbying groups of la FEUQ and the SSMU offices. Also included are fees associated with some of SSMU’s larger services: the Sexual Assault Centre (0.75$), the safety network (0.50$) and McGill Nightline (0.25$). The society base fee is pegged to inflation, determined in April of each year. The Society Base Fee is assessed by semester according to the faculty in which you are registered as follows: Regular (“A”) Faculties are: Arts, Education, Engineering (B. Eng & B.Sc. Arch), Music, Management, Nursing, PT & OT, and Science; Professional (“B”) Faculties are: Law, Religious Studies, Dentistry, and Medicine; For more information please visit the [ SSMU website]. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). ===Sustainable Projects Fund (SUST)===The purpose of this fee, charged to all undergraduate and graduate students, is to create a fund to support new environmentally sustainable projects that will benefit the McGill community. The funds from this fee will be available to all members of the McGill community upon approval of a project proposal, and will be managed by a parity committee made up of students and administrators. This fee in non-optoutable and all student contributions to the fund are matched by McGill University. This fee was re-approved in 2017/18 and will continue to be levied up to and including Winter 2023. Any changes to the fee can only be made following a student referendum conducted by the Students Society of McGill University (SSMU), the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) and the Macdonald Campus Students’ Society (MCSS). ===Transcripts and Diploma Charge (TRSD)===The University charges a Transcripts and Diploma Charge to all students. This entitles students to order transcripts free of charge and covers the costs of producing diplomas and some of the costs associated with the Convocation ceremony. Students who attend the Convocation may be responsible for some additional costs. The charge will range from $1.45 per credit to $21.75 per term per term(charged on a flat rate basis to full-time students). ===World University Services of Canada (WUSC)===The World University Services of Canada fee is dedicated to sponsoring refugee students to study at McGill for a year under a program organized by the local committee of the World University Service of Canada. The fund is administered under an agreement between the McGill local committee of WUSC, the Students’ Society, and the University. The fees go towards a scholarship fund called the McGill Students’ Pilkington Scholarship Fund. This fee, charged to all undergraduate and graduate downtown campus students, can only be changed following student referendums held by both the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) and must be brought back to a student referendum in Winter 2021. =Engineering Specific Fees=Several of the fees you can find on your McGill bill are specific to Engineering students, meaning only Engineering students pay these fees. Engineering specific fees generally go towards initiatives supporting Engineering students. The Engineering specific fees are * Engineering Computing Fee* Engineering Career Centre Fee* Engineering Design Team Fund Fee* Clubs Fund Fee* Engineering Equipment Fund Fee* Engineering Undergraduate Society Fee* Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund Fee* Student Space Fund Fee ==Fee Renewal [WIP]==These fees must be renewed on a regular basis by referendum, in most cases the EUS president is responsible for initiating the fee referendum. The below table summarizes the renewal periods for the Engineering specific fees. {| class="wikitable sortable alternating collapsible"! Fee !! Renewal Period !! Last Renewed !! Next Renewal Date|-| [[#Engineering Career Centre (EUCC)|Engineering Career Centre]] || 3 Years || Winter 2021 || Winter 2024 |-| [[#Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund (EUGE)|Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund]] || 4 Years || Winter 2021 || Winter 2025 |-| [[#Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund (EUSF)|Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund]] || 2 Years || Winter 2021 || Winter 2023 |-| [[#Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUGS)|Engineering Undergraduate Society]] || Perpetual || N/A || N/A|-| [[#Engineering Student Space Fund (EUSI)|Engineering Student Space Fund]] || ? || ? || ? |-| [[#Engineering Design Team Fund (EUDT)|Engineering Design Team Fund]] || 5 Years || ? || ? |-|}
[[Category:Annual Tracking]]