Andrew moved page Memorandum of Agreement to Memorandum of Agreement 2018-2023
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The Memorandum of Agreement is the legal document that describe how the EUS can operate within McGill. It covers everything from the spaces we rent to the permitted publications, who can use the McGill name, and more. It is renewed every 5 years, most recently renewed in 2018; next negotiations will begin in 2023. If you have any questions regarding the MoA, feel free to contact the [[Board of Governors]] at [mailto:board@mcgilleus.ca board@mcgilleus.ca].
'''WHEREAS''' a referendum of members of the Association approved the collection of fees for its operating expenses and the support of its activities;
'''WHEREAS''' on December 18, 2002, the Association was accredited under the '''''Loi sur l’accréditation et le financement des associations d’élèves ou d’étudiants''' [http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/A-3.01 (L.R.Q. chapitre A-3.01)]'' as '''l’Association des d’étudiants et étudiantes en génie de l’Université McGill de premier cycle (Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University)''';
'''WHEREAS''' the Association was incorporated on April 6, 1990 by Letters Patent issued pursuant to '''Part III of the Companies Act (Quebec)''''' [http://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/C-38 (L.R.Q., chapitre C-38)]''''' [ NEQ 1144071959 ]'''; and
'''WHEREAS''' the University and the Association entered into a memorandum of agreement for a term beginning on June 1, 2013 and ending on May 31, 2018, and now wish to enter into a new agreement in replacement of the previous agreement;
:{{hanging indent|text=1.1. The University shall collect in each of the fall and winter sessions during the term of the present Agreement all [[fees ]] from engineering students duly registered at the University, such fees (the "Association Fees") to be used by the Association for its operating expenses and the support of the Association. The current Association Fee Schedule appears as '''[[MoA#APPENDIX A|Appendix A]]'''XXX hereto. The Association represents all undergraduate engineering students from the Faculty of Engineering, including undergraduate students from the School of Architecture.}}
:{{hanging indent|text=1.2. The Association Fees shall be included in the total student fee assessed by the University in respect of students and all University regulations pertaining to the assessment and collection of fees shall apply thereto.}}
:{{hanging indent|text=1.6. No adjustments to the Association Fees shall be applied, collected or distributed by the University unless they are consistent with all University procedures and regulations pertaining to the assessment, collection and distribution of fees, and the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) has confirmed in writing that the formalities required by the Association’s constitution for fee adjustments, by the University and by applicable law have been followed.}}
:{{hanging indent|text=1.7. All requests for new fees or fee changes must be sent in writing to the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) by '''April 1''' for implementation in the Fall term and by '''November 20''' for implementation in the Winter term.<br>As soon as possible, but no later than three (3) calendar weeks prior to the deadline for submission of a question for a [[referendum]], the Association shall provide the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) with a copy of the proposed question, and the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) shall reply within one (1) calendar week of receipt of the referendum question. If the University has any concerns, the parties shall resolve the matter to their mutual satisfaction. In the event the University has continued concerns, the Association shall modify or withdraw the question. }}
::{{hanging indent|text=2.1.2. Provision of regular lists on the Association's membership on a scheduled basis; weekly in August/September and monthly the remaining months.}}
::The Association shall request security access at the beginning of their mandate to access Minerva reports. The [[President|President of the Association ]] must authorize all requests for access, and should the [[President ]] require access, then two vice-presidents of the Association must authorize his/her request. Security authorization to Minerva reports shall terminate each year on June 15th. Employees of the Association who have been given access may keep their access upon confirmation by the current year’s President.
:{{hanging indent|text=2.2. Should the Association require any other lists, data sets or any other type of information on their membership or its trust fund statements not already provided for in article 2.1 above or elsewhere in this Memorandum of Agreement, the University shall give effect to the request to the extent allowed by law and subject to the payment of an appropriate fee, and upon reasonable prior notice of at least three (3) calendar weeks sent to the Director, Student Accounts Office. This fee will be identified prior to fulfilling the request. The University is subject to the provisions of the [http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/A-2.1 '''''Québec Act Respecting Access to Documents held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information''''' ] and therefore reserves the right to refuse to give effect to a request.}}
:{{hanging indent|text=2.3. Notwithstanding article 2.1, should any programming changes be required to be performed by the University's Network Communications Services (“NCS”) at the request of the Association, the University reserves the right to charge the Association the established hourly rate for the work to be performed.}}
:The Association may apply to the University from time to time for loans and grants in aid of activities or projects, the granting of which shall be in the sole discretion of the University.
:::{{hanging indent|text=(i) Each of the Groups shall identify themselves, in all their representations, as a group of the Association using the form}}
::::''A [e.g. club, service, activity] of the EUS (Engineering Students’ Society)” an undergraduate students’ association at McGill University”''
::::''Or ''
::::''“Operated by the EUS (Engineering Students’ Society), an undergraduate students’ association at McGill University.” ''
:::{{hanging indent|text=(ii) Groups wishing to use the McGill name shall register the name and a description of the Group’s activities with the Office of Student Life and Learning using the provided web form found on the Student Associations section of the McGill Student Life and Learning website.}}
<center>'''Association Fee Schedule in accordance with Article 1 of this Agreement'''</center>
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="2"|EUS Fees Description!!Fee!!Comments
<center>'''Annual Administrative Fee Schedule<br>in accordance with Article 2 of this Agreement'''
'''Administrative Fee'''
:The Publications may be distributed in specified locations on the Montreal campus in the following buildings:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! McConnell Engineering !! | Ground Floor
! Macdonald Engineering
| Rooms 2, 2A for the EUS General Store || || (268.2 sqft)
| Room 6 for Copi EUS || || || || (560.2 sqft)
| Room 1A for Frostbite || || || || (165.1 sqft)
:{{hanging indent|text='''A. ''' The revenue-generating activities shall respect any University-wide agreements. The Association may not sell computers or computer supplies, new books, beer, wine or liquor.}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''B. ''' Revenue generating activities will respect applicable laws and health codes, and as a matter of principle should not directly compete with University food providers housed in the same building,}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''C. ''' The Association may not contract for the management of these activities to a third party (including any other student association) without the prior express consent of the University unless the third party is wholly owned and controlled by the Association;}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''D. ''' The Association shall not enter into any contracts related to the activities whose term is longer than the term of this present Agreement; }}
:{{hanging indent|text='''E. ''' The Association must receive the University’s prior written approval for changes in the use of University space for these revenue-generating activities; which shall not be unreasonably withheld.}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''F. ''' The Association shall conform to }}
::i) all federal and provincial laws and regulations.
::ii) municipal rules and regulations,
::iv) all applicable university regulations and policies which apply to the use of the buildings;
:{{hanging indent|text='''F. ''' The Association shall undertake no alternation to the premises without the express consent of the University and shall affix no new signs; }}
:{{hanging indent|text='''G. ''' All costs related to, or any municipal fees or taxes that become due as a result of the operation of the revenue generating activities shall be the sole responsibility of the Association.}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''I. ''' Any additional space allocated to the Association is granted at the discretion of the University on a year-to-year basis. Such space may be re-allocated by the University at any time and at its entire discretion. Permission to use the space in any subsequent year may not be assumed. The University shall provide the Association notice of non-renewal in writing no later than March 1st, thereby ensuring that the Association shall receive at least three (3) months prior notice of non-renewal. The Association shall assume all costs related to the move of their club from the space. }}
'''The Association shall pay the following for the use of space for revenue generating activities:'''
| 2022-2023 || 993.5 || $18.55/sq.ft || $18,429.43
<center>'''University space and/or facilities granted to the<br> Association in accordance with Article 15 '''</center>
:{{hanging indent|text='''A. ''' In accordance with article 15.1, the University grants the Association the following rooms at no charge. The rooms shall constitute an office from which to conduct its activities and shall constitute the Association's principal premises.
::::Rooms 7, 7A, 7B, 7C of McConnell Engineering Bldg.
::In accordance with article 15.2, the University further grants to the Association the use of the following University space and/or facilities in the McConnell Engineering Building at no charge for the term of this Agreement and for the stated purpose:}}
::::Room 5 - Infoys ::::Room 8 - Committee Room ::::Room 9 - Info System ::::Room 021, 023 - Clubs Hub/McGill Engineering Design Network (MEDN)::::Room 026, 028 - Sports/Dark Room::::Rooms 029, 030, 031, 032, 032A- Common/Council Rooms
:{{hanging indent|text='''B. ''' Any additional space allocated to the Association is granted at the discretion of the University on a year-to-year basis. Such space may be re-allocated by the University at any time and at its entire discretion. Permission to use the space in any subsequent year may not be assumed. The University shall provide the Association notice of non-renewal in writing no later than March 1st, thereby ensuring that the Association shall receive at least three (3) months prior notice of non-renewal. The Association shall assume all costs related to the move of their club from the space. }}
:{{hanging indent|text='''C. ''' The Association must receive the University’s prior written approval from the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) for any changes in the use of University space and/or facilities. }}
:{{hanging indent|text='''D. ''' The University must give reasonable notice of any renovations or changes that would prevent the Association’s use of University space and/or facilities noted in Appendix F.}}
:{{hanging indent|text='''E. ''' The Association shall use the designated premises exclusively by the Association and only for the stated purposes, and the premises may not be used or rented out. }}
:{{hanging indent|text='''F. ''' All costs related to, or any municipal fees or taxes that become due as a result of the operation of the Association’s activities shall be the sole responsibility of the Association.}}
[[Category:Other Documents]]